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16 janvier 2011
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The first complete and authoritative book on yawning
Programme et horaires pdf   
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Première conférence internationale sur le bâillement
First International Conference on Yawning
Paris 24 - 25 juin 2010
Galerie des Photos de FICY
Libération 30 mars 2010
Le Point 24 juin 2010
The Times of London 25 juin 2010
Der Spiegel 26 juin 2010
Perfil de Buenos Aeres 20 juin 2010
Frankfurter Allgemeine 20 juin 2010
PM-Magazine Juli 2010
Direct Matin - Le Monde 8 juillet 2010
Le Monde Mardi 29 juin 2010
Le Monde Magazine samedi 3 juillet 2010
Geo en Allemgane juin 2010
Agence Reuters 28/04/2010 et sur le site

Pourquoi bâille-t-on ?
envoyé par BFMTV. - L'info internationale vidéo.

BFM TV 25 juin 2010

Le magazine de la santé France 5 17 juin 2010
Pasacal Bourdin RMC 25 juin 2010
MicroMéga RFI 20 juin 2010
Europe 1 - Laurent Cabrol 18 juillet 2010
Warum wir gähnen ? Neues von der Chasmologie Von Marcus Schwandner SWR.de PDF
Europe N°1 du 17 août 2010 

Review in the Journal "Primates" pdf 
by Akiehika Mikami
As seen in the chapters of this book, yawning has many aspects and it is very complex. We need to try various approaches to study yawing. I will suggest several points for future research on yawning. Yawning can be seen in all vertebrates and can be seen at the gestational age. Neural structures involved in yawning may be subcortical systems including the hypothalamus. Thus, yawning is phylogenetically and ontogenetically old behavior. However, in this book, direct comparison of yawning behavior among vertebrates is missing. I believe that it is important to study primitive vertebrates, for example reptiles. The primitive vertebrates could be a good target to study the core neural structures and the original function of yawning. It is necessary to clarify the common parts and difference of yawning behavior in lower and higher vertebrates. The correlation with sleep or sleepiness may be evident in human subjects but this kind of correlation must be tested in lower animals also. In higher animals, higher brain functions or cortical functions can be combined with the core function of yawning. It is also necessary to compare yawning behavior across species in higher animals. Contagious yawning is one possible phenomenon that appeared as a result of such integration. For this purpose, as Campbell and de Waal suggested, we need to pay attention to standardizing methods to enable comparison of different studies. To study brain functions in human subjects, it is necessary to conduct imaging studies during yawning behavior. Imaging studies using MRI, PET, or MEG are not suitable for this purpose. We should try other methods, for example EEG, MRS, or SPECT for this purpose. Anyway, this book is standing at the entrance of these studies and is a good book for gaining insight for future studies of yawning.
Review in the National Medical Journal of India
The Mystery of Yawning in Physiology and Disease
Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience tome 28
Karger, Basel 2010
Review in the Journal "Primates" by Akiehika Mikami pdf
 Review in the Natioanl Medical Journal of India pdf