Yawning is a physiological behavior, an
emotional stereotypy that indicates the
homeostatic process of the mechanisms
regulating rhythms such as sleeping-waking,
hunger-satiety or mating-relaxation,
generated by the diencephalon. As with all
physiological behaviors, its deregulation
reveals disorders. However, a property unique
to yawning, which is nevertheless
physiological, is its ability to trigger
certain disorders, and conversely, to cure
others !
Frustration due to an incomplete or
inharmonious development of a yawn is a
frequent complaint. Yawning is a stretching
of respiratory muscles and muscles of the
face, and is sometimes associated with a
generalized muscular stretching of the trunk
and limbs. The yawner perceives differences
in muscle tonus, a veritable and conscious
extraction of the progress of the phenomenon,
of its stimulus and its contextual valence,
through interoceptive pathways (projections
by the lateral spinothalamic tract onto the
insular cortex), leading to a hedonistic
perception. The dissatisfaction felt seems to
be linked to an unconscious inhibition of the
"letting go" that underlies a complete yawn.
Therapeutic interventions for anxiety states
or for insomnia, such as relaxation or
sophrology, do in fact use the control of
yawning as a means of relaxation or an
anti-stress aid, a veritable proprioceptive
rehabilitation of the body scheme (Craig,
2003; Craig, 2009).
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