Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mystery of yawning 



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mise à jour du
17 avril 2019
Scientific Reports
 The complexity of understanding others
as the evolutionary origin of empathy
and emotional contagion
Fabrizio Mafessoni & Michael Lachmann  


 Tous les articles sur la contagion du bâillement
All articles about contagious yawning
Contagious yawning, emotional contagion and empathy are characterized by the activation of similar neurophysiological states or responses in an observed individual and an observer. For example, it is hard to keep one's mouth closed when imagining someone yawning, or not feeling distressed while observing other individuals perceiving pain. The evolutionary origin of these widespread phenomena is unclear, since a direct benefit is not always apparent.
The authors explore a game theoretical model for the evolution of mind-reading strategies, used to predict and respond to others' behavior. In particular we explore the evolutionary scenarios favoring simulative strategies, which recruit overlapping neural circuits when performing as well as when observing a specific behavior.
They show that these mechanisms are advantageous in complex environments, by allowing an observer to use information about its own behavior to interpret that of others. However, without inhibition of the recruited neural circuits, the observer would perform the corresponding downstream action, rather than produce the appropriate social response.
They identify evolutionary trade-offs that could hinder this inhibition, leading to emotional contagion as a by-product of mind-reading. The interaction of this model with kinship is complex. They show that empathy likely evolved in a scenario where kin- and other indirect benefits co-opt strategies originally evolved for mind-reading, and that this model explains observed patterns of emotional contagion with kin or group members.
Le bâillement contagieux, la contagion émotionnelle et l'empathie se caractérisent par l'activation d'états ou de réponses neurophysiologiques similaires chez un individu observé et un observateur. Par exemple, il est difficile de garder la bouche fermée lorsque vous percevez quelqu'un bâiller. De même vous vous sentez angoissé lorsque vous observez d'autres personnes percevoir une douleur. L'origine évolutive de ces phénomènes ubiquitaires n'est pas claire, car le bénéfice direct n'est pas toujours perceptible.
Les auteurs explorent un modèle théorique de jeu afin d'évaluer l'évolution des stratégies de décodage de l'intentionnalité, utilisées pour prédire et réagir au comportement des autres. Ils explorent, en particulier, les scénarios privilégiant les stratégies de simulation, qui recrutent des circuits neuronaux communs lors de l'action et lorsqu'un comportement spécifique est observé.
Ils montrent que ces mécanismes sont avantageux dans des environnements complexes, en permettant à un observateur d'utiliser les informations relatives à son propre comportement pour interpréter celui des autres. Cependant, sans inhibition des circuits neuronaux recrutés, l'observateur effectuerait l'action en aval correspondante plutôt que de produire la réponse sociale appropriée. Ils identifient des compromis évolutifs qui pourraient empêcher cette inhibition, menant à la contagion émotionnelle en tant que conséquence de la lecture de l'intentionnalité.
L'interaction de ce modèle avec la réalité est complexe. Ils montrent que l'empathie a probablement évolué suivant un schéma où les stratégies de mimétisme ont des avantages indirects pour la vue sociale et que ces derniers ont autorisé l'émergence de la capacité à décoder l'intentionnalité. Ce modèle donne une explication à la contagion émotionnelle observés au sein d'une famille ou d'un groupe.

Learning enables organisms to adapt flexibly to their environment without waiting for natural selection to take its long and arduous route. However, the more complex the environment, the slower the adaptive gain from either learning or evolution. One of the most complex and relevant environments that organisms encounter is the social milieu. Here individuals are presented with a multitude of other individuals, each with a complex adaptive responses. Predicting these "black boxes", a process called mind-reading1, is hard. Thus accurate social predictions would require a long adaptive process, requiring accurate information about each perceived stimulus and the possible responses. Luckily a shortcut is available: the organism holds an almost identical copy of the "black box" - its own decision making apparatus or neural circuitry, which can be used to extrapolate inferences concerning others' behavior. Information acquired over evolutionary time and information acquired through individual learning can thus be used to speed up adaptation to social encounters.
Since the discovery of mirror neurons, a large number of neurophysiological studies have shown that similar brain regions are activated when observing and when performing a specific action, or perceiving a given emotional or sensory stimulus. These mirroring phenomena supported the view that an observer can decipher an actor's actions and states through at least a partial simulation of those same neural circuits and internal states elicited as an actor, in what de Waal termed "perception-action mechanisms" PAMs. Neuroscientists proposed that these brain regions, activated both as observers or as actors, possibly underlie "shared representations" of the perceived stimuli and actions. For an observer, a potential advantage of activating the as-actor neural configuration is to have access to information about one's own sensory and motor programs. In the social context this information might help to interpret social cues and infer an observed actor's actions or intentions12, allowing to solve the complex "black box" problem. We adopt here the term "simulation" to indicate any mind-reading strategy that relies on self-information experienced as an actor, rather than information acquired via observation of others.
Simulative strategies face possible disadvantages and computational obstacles: the secondary activation of as-actor neural circuits during observation has to be discriminated precisely from primary activations of the same circuits when performing the corresponding action oneself. Otherwise, the partial activation of neural configuration which are usually used in the as-actor context may prime the corresponding autonomic and somatic responses, and unless properly inhibited would then evoke in the observer the responses of an actor. We define these events in which a simulative observer performs the same action as an observed actor as accidental coordination. A pathological lack of inhibition results in compulsive imitation, as in echopraxia and echolalia, the involuntary repetition of others' actions or language, respectively. In specific situations, accidental coordination can be advantageous. However in the context of mind-reading and social interactions, individuals are often characterized by different states or competing motivations, thus for an observer it is generally not advantageous to copy blindly the action of an observed actor. The potential cost of accidental coordination is two-folded: first, it hinders the observer from performing the most appropriate response to an actor's behavior; second, it might imply further specific costs: for instance, contagious distress can interfere with an optimal decision making, and potentially lead to costly actions, such as alarm calls or aggressive behavior. A well documented example, in which the first inherent cost is apparent, is motor interference, in which the observation of a movement impairs the performance of an incongruent movement in the observer. For this reason, the inhibition of accidental coordination is likely shaped by natural selection, and of primary importance in mind-reading and mirroring processes.
We suggest that the two mechanisms could be phylogenetically related. Simulative strategies, by recruiting the as-actor network, provide a simple proximate mechanism to synchronize the actions of an observer to the internal and motivational states of a recipient individual. Our model shows that the recruitment of the as-actor network and coordination increase when cooperation is promoted by assortment. Thus simulative strategies, evolved initially for mind-reading, could be have been later coopted for empathy and cooperation. A potential criticism is that a coordination of internal states and emotional responses is not sufficient, and may even hinder, cooperation. For example, it has been observed that contagious distress might undermine helping behavior. However, we showed that coordination can evolve even when it is not the best possible cooperative response: coordination offers an evolutionary compromise, by synchronizing the internal state of an observer with that of an actor, and reducing the degrees of freedom for possible responses. For example, the perception of distress in the offspring elicits alertness in parents. From this rudimentary form of state-matching empathy, the activation of shared representations of pain or distress could have evolved to elicit prosocial responses, concurrently with the role of oxytocin in reducing avoidance responses triggered by distress. This is supported by the evidence that the activation of stress-related responses in the observer often accompanies empathy and cooperation.
It has been proposed that parental care played a key role for the evolution of empathy. Our model is consistent with this hypothesis, since parental care would provide both a selective pressure for cooperation and the understanding of the needs of the offspring. However, mind-reading benefits are not restricted to parental care, and in the spectrum of social complexity, parent-offspring interactions are relatively simple: because of their limited interaction with the environment, the behavior of offspring is mostly evolved as opposed to learned. Accordingly, instances of parental care exist throughout the animal world even in the absence of apparent empathy (e.g. eggs brooding, ritualized parental cares). Thus, even though we cannot rule out that in mammals parental care provided the sufficient complexity to render simulative strategies adaptive, we suggest that simulative strategies might have evolved for mind-reading in a more general social context. Only later, might kin selection have coopted them for cooperation, or emotional contagion when coordination is advantageous. These conclusions are supported by neurophysiological evidence, showing that the recruitment of the as-actor network extends beyond the cooperative context; and behavioral studies, showing that contagion in non-cooperative context (e.g. contagious yawning, facial mimicry) is stronger with kin and unrelated but socially close individuals, with whom empathy and helping behavior (e.g. consolation) are stronger.
Future perspectives
Our model suggests potential directions for new empirical studies, that would allow to test some of its predictions. For example, we predict that simulative strategies are more advantageous in unpredictable environments. While empirical evidence seems to support the presence of empathy especially in primates and other mammals, a better characterization of the species in which empathy is present would improve this picture. In addition, more studies are needed both at the intra-specific and inter-specific level to assess whether perspective-taking skills correlate with emotional contagion and empathy driven cooperation. Do species or individuals who simulate more also show more empathy driven cooperation?
We also showed that specific features of cognitive processes involved in mind-reading would be necessary and favour the evolution of accidental coordination. Thus, more studies would help to clarify when these conditions apply. For instance, we showed that accidental coordination is favored when inhibitory mechanisms incur the risk of false positives - inhibiting off-target actions. Thus, studies investigating the specificity of inhibitory mechanisms would be precious to clarify the role of the B-vs-C trade-off. Furthermore, more studies would be beneficial in assessing the role and the extent to what as-actor network circuits are necessary for inferences, for example in the case of mirror neurons. Concluding, the characterization of inhibition mechanisms and their specificity at the neurophysiological level will certainly help to understand whether and to what extent accidental coordination contributes to prosocial behavior in different species.
Our model explores a simple assumption, that experience as actor can be useful to predict and interpret others' actions, and shows that this has relevant implications and side-effects. First, we show that strategies relying on this source information can evolve under many circumstances. Second, we show that a side effect of the evolution of such strategies is that an observers could fail to inhibit the observed behavior coordinating with the state and actions of the observed actors. These two phenomena provide us with a simple unified perspective on biological phenomena as different as mirror neurons, motor interference, contagious yawning, contagious distress and empathy, and their higher stronger effects with kin. Many other biological pathological and non pathological behaviors could possibly be connected. For example, the comorbidity of alexythymia and autism had already been interpreted as the inability to understand others as a consequence of the impaired awareness of one's own feelings. The fact that information and neural circuits acquired as an actor are used to interpret others' actions is also apparent for sensory stimuli in the activation of the somatosensory cortex; for stimuli of different nature in phenomena like mirror touch synesthesia; and possibly even for collective inferences and abstract concepts and for inanimate or inter-specific entities (e.g. anthropocentrism). Furthermore, the role of inhibition of the activation of the as-actor network to interpret others' actions is apparent in pathologies like echopraxia and echolalia. As an actor's cognition is embodied, even an observer's cognition is required to be embodied, despite the risk of accidental coordination10. Concluding, the importance of information acquired as an actor, either learned or evolved, is pivotal to understand social cognition and its evolution.