mystery of yawning
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mise à jour du
10 juillet 2011
J Bodyw Mov Ther
Pandiculation: Nature's way of maintaining the functional integrity of the myofascial system?

Luiz Fernando Bertolucci



Pandiculation is the involuntary stretching of the soft tissues, which occurs in most animal species and is associated with transitions between cyclic biological behaviors, especially the sleep-wake rhythm (Walusinski, 2006). Yawning is considered a special case of pandiculation that affects the musculature of the mouth, respiratory system and upper spine (Baenninger, 1997). When, as often happens, yawning occurs simultaneously with pandiculation in other body regions (Bertolini and Gessa, 1981; Lehmann, 1979; Urba-Holmgren et al., 1977) the combined behavior is referred to as the stretch-yawning syndrome (SYS).
SYS has been associated with the arousal function, as it seems to reset the central nervous system to the waking state after a period of sleep and prepare the animal to respond to environmental stimuli (Walusinski, 2006). This paper explores the hypothesis that the SYS might also have an auto-regulatory role regarding the locomotor system: to maintain the animal's ability to express coordinated and integrated movement by regularly restoring and resetting the structural and functional equilibrium of the myofascial system. It is now recognized that the myofascial system is integrative, linking body parts, as the force of a muscle is transmitted via the fascial structures well beyond the tendonous attachments of the muscle itself (Huijing and Jaspers, 2005).
It is argued here that pandiculation might preserve the integrative role of the myofascial system by (a) developing and maintaining appropriate physiological fascial interconnections and (b) modulating the pre-stress state of the myofascial system by regularly activating the tonic musculature. The ideas presented here initially arose from clinical observations during the practice of a manual therapy called Muscular Repositioning (MR) (Bertolucci, 2008; Bertolucci and Kozasa, 2010a; Bertolucci, 2010b). These observations were supplemented by a review of the literature on the subject. A possible link between MR and SYS is presented: The neural reflexes characteristically evoked through MR are reminiscent of SYS, which both suggests that MR might stimulate parts of the SYS reaction, and also points to one of MR's possible mechanisms of action.
Yawning for an auto-regulatory role regarding the locomotor system
For Bertolucci, "pandiculation seems to be elicited by complex array or sequence of stimuli, which might include both exteroceptive signals (eg. light-darkness) and interoceptive ones (eg.,circadian endocrine cycles and somatic interoception). Yawning is a series of coordinated actions that unfold sequentially, building up soft tissue contractile tension to a peak, at which point the joints of the limbs and trunk are maximally extended e or, alternatively, the trunk is arched in flexion. After the peak, the soft tissue tension level plummets, yielding a sense of pleasure and well-being. The actions can be regional or involve the whole body, and are often bilaterally symmetrical".
Le système musculo-squelettique est en constant remodelage en fonction des contraintes mécaniques qu'il subit. Ainsi, l'immobilisation prolongée entraîne une fonte musculaire et une déminéralisation du squelette. Bertolucci argues that "pandiculation with its specific and vigorous muscle activity, might be a means to compensate for the mechanical signals delivered by rest periods and sub-optimal movements".
Yawning might be considered a feedback from stiffness, and possibly be triggered by extended periods of immobility in asymmetrical positions. If the body tends to stiffen, pandiculation "can serve to restore the limb (and related musculature) to an original (homeostatic) state". [...] " The patterns of pandiculation are automatic. Through intense and involuntary deep muscle cocontractions, the soft tissues actively elongate themselves against the bony structures as the joints are stiffened. Each movement within the pattern emerges in sequence, apparently from the recruitment of a mosaic of reflexes, the sequence of which can neither be anticipated nor purposely performed. Just as a spontaneous yawn feels quite different from a deliberate imitation of one, spontaneous pandiculation feels quite different from a voluntary pandiculation-like stretch. Because the voluntary and emotional motor systems have discrete neural pathways, pandiculation's distinctive internal sensations might be attributable to the motor unit recruitment sequences dedicated to automatic movement patterns". [...]
The importance of stretching to the maintenance of musculoskeletal health is well-known. In humans, each of the myriad of physical fitness regimens that include stretching has its own rationale; and although all muscle groups should be stretched, different regimens address particular problems and are intended to compensate for various patterns of muscle shortness or consequent joint mobility restriction. But how do animals in the wild maintain musculoskeletal health? They perform no voluntary stretching and still maintain their motor capabilities". [...]
The mechanical balance between hard and soft tissues dictates stress distribution, which plays a key role in cell shape and metabolism. In pandiculation, the intense mechanical stimuli produced by forceful co-contraction of antagonist muscle groups might serve as appropriate organizing signals to the cells and tissues by re-optimizing the mechanical conditions of their environment". Pandiculation "might be a biological compensation for periods of immobility and/or vicious body positions, restoring the animal's mobility by breaking up abnormal muscles metabolism cross-links formed by inactivity or suboptimal activity". [...]
"Perhaps the vigorous co-contractions of pandiculation systematically reshape the structural linkage among segments and simultaneously signal the cells (via mechanotransduction) to synthesize the cellular muscles components required to maintain the appropriate environment. If so, pandiculation might help restore optimal musculoskeletal arrangements, and thus optimize motor capabilities".