Dimanche 1er avril 2007
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Puppy behaviours when
left home alone:
a pilot study
Frank D, Minero M, Cannas S,
Palestrini C
Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Université de Montréal,
Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Canada
Istituto di Zootecnica, Facoltà di Medicina
Milano, Italy  
Induced grooming transitions and open field behaviour differ in high- and low-yawning sublines of Sprague-Dawley rats
Moyaho A et al
Animal Behavior
Grooming and yawning trace adjustment to unfamiliar environments in laboratory Sprague-Dawley rats
Moyaho A, Valencia J
J Comparative Psychology
Adrenalectomy and dexamethasone replacement on yawning behavior
Anias-Calderon J et al
Behav Brain Res
Effects of stress on drug induced yawning
Tufik S et al
Physiology & behavior
Effects of outdoor housing on self-injurious and stereotypic behavior in adult male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Fontenot MB, Wilkes MN, Lynch CS.
J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci.
The effects of fluoxetine and buspirone on self-injurious and stereotypic behavior in adult male rhesus macaques
Fontenot MB, Padgett EE et al.
Comp Med
Extinction deficits in male rhesus macaques with a history of self-injurious behavior
Lutz C, Tiefenbacher S, Meyer J, Novak M.
Am J Primatol
Displacement activities and arousal
Delius JD
Inhibition of social behavior in chimpanzees under high-density conditions
Aureli F, de Waal FB
Am J Primatol
1997;41(3): 213-228
The physiology and neurochemistry of self-injurious behavior: a nonhuman primate model.
Tiefenbacher S, Novak MA, et al.
Front Biosci.

Yawning: a stress's symptom ?
Anxiety-related disorders and separation anxiety are among the most common behavioural problems in domestic dogs. Separation anxiety is diagnosed in 20&endash;40% of dogs referred to animal behaviour practices. Problems that occur when the owner is absent represent one of the principal causes for the breakdown of the human&endash;companion animal bond and lead to surrender of numerous dogs to shelter.
The most common complaints are destructive behaviour directed at the home, self inflicted-trauma, inappropriate elimination, and excessive vocalisation (whining, barking, or howling) only in the owner's absence.
This information to gain a more comprehensive understanding of developmental aspects of social behaviour as well as social influences on behavioural phenotype appears necessary. No detailed study has been published that included filmed observations of the behaviour of puppies home alone.
The aim of this exploratory pilot study was to investigate which behaviours puppies exhibited when left home alone within the initial weeks (0&endash;11 weeks) following adoption, as well as describing variability and temporal distribution of these behaviours.
Analysis of behaviours on tape showed that puppies did not behave homogeneously but rather separated into three distinct groups. Puppies were clustered based on behaviours such as
  1. playing and exploring or
  2. exhibiting passive behaviours or
  3. presenting lip licking, yawning, scratching, orienting to the environment and vocalising.
An ethological interpretation of stereotypy induced by environmental stimulus
Beckmann H, Zimmer R Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr 1981; 230; 1; 81-!9
Le bâillement : expression d'un état de stress ?
Des troubles anxieux et la peur de la séparation du maître sont deux des troubles comportementaux les plus fréquents chez le chien. Les vétérinaires retrouvent une fréquence de 20 à 40% de chiens souffrant d'anxiété de séparation. Les difficultés se développent quand le maître s'absente et sont la première cause de rupture de l'attachement de l'animal à son maître. Dans ce type de situation, les chiens ont tendance à se blottir sous un abri "protecteur".
Les plaintes les plus fréquemment rapportées par les maîtres sont les dégradations de la maison, des auto-mutilations de l'animal, des déjections non contrôllées, des aboiements, des pleurs survenant uniquement pendant les absences.
Améliorer les connaissances sur ces comportements et leur genèse évolutive apparaît donc comme nécessaire. Aucune publication sicentifique n'avait, jusque-là, rapporté le comportement de chiots, laissés seuls, grâce à une surveillance par un système vidéo.
Le but de cette expérimentation pilote était de déterminer quels comportements avaient des chiots, laissés seuls, dans une habitation après une période d'adoption de 0 à 11 semaines. L'étude inclue également la temporalité et le contexte des comportements.
L'analyse des films réalisés montre que les chiots n'ont pas un seul comportement spécifique mais qu'on peut établir une classification en trois groupes de comportements, à savoir:
  1. jouer et explorer l'environnement
  2. rester passif
  3. se lêcher les babines, bâiller, se gratter, émettre des vocalises
Effects of ACTH(1-24) and ACTH/MSH(4-10) on isolation-induced distress vocalization in domestic chicks
Panksepp J, Normansell L. Peptides. 1990;11(5):915-19
Social anxiety, relationships and self-directed behaviour among wild female olive baboons
Castles DL, Whiten A, Aureli F. Anim Behav. 1999 Dec;58(6):1207-1215
The behaviour of laboratory colony cats and their reactions to a familiar and unfamiliar person
Podberscek AL, Blackshaw JK, Beattie AW Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1991;31(1-2):119-130
Behavioural, saliva cortisol and heart rate responses to different types of stimuli in dogs
Beerda B, Schilder M, van Hooff J, de Vries H, Mol J. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1998;58(3-4):365-38
Evaluation of the effects of a socialization program in a prison on behavior and pituitary-adrenal hormone levels of shelter dogs
Hennessy M, Morris A, Linden F. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2006;99(1-2):157-171

Bad Medicine
Doctors Doing Harm since Hippocrates
David Wootton
David Wootton is Professor of History
at the University of York.
"Mon docteur est un bon docteur, il ne m'a pas rendu plus malade que je n'étais"
"My doctor is a good doctor, he did not make me more sick than I was"
Willem Hussen 1900-1974

basd medicine

The history of medicine begins with Hippocrates in the fifth century BC. Yet until the invention of antibiotics in the 1930s, physicians, in general, did their patients more harm than good.
David Wootton argues that for more than 2300 years physicians have relied on their patients' misplaced faith in their ability to cure. Over and over again major discoveries which could save lives were met with professional resistance.
And this is not just a phenomenon of the distant past. The first patient effectively treated with penicillin was in the 1880s; the second not until the 1940s. There was overwhelming evidence that smoking caused lung cancer in the 1950s...
Nevertheless, D. Wootton seems to forget that the first medicine is the physician himself. The empathy already existed before Hippocrate and has ever eased the diseases.
David Wootom montre toutes les misères endurées, au cours des siècles, par les malades, hélas souvent à cause des médecins, si souvent réticents et lents à intégrer le progrès des sciences expériementales dans leur pratique.
Il semble, néanmoins, oublier que le premier médicament est le médecin lui-même. L'empathie existait déjà avant Hippocrate et a toujours adouci les maux.

Is this an instance of
interspecies contagion?


Penguin's pandiculation
Adelie Penguins employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual. Penguin couples face off and the males engage in what is described as an "ecstatic display," their beaks open wide and their faces pointed skyward. This trait has also been seen among Emperor Penguins.

Oeuvres complètes de
Delphine de Girardin
Le Vicomte de Launay

vicomte de launay

Mise en ordre et publiée par Vicq d'Azyr
L'Encyclopédie méthodique est une entreprise de longue durée, demi-séculaire, puisqu'elle s'étend de 1782 à 1832, pour aboutir à un monument de 210 volumes in-4°, 157 de texte sur deux colonnes et 53 de planches.
L'éditeur C. Panckoucke projetait de faire réécrire l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert, à une plus grande échelle en l'augmentant de toutes le connaissances de l'époque par les meilleurs auteurs.
This is the Ultimate Encyclopedia and the largest of all great Encyclopedias and the most important work published during the French Enlightement. (1782-1832).
The Encyclopédie méthodique was a reworking of the famous Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert, but on a much larger scale, with important additions by the best minds of the day. The publisher Panckoucke called the work "un superbe ouvrage et la vraie Encyclopédie"; it was to be "a book that would make Diderot's work pale into insignificance, that would encompass all of human knowledge"...

vicq d azir

Le site
dans l'actualité

L'institut de cognitique s'intéresse au bâillement !
El Rotativo San Pablo (Spain) pdf
Talking with beasts: human and animal languages
Professor Keith Kendrick Gresham College
"Perhaps it is useful to consider one of the strangest displays that can be seen in many different mammalian species &endash; "yawning". The purpose of yawning has been the subject of intense speculation by a small group of scientists and I receive monthly e-mail bulletins from a French-based society dedicated to this subject ( This is indeed a curious behavioural display and is a beautiful example of an involuntary expression that is pleasurable and that we, as humans, use voluntarily to deliberately communicate boredom. It is also highly infectious with yawning, perhaps even more than smiling, being likely to induce the same display in others that see you doing it. Recent brain imaging studies have even suggested that observed activation in the temporal lobe during perception of yawning may actually be directly triggering "imitation" of this behaviour."
A Complex, Contagious, Evolutionary Habit
A. Shalini, S. Sreedharan Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore

Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

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Résultats du sondage
 au 31 mars 2007
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avec l'aide de FreeFind

Nombre de questionnaires remplis : 2431
Combien de fois bâillez-vous par jour ? <5 = 24,7%.. 5-10 = 25,4%.. 10-15 = 15.4%.. 15-20 = 9,3%.. >20 = 25,3%
Ressentez-vous des baillements excessifs ?
64,4% = non, tant mieux
29,2% = oui et je ne sais pas pouquoi
7,7% = oui et je prends des antidépresseurs
1% = oui et je prends des anti-épileptiques
4,9% = oui et je prends d'autres médicaments
2,6% = oui et j 'ai des troubles neurologiques
2,2% = oui et j 'ai des troubles hormonaux
2,2% = oui et j 'ai des tics moteurs
1,8% = oui et j 'ai des tocs
déclenchez-vous facilement le bâillement d'autrui ? 75,4%
êtes-vous sensible au bâillement d'autrui ? 72,8%
Lyall Watson
"Si notre cerveau état simple, nous serions encore moins capables de tenter de le comprendre
If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't."
écrits et réalisés par
le Dr Walusinski
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