Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mystery of yawning 





mise à jour du
24 octobre 2018
Physiol Rev
Premonitory Symptoms of Migraine
Pathophysiology of Migraine: A Disorder of Sensory Processing
Goadsby PJ, Holland PR, Martins-Oliveira M,
Hoffmann J, Schankin C, Akerman S.


Yawning and migraine
The premonitory phase of migraine is defined as the presence of nonpainful symptomatology occurring hours to days before the onset of headache. Symptoms can include neck stiffness, yawning, thirst, and increased frequency of micturition. Clinical recognition of these symptoms is important to ensure early and effective attack management. Further understanding of the clinical phenotype and neurobiological mediation of these symptoms is important in the advancement of therapeutics research in both acute and preventive treatments of migraine.
Since 2014, functional imaging studies have been conducted during the premonitory stage of migraine and have provided novel insights into the early neurobiology and anatomy of the earliest stage of the migraine attack. These studies have shown early involvement of subcortical brain areas including the hypothalamus, substantia nigra, dorsal pons, and various limbic cortical areas, including the anterior cingulate cortex during the premonitory phase. More recent work has revealed altered hypothalamic-brainstem functional connectivity during migraine, which starts before the onset of pain. These exciting findings have provided functional correlation of the symptoms experienced by patients and changes seen on functional brain imaging.
Les symptômes prémonitoires de la migraine
La phase prémonitoire de la migraine est définie par la présence d'une symptomatologie non douloureuse survenant plusieurs heures à plusieurs jours avant l'apparition du mal de tête. Les symptômes peuvent inclure de la raideur de la nuque, des bâillements, de la soif et une fréquence accrue de mictions. La reconnaissance clinique de ces symptômes est importante pour assurer une gestion d'attaque précoce et efficace. Une meilleure compréhension du phénotype clinique et de la médiation neurobiologique de ces symptômes est importante pour faire avancer la recherche thérapeutique dans le traitement tant aigu que préventif de la migraine.
Bien que décrites dans la littérature depuis des décennies, la pertinence physiopathologique et les implications cliniques de ces symptômes prémonitoires ont été largement négligées. Ces symptômes, qui peuvent précéder la phase du mal de tête jusqu'à 72 heures, comprennent des changements d'humeur et d'activité, d'irritabilité, de fatigue, de fringales, de bâillements répétitifs, de raideurs au cou et de phonophobie. Ces symptômes peuvent persister longtemps durant l'aura, la période de maux de tête et même la phase dites de postdromes.
Depuis 2014, des études d'imagerie fonctionnelle ont été menées au stade prémonitoire de la migraine et ont permis de mieux comprendre les débuts de la séquence neurobiologique et de l'anatomo-physio-pathologie du stade le plus précoce de la crise de migraine. Ces études ont montré une implication précoce des zones cérébrales sous-corticales, y compris l'hypothalamus, la substance noire, le tronc cérébral et diverses zones corticales limbiques, y compris le cortex cingulaire antérieur.

Ces travaux ont révélé une altération de la connectivité fonctionnelle du tronc cérébral à la région hypothalamo-cérébral au cours de la migraine commençant avant l'apparition de la douleur. Ces découvertes intéressantes ont permis d'établir une corrélation fonctionnelle entre les symptômes ressentis par les patients et les modifications observées lors de l'imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle.

The premonitory phase of migraine is defined as the presence of nonpainful symptomatology occurring hours to days before the onset of headache. Symptoms can include neck stiffness, yawning, thirst, and increased frequency of micturition. Clinical recognition of these symptoms is important to ensure early and effective attack management. Further understanding of the clinical phenotype and neurobiological mediation of these symptoms is important in the advancement of therapeutics research in both acute and preventive treatments of migraine.
Plaguing humans for more than two millennia, manifest on every continent studied, and with more than one billion patients having an attack in any year, migraine stands as the sixth most common cause of disability on the planet. The pathophysiology of migraine has emerged from a historical consideration of the "humors" through mid-20th century distraction of the now defunct Vascular Theory to a clear place as a neurological disorder.
It could be said there are three questions: why, how, and when?
Why: migraine is largely accepted to be an inherited tendency for the brain to lose control of its inputs.
How: the now classical trigeminal durovascular afferent pathway has been explored in laboratory and clinic; interrogated with immunohistochemistry to functional brain imaging to offer a roadmap of the attack.
When: migraine attacks emerge due to a disorder of brain sensory processing that itself likely cycles, influenced by genetics and the environment.
In the first, premonitory, phase that precedes headache, brainstem and diencephalic systems modulating afferent signals, light-photophobia or sound-phonophobia, begin to dysfunction and eventually to evolve to the pain phase and with time the resolution or postdromal phase.
Understanding the biology of migraine through careful bench-based research has led to major classes of therapeutics being identified: triptans, serotonin 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonists; gepants, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonists; ditans, 5-HT1F receptor agonists, CGRP mechanisms monoclonal antibodies; and glurants, mGlu5 modulators; with the promise of more to come. Investment in understanding migraine has been very successful and leaves us at a new dawn, able to transform its impact on a global scale, as well as understand fundamental aspects of human biology.
migraine and yawning
Premonitory phase is characterized by attacks of unilateral, throbbing head pain, with sensitivity to movement, visual, auditory, and other afferents inputs. Other symptoms such as tiredness, irritability, reduced concentration, and yawning can precede the headache by up to 48 h: the premonitory phase. Most attacks are followed by hours or a day of feeling unwell, usually with tiredness called the postdrome. Additionally, in approximately onethird of migraine patients, their attacks are associated by neurological deficits, which include cortical perturbations, collectively termed migraine aura.
The majority of migraineurs experience a range of premonitory symptoms well before the typical migraine headache initiates. Despite being described in the literature for decades, their pathophysiological relevance and their clinical implications have been largely neglected. Premonitory symptoms of a migraine attack, which may precede the headache phase by up to 72 h, include changes in mood and activity, irritability, fatigue, food cravings, repetitive yawning, stiff neck, and phonophobia. These symptoms may endure well into the aura, headache (373), and even postdrome phases. The current ICHD- 3 precludes the existence of premonitory symptoms within 2 h of headache onset; this clearly has no logical basis and needs attention.
The consistency of these symptoms allows some migraineurs to reliably predict their migraine attacks. The fact that these symptoms are to a large extent of hypothalamic origin and imaging studies using H2O PET show an increase in hypothalamic blood flow during the presence of premonitory symptoms suggests a prominent role of the hypothalamus in the early stages of the attack.
Interestingly many of the trigger factors described by migraineurs, such as for example sleep deprivation, hunger, or bright light, may in fact represent premonitory symptoms of an already ongoing attack. This relationship explains why observations in clinical studies that aimed at prospectively identifying and validating trigger factors of migraine commonly differ from findings obtained from questionnairebased studies in which patients merely describe their own perception of factors triggering their migraine attacks.
Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the premonitory symptoms may offer insights in the structures of the central nervous system involved in the early phases of a migraine attack and ultimately contribute to identifying a novel therapeutic approach that would exert its action before the headache begins.
The application of neurophysiological methods in migraine patients has offered important insights into the condition. These approaches offer temporal over spatial discrimination and prior to MRI, and still to some extent, better opportunities for repetition. What has emerged very clearly from studies in visual, somatosensory, auditory, and nociceptive domains is activation that differs from controls reliably.
A prevailing synthesis of the data is to consider thalamocortical dysrhythmia (185, 819) to be key to migraine pathophysiology. It has been observed for some time that migraine patients fail to habituate normally between attacks, for example, the intensity dependence auditory evoked potentials is augmented between attacks in migraine patients. Remarkably this normalizes in the days before an attack. Interestingly, this measure has a serotonin dependence that can be altered by triptans, serotonin 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonists. Potentiation of the passive "oddball" auditory event-related potential similarly suggests migraineur's brains do not habituate as non-migraineurs do, as does an interical habituation deficit as measured by the nociceptive blink reflex in migraineurs. This has led to the concept that the migraine brain over-responds, as distinct from being hyperexcitable.
C. Premonitory Phase
From a clinical perspective, the premonitory phase that connects the asymptomatic interictal phase with the headache attack has to be crucial for understanding the mechanism of migraine ignition. One of the most important fMRI studies in this respect assessed the (de-)activation pattern elicited by trigemino-nociceptive stimulation of the nasal mucosa as the headache day approached (749). Compared with control subjects, interictal migraineurs have reduced activation of the spinal trigeminal nuclei. This deactivation had a cyclic behavior over the course of a migraine interval: there was normalization prior to the next attack and a significant reduction of deactivation during the attack (FIGURE 1). This cyclic behavior might thus reflect the increased susceptibility of the brain to generate the next attack, and the identification of its pacemaker would be crucial for our understanding of the start of a migraine attack.
The earliest clinical signs of a migraine attack are so-called premonitory symptoms, which occur prior to head pain but already tell the patient that a headache is on its way. Based on their manifestation, they are likely related to the hypothalamus (56, 482) and include concentration problems, tiredness, irritability, or depression. Compared with the headache phase, they typically resemble some of the nonheadache symptoms of a migraine attack and thus might persist during the headache phase. Recently, Maniyar et al. (559) triggered migraine attacks in eight patients with migraine without aura who could predict the occurrence of headache by a pronounced premonitory phase. During the premonitory phase, i.e., still in the absence of head pain, H2 15O-PET demonstrated activation of the hypothalamus, the midbrain ventral tegmental area, and the PAG. This functional correlate of premonitory symptoms suggests a possible role of the hypothalamus in generating migraine attacks. Of great interest in this regard are data from a single patient whose responses to trigeminal nociceptive stimuli were tracked with BOLD-fMRI over a 30-day period. Hypothalamic responses were increased as the attack neared, and there was coupling of the effects with the dorsolateral pons (715). In addition, the hypothalamus might be important for the non-headache symptoms during the pain phase since when studied in seven spontaneous migraine attacks with H2 15O-PET activation of the hypothalamus was seen (209), although the locations of both activations were distinct. It is noteworthy that activations seen in the trigeminal-autonomic cephalalgias (575, 576, 581, 582, 748) are more posterior than reported in migraine.