
Nouvelle Iconographie de La Salpêtrière
 L'histoire des neurosciences à La Pitié et à La Salpêtrière J Poirier
The history of neurosciences at La Pitié and La Salpêtrière J Poirier
caricatureCaricature le montrant débitant une moelle en tranches, allusion à sa méthode anatomoclinique




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mise à jour du
27 novembre 2003
en français
Jules Déjérine 1849 - 1917
Founders of Neurology
Webb Haymaker, Francis Schiller 1970
photo de la visite du Prof J Déjérine salle Pinel en 1910
Nouvelle Iconographie de La Salpêtrière
Centenary 2017


jules dejerine
"In Paris, you always can advance yourself by work and entusism. You don't need any strings. You are the product of your work". These words of Jules Déjérine were borne out by his own career.
This young Frenchman was born and raised in the provincial atmosphere of Geneva, Switzerland, where his father was a carriage proprietor. In school in earlier years Joseph Jules was better known as a boxer and swimmer, and for his fishing on Lake Léman, than for his academic accomplishments, but all this changed when he became attracted to biology and comparative anatoiny. In 1871, when twenty-two years old, he decided that he should pursue his clinical studies in Paris. He set out for that great metropolis in a third-class compartment, with no more than a brief introduction to Vulpian given him by Prévost, and arrived in the midst of the turmoil created by war and revolution. Unswervingly he set out to reach his goal and was to prove Vulpian's most distinguished pupil.
His career was punctuated by appointments to high position and a succession of brilliant works, connected both with the Salpêtrière and the Bicêtre. As a climax he was elected, in 1910, Professeur de clinique des maladies du système nerveux à la Faculté de Médicine.
Dejerine's masterpieces include his studies on nervotabès périphérique, progressive muscular dystrophy (with Landouzy), Friedreich's disease (with André-Thomas), progressive hypertrophic interstitial neuritis (with Sottas and André-Thomas), olivopontocerebellar atrophy (with André-Thomas), and the thalamic syndrome (with Roussy-it was, above all, Dejerine who discovered the role of the thalamus in hemianesthetic syndromes). Perhaps the most lasting achievements were his Anatomie des centres nerveux (Paris, Rueff, 1890-1901) and Sémiologie des affections du système nerveux (Paris, Masson, 1914). He was as modern as many today in his view that the mesencephalic reticular formation continues forward in the diencephalon to the septal region. Further, Dejerine was one of the pioneers in the study of localization of frunction in the brain, having first shown, with Vialet, that word blindness may occur as the result of lesions of the supramarginal and angular gyri. Among his pupils were Roussy, Bernheim, André-Thomas and Alajouanine.
Although Dejerine is best known for his contributions in the field of organic neurololoy, his interest in functional disorders of the nervous system was also keen, and was greatly stimulated by his friendship with Paul Dubois of Bern, His vacations always brought him back to the landof hls birth, to his place at Thalgut, near Bern, where his simple tastes and fondness for the rustic life found complete satisfaction. Robert Bing (1878-1956),in his warm-hearted tribute to Dejerine, tells that during this period Dejerine developed many of his ideas of psychotherapy which were applied by him with such remarkable success. Later on, Dubois's and Dejerine's views began to diverge, the latter insisting that the personality of the therapist was of extreme importance.
He told his students: "It is rare that you will be able to use subtle logic; it is your heart that carries you along-if I may express myself thus-and much more than your reason. In man, emotion is almost everything and reason very little."
In the wards made fanious by Charcot, it was inspiring, to me as to the others who were in his service In 1900-01 to note the earnest, simple, direct way in which Dejerine explained the basis of symptoms and the encouragement that he gave his patients. In the outpatient department he was equally effective. On one occasion, a young woman was being examined and her maladjustment to life was discussed with great frankness. The question arose of her relations with her lover, who was present with her. She described one of her dreams in which a phallic symbol played a prominent part. A certain slang word she used brought forth a hearty laugh from the audience. The professor informed the audience that they were not here to be amused.
Life with Dejerine was always stimulating. At the meetings of the Société Neurologique of Paris the presentations were terse and the discussion at times tinged with biting sarcasm. Speakers had their gloves off.
Dejerine owed much to his wife, Augusta Marie Klumpke (1859-1927), one of the brilliant sisters of a famous San Francisco family, whom he married in 1888. She had studied medicine in Paris, and through intellect, courage and persistence, became the first woman to receive the title of "interne des hôpitaiix" (1887), in the face of great opposition, finally overcome by Paul Bert, then Minister of Public Instruction. The Dejerine marriage presented the spectacle of two intellectual giants collaborating and inspiring each other. Only the Curies and the Vogts could boast of comparable achievements. When Dejerine died during the dark hours of World War 1, having spent himself in the exhausting service of an army hospital, it was his wife who carried on the bulk of his work both in practice and in research.
It was most fitting for the members of the Fourth International Neurological Congress (Paris, 1949) to celebrate the centennial of birth, to hear at the Sorbonne a discourse on Dejerine by André-Thomas, to wear the medallion struck off in his honor and to join his daughter Mme le Dr Sorrel-Dejerine, in laying a wreath in his grave.
Edwin G. Zabriskie
jules dejerinedejerine klumpke
salle pinel
La visite du matin du professeur Jules Déjérine salle Pinel, salle d'isolement et de psychothérapie de la Salpétrière 1910
Augusta Déjérine-Klumpke au laboratoire
Madame Déjérine-Klumpke 1859-1927
In 1877 four sisters, the Misses Klumpke, arrived in Paris from Lausanne. They were of American origin but had been educated in Switzerland.
Augusta Klumpke, the future physician, was born at San Francisco on October 15th, 1859. She was the most famous of the four, though all the sisters displayed great ability and became well known in Paris, one as an artist, another as a musician, and the third as a Doctor of Science.
Augusta decided to enter the medical profession. Those were pioneer days for medical women, and she had a hard struggle to overcome the prejudices of the French teachers. Eventually her perseverance was rewarded, and the Professor of Medicine accepted her as a student. Miss Klumpke proved a model pupil. Her brilliance was extraordinary. While a student, she described what is known to-day as "Klumpke's paralysis."
In the course of her studies she made the acquaintance of Jules Déjérine, a rising young neurologist. She married him while she was a final-year student. She obtained her M.D. degree in 1888. Known as Madame Déjerine-Klumpke, she helped her husband in his great work on the anatomy of the central nervous system. Déjérine became Professor of Neurology and achieved, world-wide fame. He died in 1917, worn out by his work during the War.
Madame Déjérine-Klumpke founded a laboratory to perpetuate his memory and to carry on his research work. Held in esteem throughout France, she was President of the société de Neurologie an an Officier of The legion d'honeur. she died in 1927, leavong one daughter, who was married to the french surgeon Etienne Sorrel.
dejerine klumpke