Physician, Brou, France - webmaster
Le bâillement est
un comportement physiologique. Il a donc sa
propre pathologie. Si son absence n'émeut
pas, mais peut s'associer à une maladie
de Parkinson ou un trouble du
développement foetal du
diencéphale et du tronc
Son déroulement
incomplet provoque et témoigne
Son excès, c'est
à dire des salves de bâillements
pluri-journellement, est une gêne physique
et sociale. Le plus souvent d'origine
iatrogène, cet excès peut
révéler de multiples pathologies
neurologiques ou endocriniennes.
Mais le plus
extraordinaire, est, qu'à
côté de sa physiologie ou de sa
pathologie propre, le bâillement
possède l'unique caractéristique
d'être thérapeutique (affections
ORL) ou déclencheur de pathologies (ex:
luxation mandibulaire).
The yawn is a physiological behavior. Thus it
has its own pathology. If its absence does not
seem a discomfort, its incomplete progress
provokes and testifies of anhedonia. Its excess,
that is repeated salvoes of yawns daily, is a
physical and social embarrassment. Mostly of
iatrogenic origin, this excess can reveal
multiple neurological or endocrine pathologies.
But the most extraordinary, are, that next to
its physiology and to its onw pathology, the
yawn possesses the unique characteristic to be
therapeutic (eustachian tube) or release
mechanism of pathologies (mandible dislocation).
All the movements that a
newborn is able to produce originated during
fetal life and are performed throughout the life
span. As an example, F.
Giganti and P. Salzarulo
explain that yawning is a behavior beginning in
the first epochs of life. Their chapter examines
frequency and time course changes of spontaneous
yawning across the life span, taking into
account hypotheses about its function and its
role. In recent years, there have been dramatic
technical advances in diagnostic sonography.
This procedure has become essential to the
modern management of pregnancy.
Fetal motility is
considered to reflect the developing nervous
system but also involves functional and
maturational properties of fetal hemodynamics
and the fetal muscular system. Yawning is
recognizable in ultrasound images from the 14th
week of pregnancy, and like the appearance of
oromandibular movements and swallowing, it
signals functional maturation of the brainstem
and basal ganglia. We hope to underscore the
importance of fetal yawning with this chapter
and depict how disturbances over time can lead
to precocious diagnosis of disharmonious
brainstem maturation.