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In the adult rhesus monkey, yawning is an
androgen-dependent sexually dimorphic behavior with males
yawning more frequently than do females reflecting sex
differences in circulating androgens. Studies in a
variety of species indicate that yawning is mediated by
various neurochemicals including dopamine, serotonin, and
oxytocin. In rhesus monkeys, exogenous androgen reliably
induces yawning in females to male-like levels. This
study investigated whether flutamide, a nonsteroidal
anti-androgen, reverses yawning induced by exogenous
androgen administration in adult female rhesus monkeys.
Six adult female rhesus monkeys were given chronic DHT
alone and in combination with daily injections of
flutamide and observed for yawning behavior. Treatment
with DHT alone significantly increased yawning from 0.3
yawns per 30 min at the pretreatment baseline to 4.7
yawns per 30 min. Concurrent administration of flutamide
significantly reduced the rate of yawning to 1.9 yawns
per 30 min. These data indicate that flutamide is an
effective tool for blocking the central effects of
androgens in rhesus monkey females and that androgens
regulate yawning similarly in both males and females.
Androgenes modulate the activity of the oxytocin's
neurons of the PVN of the
androgènes influencent le nombre des
Chez le singe Macaque rhésus, le
bâillement est sexuellement
différencié car dépendant du taux
d'androgènes circulants: les mâles
bâillent plus que les femelles. La
neurophysiologie du bâillement,
étudiée chez de nombreuses espèces
animales, implique l'intervention de nombreux
neuromédiateurs: dopamine, sérotonine, et
l'oxytocine etc. Chez le singe Macaque rhésus,
l'administration d'androgènes à une
femelle, afin d'obtenir un taux circulant comparable
à celui d'un mâle, induit des
bâillements en nombre comparable à celui du
mâle. Ce travail a cherché à montrer
l'effet d'un anti-testostérone non
stéroïdien, le flutamide, chez une femelle
Macaque rhésus, prélablement traitée
par testostérone. Effectivement, le flutamide
s'est montré capable de supprimer l'effet de la
testostérone, et de faire disparaître les
bâillements prélablement induits. Ceci
montre un effet central du flutamide qui se
révèle ainsi comme un moyen pharmacologique
pouvant modifier des comportements
hormonodépendants. La testostérone, tant
chez le mâle que chez la femelle, semble agir en
modulant l'activté des neurones oxytocinergiques
du noyau paraventriculaire
de l'hypothalamus.
Inverse Marcus
Gunn phenomenon (or Marin
Amat syndrom) is a rare congenital synkinetic
movement presenting as eyelid drooping on jaw
Often this phenomenon follows peripheral facial
palsy, suggesting abnormal synkinesis of the facial
Oh JY et al. report a patient with familial inverse
Marcus Gunn phenomenon and speculate on the neuronal
mechanism with the support of electromyographic
A 31 year old woman visited their clinic complaining
of involuntary winking of her left eyelid on jaw opening.
The symptom was most prominent when she opened her mouth
forcefully, such as when eating or yawning. She
stated that the symptom had been noticed from birth, and
that her mother and uncle were also affected, but not her
two sons. She had no history of previous peripheral
facial palsy....
Un cas de syndrome de Marin Amat ou
phénomène de Marcus Gunn inverse de forme
syndrome de Marin Amat est un mouvement anormal,
souvent congénital, à type de
syncinésie associant l'occlusion palpébrale
lors de l'ouverture de la bouche, notamment au cours du
bâillement. Il est l'inverse du phénomène
de Marcus Gunn au cours duquel les personnes
affectées d'un ptosis congénital constate
la rétraction et l'élévation de la
paupière lors de movements de diduction ou de
protraction du maxillaire inférieur.
Ce phénomène peut apparaitre
après une paralysie faciale, suggérant une
syncinésie des nerf facial - nerf trijumeau.
Oh JY rapporte ici un cas de syndrome de Marin Amat
et propose une explication à partir
d'enregistrements EMG.
Un femme agée de 31 ans consulte pour un
clignement de paupière supérieure de l'oeil
gauche, involontaire, survenant lors des ouvertures de
bouche, surtout importantes, notamment lors des
bâillements. Elle rapporte son origine
congénitale et que sa mère et un oncle,
mais aucun de ses deux fils sont pareillement
affectés.. Elle n'avait aucun
antécédent de paralysie faciale.
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Social
Edited by: Alexander Easton, Nathan Emery
Humans are social animals. Througthout the evolution
of primates, our brains have evolved increasingly
sophisticated neurocognitive mechanisms for understanding
the emotions, predicting the actions and simulating the
mental states of others. These brain mechanisms are now
beginning to be understood through integration of the
tools of cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior and
social psychology.
Standing at the vanguard of this development " The
cognitive neuroscience of social behaviour " provides a
seminal contribution to a subject still in infancy.
Divided in three parts, the book presents a comprehensive
overview of social cognitive neuroscience research in
human and non-human animals, focusing on the neural basis
of social interaction, the neurobiology of social
cognition, and human disordres of social behavior and
cognition, such as autims.
Psychology Press
328 pages
may 2005
The Cognitive Neuroscience of
Social Behaviour
Edited by: Alexander Easton, Nathan Emery
Les humains sont des êtres sociaux. Tout au
long de l'évolution des primates, notre cerveau a
peu à peu acquis des capacités de plus en
plus nombreuses et élaborées. Cet
enrichissement en mécanismes neurocognitifs a
notamment permis de décoder une riche palette
d'émotions, de prédire
l'intentionalité et ainsi de simuler l'état
mental des autres. Ces mécanismes sont de mieux en
mieux compris en intégrant différents
outils d'études relevant des neurosciences
cognitives, de l'éthologie et de la
Se situant à l'avant garde des ces
développements, " The cognitive neuroscience of
social behaviour " procure une mise au point
particulièrement pertinente de ces sujets en plein
bourgeonnement. Divisé en trois parties, ce livre
présente une mise à jour d'accès
assez aisé des conniassances, chez l'homme et
l'animal, de la neurobiologie des interactions sociales
et cognitives, et aborde, en corélat, des domaines
de psychopathologie comme l'autisme.
Ersnt Haeckel was an influential German evolutionist,
morphologist, and developmental biologist. Following
Müller, he argued that "ontogeny
recapitulates phylogeny" and therefore
that phylogeny should be reconstructed on the sole basis
of ontogeny. The first important exponent of evolution in
the German-speaking world, he also was the first in the
world to create explicitly evolutionary phylogenies of
all animals. He was broadly Darwinian, but had Lamarckian
and vitalist tendencies. His speculative and somewhat
spiritualistic approach brought him into a decades-long
conflict with the influential, anti-evolutionary Prussian
anthropologist and pathologist Virchow. Haeckel's attempt
to describe human evolution in racial terms later became
a part of the pseudo-scientific basis for Nazism. Haeckel
coined the term "ecology" (1866)
L'embryon d'une espèce donnée ne
ressemble jamais à la forme adulte d'une
espèce apparue précédemment dans
l'évolution mais plutôt à sa forme
embryonnaire. Un embryon de reptile ou de
mammifère ne passe jamais par un stade poisson. En
revanche, les embryons de reptiles et de
mammifères possèdent des caractères
en commun avec les embryons de poisson. Par exemple, les
arcs viscéraux des reptiles et des
mammifères ne ressemblent pas aux arcs branchiaux
des poissons mais plutôt aux arcs viscéraux
embryonnaires de ces derniers. Cette notion est
particulièrement importante pour comprendre la
diversité au cours de l'évolution quand on
sait que les arcs viscéraux des
mammifères sont transformés en structures
auditives et laryngées... ontogenèse
du bâillement.
History of the
present illness: About June 15, 1932, he
began to have very frequent headaches across his
forehead. They were often present on waking up in the
morning and would last nearly all day. Aspirin gave him
temporary relief. The headaches continued and on June 30,
1932, while returning home by train a numbness developed
in his right arm and leg. On reaching home he felt very
tired and next morning he still had the same numb feeling
in his right extremities. Although able to walk he could
not hold anything in his right hand, which hung loosely
at his side. This condition lasted until July 10th, when
he fell unconscious. The loss of consciousness was only
temporary and he was immediately put to bed. Since that
time, although he is stated to have recovered
consciousness, he had said nothing but "yes" and "no."
Associated with this aphasia there had been frequent
yawning, snapping of
the fingers and incontinence of the urine and faeces. On
July 12th the paralyzed arm, which had been cold, became
warm and tender and the
yawning became less
frequent On July 13th he was admitted to the
Une histoire d'accident vasculaire datant de
The same tendency to imitate isobserved in many other
instances -as
yawning, laughing,
etc. As the muscles however employed in these last
actions are in general subservient to the will, we can
prevent the operation of that remarkable tendency towards
them and l am sure much may be effected in that in
hysteria. It is a maxim I inculcate very strongly to my
patients, to use their utmost endeavours to prevent the
coming on of fits. I have often known it succeed though
my advice is by many not well received.
In others their predisposition is so strong that
their endeavours are ineffectual. In some there is a
peculiar pleasure that attends the coming on of the fit
analogous I suppose to that we experience in
yawning, and that
they really encourage them and bring them on by reason of
every possible effort, and in cases like these I should
suppose every remedy must prove inefficacious. Fits are
frequently brought on by theatrical performances. This
happened in several instances during Mrs. Siddon's
performing at Edinburgh. I knew one instance in Paris
where death was the consequence of a violent fit
occasioned by the representation of a tradgedy.
Combien de fois
bâillez-vous par jour ? <5 = 24,7%.. 5-10 =
26,2%.. 10-15 = 15.3%.. 15-20 = 9,2%.. >20 =
Ressentez-vous des
baillements excessifs ?
66,7% = non, tant
28,% = oui et je ne sais
pas pouquoi
7,8% = oui et je prends
des antidépresseurs
1,0% = oui et je prends
des anti-épileptiques
4,6% = oui et je prends
d'autres médicaments
2,7% = oui et j 'ai des
troubles neurologiques
2,3% = oui et j 'ai des
troubles hormonaux
2,7% = oui et j 'ai des
tics moteurs
1,8% = oui et j 'ai des
facilement le bâillement d'autrui ? 74,7%
êtes-vous sensible
au bâillement d'autrui ? 73%
Philosophy of Biology,
Westview Press,
Sober : « Les
sociétés ont les propriétés
qu'elles ont uniquement à cause des
propriétés psychologiques des individus qui
la composent, les propriétés psychologiques
individuelles dépendent uniquement de certaines
propriétés biologiques, ces
propriétés biologiques dépendent
à leur tour uniquement des processus biochimiques
qui se déroulent à l'intérieur des
individus, et ces processus chimiques eux-mêmes
dépendent uniquement de processus
physiques ».