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Dr O Walusinski
Vendredi 1 avril 2005
la lettre d'information du site N°38
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Concept and design :
Ineke Verkuylen, Eindhoven (NL)
OSCITAX® and oscitocine® are unregistered trademarks of
W. Seuntjens
Yawn Research and Yawn Technology Ltd.
The research were not sponsored in any way by pharmaceutical companies.
OSCITAX® and oscitocine® sont des marques non-enregistrées du service de recherche de
W. Seuntjens
Yawn Research and Yawn Technology Ltd.
Cette recherche ne bénéficie, en aucun cas, de financement de la part de l'industrie pharmaceutique.

Could we live happily ever after ? Perhaps. One's interest in the genetically pre-programmed states of sublimity sketched in "The Hedonistic Imperative" is tempered by the knowledge that one is unlikely to be around to enjoy them.
There's clearly a strong causal link between the raw biological capacity to experience happiness and the extent to which one's life is felt to be worthwhile. High-minded philosophy treatises should complicate but not confuse the primacy of the pleasure-pain axis. So one very practical method of life-enrichment consists in chemically engineering happier brains for all in the here-and-now. Yet how can this best be done ? Try Oscitax !
The effective substance is Oscitocine® belongs to the group of yawn inducers - yawn inhibitors (to be frank, it is the only member of this group). How exactly Oscitocine® works nobody knows, but that goes for a great number of medicines !
(in many cases the words of Voltaire still apply : "Les médecins administrent des médicaments dont ils savent très peu, à des malades dont ils savent moins, pour guérir des maladies dont ils ne savent rien").
OSCITAX® is indicated for people who
- at unexpected and socially awkward moments get an irresistible urge to yawn.
- at the right moments cannot yawn.
You do not need this medicine if you can yawn spontaneously at the right moments and can repress your urge to yawn at socially awkward moments !
Pourrions nous connaître, en permanence, la plus radieuse des félicités ? Pourquoi pas. L'intérêt porté au système de récompense, tel qu'il est esquissé dans "La Tyrannie Hédoniste", indique que son existence biologique doit plus aux nécessités de la survie que pour simplement en jouir.
Il existe manifestement un puissant lien de causalité entre la capacité biologique naturelle à éprouver du plaisir et la capacité d'un être à ressentir la vie comme valant d'être vécue.
Les traités philosophiques de haute tenue tendent à obscurcir cette réflexion mais ne nient pas la primauté dans la balance existentielle du couple plaisir - douleur. De là viendrait la tentation de recourir à une stimulation pharmacologique licite ou illicite afin d'éprouver un plaisir permanent, pour tous et constamment. Est ce réaliste dès maintenant? Essayez Oscitax !
Son principe actif est l'Oscitocine® qui appartient à la famille des inducteurs / suppresseurs des bâillements (pour être franc, c'est le seul représentant de cette famille). Comment agit l'Oscitocine® ? soyons honnête, personne ne sait, mais tel est le lot d'un grand nombre de thérapeutiques !
Voltaire ne disait-il pas : "Les médecins administrent des médicaments dont ils savent très peu, à des malades dont ils savent moins, pour guérir des maladies dont ils ne savent rien".
OSCITAX® est indiqué pour les patients qui
- sont pris d'une urgence irrésistible de bâiller de façon répétée alors que les convenances sociales et le moment ne l'autorisent pas.
- ne peuvent bâiller de façon harmonieuse et bénéfique comme ils le souhaiteraient.
Ne prenez pas ce remède si vous bâillez agréablement quand il le faut ou que vous pouvez aisément réprimer les bâillements socialement inopportuns !

Annals of Improbable Research (AIR)
Improbable research pdf

Press review : On Yawning or The Hidden Sexuality of the Human Yawn
Wolter Seutjnens's thesis, worldwide report !
extraits du journal de Volkskrant (Amsterdam)
Sexy yawns
Donald MacLeod reports on the research that suggests sex is the reason for yawning
Discordian Research Technology

Delayed cerebellar disease and death after accidental exposure to dimethylmercury
Nierenberg DW et al
The New Engl J Med
1998; 338; 1672-1675
Neuropathological findings in the brain of Karen Ann Quinlan
Kinney, HC, J Korein et al
N Engl J Med
1994; 330; 21; 1469-1475
The permanent vegetative state : practical guidance on diagnosis and managment
DT Wade, C Johnston
1999; 319; 841-844
Physiology of yawning and its application to postoperative care
Bartlett Rh et al
Surgical Forum
1970; 21; 222-223
The yawn maneuver: prevention and treatment of postoperative pulmonary complications
Bartlett RH et al
Surgical Forum
1971, 22,196-198
Yawn maneuver to prevent atelectasis
Cahill CA
1978; 27; 5; 1000-1004  
Influence of dying gasps, yawns and sighs on blood pressure and blood flow
Woodbury R, B Abretj
Am J Physiol
1944; 142; 721-726

Yawning as an instrument to index neurologic status
The annual incidence of head injuries, estimated to be 200 per 100,000 population, demonstrates a health problem that clinicians frequently encounter in a variety of settings. The detection of early warning signs of complications from head injuries can make a difference between death or disability and intact neurologic functioning. Serial assessment is necessary to detect symptoms of neurologic deterioration because treatment within 30 to 120 minutes of deterioration can make a difference in the patient's prognosis .
The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), because of its simplicity, consistency, and degree of interrater reliability, is a well accepted and highly utilized instrument for assessing neurologic status in a patient with head injury. The GCS has demonstrated predictive validity in the correlation between a patient's 24-hour postinjury score and eventual neurologic outcome? Despite the frequent use of the GCS, clinicians complain that the scale lacks the ability to assess subtle changes in the patient's neurologic status.
The clinical neurologic assessment tool (CNA)is a 21-item instrument assessing response to verbal and tactile stimulation, ability to follow commands, muscle tone, body position, movement, chewing, and yawning in the patient with head trauma. The CNA was developed to detect subtle changes in the patients' neurologic status that may indicate transitions in the comatose state. The CNA has been extensively pilot tested. Reliability determined by using Cronbach's alpha revealed an internal consistency of 0.96. Concurrent validity testing with the Glasgow Coma Scale indicated a strong positive correlation, r = 0.94. Three factors were demonstrated: general level of consciousness, muscle tone and resistance, and chewing or yawning. Discriminant function analysis revealed that the CNA scores correctly classified 95.1% of the patient observations into their respective Glasgow Coma Scale categories. The CNA is reliable, valid, convenient, and easily scored and captures the subtle changes in the patient with head trauma.
Le bâillement comme outil d'évaluation du statut neurologique
L'incidence annuelle des traumatismes craniens est de 200 pour 100 000 habitants, indiquant qu'il s'agit d'un réel problème de santé publique auquel les praticiens sont confrontés dans des situations variées. La détection précoce des complications peut éviter une issue morbide grave ou mortelle des traumatismes craniens. L'utilisation de grilles de cotations du statut neurologique, réalisées toutes les 30 à 120 minutes, peut déceler précocément une détérioration et ainsi améliorer le pronostic.
Le score de Glasgow, en raison de sa simplicité et de sa reproductibilité, est validé et largement utilisé. Pourtant les praticiens qui l'utilisent se plaignent de son manque de capacité à distinguer des changements subtils de l'état neurologique.
The clinical neurologic assessment tool (CNA) est un instrument de surveillance basé sur 21 items, avec appréciation des réponses verbales, à des stimulations sensitives, des réponses à des ordres simples, au tonus musculaire, aux positions du corps, aux mouvements tels que la mastication et le bâillement. Cet outil permet d'apprécier de variations subtiles de l'état neurologique des traumatisés craniens comateux. Il a été l'objet d'évaluations approfondies qui ont démontré sa validité pronostique et de sa reproductilbilité. Il a permis de faire ressortir que trois critères (tonus musculaire, capacité à mastiquer et quantification des bâillements) étaient pertinents pour statuer sur le pronostic neurologique des comateux.
 Clinical neurologic assessement tool:
Development and testing of in instrument to index neurologic status
Crosby L, Parsons C et al
Heart & Lung
1989; 18; 121-129
Neurological assessment of coma (pdf)
David E Bateman
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
2001; 71(suppl I); 113-117

Fatal poisoning from liquid dimethylmercury:
a neuropathologic study
Siegler RW, Nierenberg DW, Hickey WF.
Department of Pathology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH, USA
Hum Pathol
1999; 30; 6; 720-723
The vegetative state is a clinical condition of complete unawareness of the self and the environment, accompanied by sleep-wake cycles, with either complete or partial preservation of hypothalamic and brain-stem autonomic functions. In addition, patients in a vegetative state show no evidence of sustained, reproducible, purposeful, or voluntary behavioral responses to visual, auditory, tactile, or noxious stimuli; show no evidence of language comprehension or expression; have bowel and bladder incontinence; and have variably preserved cranial-nerve and spinal reflexes. We define persistent vegetative state as a vegetative state present one month after acute traumatic or nontraumatic brain injury or lasting for at least one month in patients with degenerative or metabolic disorders or developmental malformations.
The clinical course and outcome of a persistent vegetative state depend on its cause. Three categories of disorder can cause such a state: acute traumatic and nontraumatic brain injuries, degenerative and metabolic brain disorders, and severe congenital malformations of the nervous system.
Multi-Society Task Force on PVS. Medical aspects of the persistent vegetative state.
N Engl J Med 1994;330:1499-508

Yawning's persistence in vegetative state : a case report
Since ancient times, mercury has been recognized as a toxic substance. Dimethylmercury, a volatile liquid organic mercury compound, is used by a small number of chemistry laboratories as a reference material in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. To our knowledge, dimethylmercury has been reported in only three cases of human poisoning, each proving fatal. Very small amounts of this highly toxic chemical can result in devastating neurological damage and death. We report the neuropathologic findings in a fatal case of dimethylmercury intoxication occurring in a laboratory researcher that resulted from a small accidental spill. We compare these findings to those reported in one previously reported fatal case of dimethylmercury poisoning, and to earlier reports of monomethylmercury poisoning, and discuss the clinicopathologic correlation.
Ingestion of fish or grain contaminated with methylmercury resulted in epidemics of severe neurotoxicity and death in Japan in the 1950s and 1960s' and in Iraq in 1972. The World Health Organization and other organizations have warned of the dangers of methylmercury compounds to the environment and to scientific researchers. Dimethylmercury may be even more dangerous than methylmercury compounds. The physical properties of dimethylmercury permit transdermal absorption, and the volatility of this liquid permits toxic exposure through inhalation. Since dimethylmercury is lethal at a dose of approximately 400 mg of mercury (equivalent to a few drops, or about 5 mg per kilogram of body weight), it is supertoxic according to the rating in a classic toxicology textbook.
Siegler RW, Nirenberg DW et al report a case of accidental dimethylmercury poisoning in a chemist whose research focused on the biologic toxicity of heavy metals. Records suggest that she handled dimethylmercury on only one day, while wearing latex gloves and working under a ventilated hood designed to prevent exposure to chemical fumes. She had delayed but ultimately fatal neurotoxic effects similar to those caused by methylmercury compounds. This case illustrates the potent toxicity of dimethylmercury and the need for additional safety precautions if it is to be used in any scientific research.
Case report
«The patients neurologic status was marked by periods of spontaneous eye opening, but without awareness of or any response to visual, sound, or light-touch stimuli. The Babinski sign was equivocal, and decerebrate and decorticate posturing were absent. Painful stimuli resulted in limb withdrawal. Corneal and pupillary reflexes were sluggish but present. Spontaneous yawning, moaning, and limb movements occurred, with periods of agitation and crying, requiring large doses of chlorpromazine and lorazepam. Her condition appeared to resemble a persistent vegetative state with spontaneous episodes of agitation and crying.»
Persistance des bâillements en état végétatif : un cas clinique
Siegler RW, Nirenberg DW et al rapportent une observation d'intoxication accidentelle au mercure d'un chimiste, malgré une très faible exposition (diméthylmercure). Il resta plusieurs semaines dans un coma végétatif pendant lequel fut remarqué la persistance de mouvements des membres, des cris, des salves de bâillements apaisés par l'administration de neuroloeptiques.
Etat végétatif persistant
La perte pathologique de la conscience peut survenir à la suite de dommages cérébraux liés à une carence nutritionnelle, une intoxication, un accident vasculaire cérébral, une infection, un traumatisme cranien ou une maladie dégénérative. La perte de conscience se manifeste d'ordinaire par un coma qui peut être suivi par, soit un réveil de degré variable, soit une détérioration neurologique chronique. Il est courant, chez les personnes qui présentent une lésion corticale étendue, de passer dans un état d'inconscience chronique appelé état végétatif, dans lequel le corps est éveillé ou endormi suivant un cycle, sans toutefois manifestations comportementales témoignant de facultés cognitives ou d'aptitude à répondre d'une manière adaptée aux évènements extérieurs ou aux stimuli. Lorsque la perte de connaissance se prolonge au-delà de quelques semaines, on désigne cet état par le terme d'état végétatif persistant (EVP) indiquant ainsi une dissociation entre vie végétative et cognition.

Joseph Hirsch


British Medical journal
2004; 328; 963 
George Dunea
Cook County Hospital, Chicago, USA

On covering one's mouth (when yawning)
A simple observational study recently found that 67.5% of medical students attending morning conference did not cover their mouth while yawning.
The data are still with the statisticians, who raised several problems. Could the extreme boredom of attending these conferences have induced excessive yawning and biased the results? Were genders and races adequately represented in the study? Can the results be extrapolated to livelier conferences? Was there a distinction drawn between the students on call the night before and those partying only until 2 am? And was the study adequately powered to yield a meaningful result?
There were legal issues. Was the study conducted under a valid approved protocol? There was indeed an old one, but it had expired two weeks earlier. The older study had been approved only for 50 subjects, and now 55 had been studied, a misdemeanour that may have to be reported to the federal watchdogs. The consent form was also inadequate, written in legalese, so that no medical student could possibly understand it.
It was also unfortunate that no preliminary review of the literature had been done. Imagine spending precious resources only to find out later that an identical study had already appeared in an important publication such as the Journal of Uvula Deformity.
Indeed the ethics committee was a main sticking point. It felt that students were a captive audience and that their privacy had been violated. Would the outcome influence their end of term evaluations? One member of the committee thought that the results should be placed in a locked box and never be published.
There was also inadequate bacteriological input. Was it better to contaminate the palm of the hand with bacteria rather than blow them into the atmosphere? What about budding deans and other medical politicians, doomed to be always shaking hands?
It was concluded that the study smacked of elitism and health fascism. For tonsils are sometimes less unsightly than elbows. And exposing one's uvula in public may be no worse than baring one's ankles and knees.

Hare, J. Knowles
Bed Time
Boy yawning with a dog
Signed and titled in pencil
11 x 8.5 inches



île de Cos, 460 av. J.-C. - Larissa, v. 370 av. J.-C.
 Le traité des Vents
Hippocrate se propose de montrer que les maladies, malgré leur diversité apparente, ont toutes une seule et même cause: l'air.
Hippocratis medicorum omnium principis
De Flatibus liber
Il y décrit la place du bâillement :
Des bâillements se produisent avant les fièvres parce que de l'air, qui s'était amassé en grande quantité, remontant en masse, soulève à la manière d'un levier et ouvre la bouche ; car par cette voie, l'air peut sortir facilement. En effet, de même que de la vapeur s'élève des chaudrons en grande quantité quand l'eau bout, de même aussi, quand le corps s'échauffe, l'air qui s'était rassemblé et qui est violemment expulsé s'élance par la bouche.
Mais une fois que la majeure partie du sang s'est rassemblée, l'air, qui avait refroidi le sang, se réchauffe à son tour, vaincu par la chaleur. Devenu incandescent et indistinct, il produit de la chaleur dans tout le corps. Et il trouve un allié dans le sang ; car le sang se liquéfie en s'échauffant et du souffle s'en dégage.
"Le vin mêlé avec partie égale d'eau dissipe l'anxiété, le baîllement et le frisson."
Hippocrate, LVI, Maximes et Pensées

Autres documents mis en ligne ce mois-ci :

Résultats du sondage
au 31 mars 2005

Nombre de questionnaires remplis : 1566
Combien de fois bâillez-vous par jour ? <5 = 25,7%.. 5-10 = 26,2%.. 10-15 = 15.3%.. 15-20 = 8.7%.. >20 = 24,1%
Ressentez-vous des baillements excessifs ?
69,5% = non, tant mieux
26,8% = oui et je ne sais pas pouquoi
7,7% = oui et je prends des antidépresseurs
1,1% = oui et je prends des anti-épileptiques
4,5% = oui et je prends d'autres médicaments
2,7% = oui et j 'ai des troubles neurologiques
2,5% = oui et j 'ai des troubles hormonaux
2,9% = oui et j 'ai des tics moteurs
2% = oui et j 'ai des tocs
déclenchez-vous facilement le bâillement d'autrui ? 75%
êtes-vous sensible au bâillement d'autrui ? 74%
Daniel E. Koshland
2004; 432; 7016; 447
"Non-conformists are necessary for progress in science, just as mutations are necessary for progress in evolution"
écrits et réalisés par
le Dr Walusinski
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