Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mystery of yawning 



mise à jour du
14 décembre 2021
J Healthc Eng.
2021 Nov 22;2021:7799793
A Novel Fatigue Driving State Recognition and Warning Method Based on EEG and EOG Signals


Li Liu, Yunfeng Ji, Yun Gao, Zhenyu Ping, Liang Kuang , Tao Li, and Wei Xu


Traffic accidents are easily caused by tired driving. If the fatigue state of the driver can be identified in time and a corresponding early warning can be provided, then the occurrence of traffic accidents could be avoided to a large extent. At present, the recognition of fatigue driving states is mostly based on recognition accuracy. Fatigue state is currently recognized by combining different features, such as facial expressions, electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, yawning, and the percentage of eyelid closure over the pupil over time (PERCLoS). The combination of these features increases the recognition time and lacks real-time performance. In addition, some features will increase error in the recognition result, such as yawning frequently with the onset of a cold or frequent blinking with dry eyes. On the premise of ensuring the recognition accuracy and improving the realistic feasibility and real-time recognition performance of fatigue driving states, a fast support vector machine (FSVM) algorithm based on EEGs and electrooculograms (EOGs) is proposed to recognize fatigue driving states. First, the collected EEG and EOG modal data are preprocessed. Second, multiple features are extracted from the preprocessed EEGs and EOGs. Finally, FSVM is used to classify and recognize the data features to obtain the recognition result of the fatigue state. Based on the recognition results, this paper designs a fatigue driving early warning system based on Internet of Things (IoT) technology. When the driver shows symptoms of fatigue, the system not only sends a warning signal to the driver but also informs other nearby vehicles using this system through IoT technology and manages the operation background.
Les accidents de la route sont souvent causés par la somnolence au volant. Si l'état de fatigue du conducteur peut être identifié à temps et qu'une alerte précoce peut être fournie, alors l'occurrence des accidents de la route pourrait être réduite dans une large mesure. L'état de fatigue est actuellement reconnu en combinant différentes caractéristiques, telles que les expressions faciales, les signaux d'électroencéphalogramme (EEG), le bâillement et le pourcentage de fermeture des paupières sur la pupille au fil du temps (PERCLoS).
La combinaison de ces paramètres allonge le délai de la reconnaissance et manque de performances en temps réel. De plus, certaines données augmentent les erreurs de détection, comme le bâillement fréquent au début d'un rhume ou des clignements fréquents liés à des yeux secs. Dans le but d'améliorer la précision de la détection et d'améliorer une faisabilité réaliste en temps réel de la fatigu et la somnolence, un algorithme (FSVM) basé sur des EEG et des électro-oculogrammes (EOG) est proposé pour reconnaître les états de somnolence au volant. Tout d'abord, les données EEG et EOG collectées sont prétraitées. Puis, plusieurs caractéristiques sont extraites des EEG et EOG ainsi prétraités. FSVM est utilisé pour classer et reconnaître les caractéristiques des données nécessaires à la reconnaissance de la somnolence. Cet article rapporte les résultats apportés par un système d'alerte précoce en matière de somnolence basé sur la technologie Internet des objets (IoT). Lorsque le conducteur présente des symptômes, le système envoie non seulement un signal d'avertissement au conducteur, mais informe également les autres véhicules à proximité utilisant ce système via la technologie IoT et gère l'arrière-plan de l'opération.
1. Introduction
Fatigue is a very complex physical and psychological state that can be divided into mental fatigue and physical fatigue. In most cases, mental fatigue and physical fatigue are intertwined and appear at the same time. Mental fatigue is often caused by long-term cognitive activity in the brain. Under brain fatigue, people's cognitive function is limited, and their alertness is reduced. Drivers are prone to both mental and physical fatigue during long-term driving, but mental fatigue is the main problem. Fatigue driving is one of the major hidden dangers of road traffic safety. Research on fatigue driving recognition and early warning technology can reduce the frequency of traffic accidents [1]. Fatigue driving status recognition is a prerequisite for early warning, so fatigue driving status recognition is very important. At present, research on fatigue driving identification methods mainly focuses on three aspects: (1) identification based on driver behavior characteristics: the driver's fatigue state is judged by the recognition of the driver's behavior, such as the movement of the eyelids, the closed state of the eyes [2], and facial expressions [3]. The identification method is simple and easy to implement, but the scoring standard is easily affected by conditions such as personal behavior, light, and image acquisition angle. The collection of various modal data will inevitably be noisy, causing the recognition result to fail to correctly identify the driver's fatigue state. (2) Detection based on vehicle parameters: through the detection of vehicle parameters such as vehicle speed, vehicle position, and steering wheel rotation angle during driving, the driver's operating indicators are obtained, and then the degree of fatigue is judged. Since vehicle parameters are closely related to the actual driving quality of the driver, this method is closer to the actual driving situation. However, vehicle parameters need to be measured during actual operation, which increases the cost of the vehicle. (3) Recognition based on the physiological parameters of the driver: the driver's fatigue state can be judged by identifying the driver's physiological characteristics, such as with electrocardiograms [4], electroencephalograms [5, 6], electrooculograms [7], and electromyography [8, 9].
Since the EEG signal directly reflects the driver's brain activity and the price of EEG signal acquisition devices are declining, they are therefore convenient to use. Therefore, identifying driving fatigue states based on the EEG signals is considered to be one of the most objective and accurate analysis methods. Reference [5] proposed a new real-time fatigue driving detection method based on EEG signals. The study combines two characteristics of power spectral density (PSD) and sample entropy (SampEn) to judge mental fatigue. The results show that the method is effective for fatigue detection because the prediction results of fatigue are consistent with the phenomena recorded in the simulated driving process. This is considered an objective measure of behavior. Reference [10] proposed a recurrent network-based convolutional neural network (RN-CNN) method to detect fatigue driving. The data used in the experiment are the EEG signals collected during driving simulation. This method can achieve an average recognition accuracy of 92.95%. Reference [11] proposed the detection of the fatigue driving state based on the feature data of sample entropy, approximate entropy, and complexity, which can well identify four different mental fatigue states. Reference [12] uses five different entropies, the relative energy of the alpha wave, and as indicators for judging fatigue. The experimental results show that this fusion method can accurately judge the fatigue degree of the driver. Reference [13] uses the fast Fourier transform to extract four rhythm features. By analyzing the trend and mutual relationship of these four features, it is found that using as the feature to assess the mental state is the most effective. Reference [14] studied sample entropy, fuzzy entropy, approximate entropy, and spectral entropy as the inputs of a decision tree. Experiments have shown that this method has an accuracy of 94% for the identification of fatigue driving, and it can identify fatigue driving more accurately. Typical EEG signal characteristic analysis methods are mainly divided into the time domain [15], frequency domain [16], and time-frequency domain analysis methods [17]. The EEG signal in the frequency domain has obvious characteristics and strong distinguishability. It is of great significance to the analysis of EEG signals. EEG signals in different frequency bands can effectively reflect people's mental state and excitement [18]. Reference [19] uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) to realize emotion recognition based on the time-frequency diagram of EEG signals obtained by a wavelet transform. However, the time-frequency diagram cannot effectively reflect the correlation of EEG signals between different electrodes. The above studies have shown that fatigue driving recognition based on EEGs is the most objective and accurate fatigue recognition method and is known as the "gold standard" of fatigue detection.
Fatigue driving state recognition based on EOGs mainly separates the horizontal and vertical EOG signals from the electrode signals of the forehead and extracts a series of features, such as gaze, blinking, and saccade, for driver fatigue state recognition. Reference [20] found that as driver fatigue increases, it will be accompanied by long-term blinking, which reflects the relationship between slow eye movement and driver fatigue. By extracting the eye movement features in the EOG signal, machine learning algorithms are used to identify the driver's fatigue state. Reference [21] detected fatigue driving by extracting the fatigue characteristics of blinking, slow eye movement, amplitude, and periodicity in the EOG signal, and the experimental results showed that the detection effect was effective. In summary, driver fatigue detection based on EOG signal characteristics is also feasible.
At present, most studies mainly focus on the fusion of multiple features and the application of integrated classifiers. The purpose of these studies is to maximize the accuracy of fatigue recognition. However, most studies ignore the real-time performance of fatigue driving recognition and early warning. In a real-life environment, the timely identification and early warning of fatigue driving are more meaningful. With the rapid development of modern industry, collection methods of EEG and EOG signals are becoming more advanced. The volume of collection equipment is becoming increasingly miniaturized and portable, their collection accuracy is increasing, and their production cost is decreasing. With the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in recent years, it is no longer difficult to collect driver EEG signals without interference. Based on the above background, this paper proposes a fast identification method of fatigue driving based on EEG and EOG. This method can collect the driver's EEG and EOG signals in a real environment and complete rapid identification and timely warning. The contents of this study can be divided as follows:
(1) More objective EEG and EOG signal data are used as the identification data of the fatigue driving state. For EEG data, its PSD and differential entropy are extracted as feature data. For EOG, EOG features extracted based on independent component analysis (features_table_ica), EOG features extracted based on subtraction rules (features_table_minus), and EOG features extracted using both subtraction rules and principal component analysis (features_table_icav_minh) are used as feature data. The multifeature data of the two modalities can represent more comprehensive sample information.
(2) A fast SVM algorithm based on sample geometric features is proposed. For the case of nonlinear separability, the support vector in the high-dimensional space should also be on the edge of the positive and negative classes. Measured by distance, the support vector is composed of those sample points with larger distances of the same kind and smaller distances of different kinds. The key is to find such sample points. FSVM can greatly reduce the number of training samples and reduce the number of support vectors, resulting in a reduction in the training time of the model, and at the same time, the impact on sample classification accuracy is minimal.
(3) Based on the results of fatigue driving status recognition and IoT technology, this paper designs an early warning system. The system can realize data collection, identification, and early warning. When a driver is detected to be fatigued, the system not only sends a warning signal to the driver but also informs other nearby vehicles using this system through the Internet of Things technology and manages the operation background.
5. Conclusion
The rapid identification and early warning of the fatigue driving state are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Quick and accurate fatigue identification is a prerequisite for effective early warning. This study is based on two-modal data of EEGs and EOGs to identify the fatigue driving state and extracts multiple features of the two-modal data for experimental analysis. Experimental data show that the fatigue state recognition accuracy of multimodal data fusion is higher. In the selection of classification models, deep learning algorithms have a leading advantage, and the recognition accuracy is higher than that of machine learning algorithms. However, considering the real-time requirements of fatigue state recognition tasks, this study proposes an FSVM algorithm that can quickly provide model training. The FSVM algorithm greatly improves the training speed of the model without reducing the recognition accuracy and achieves the expected effect. On the other hand, based on fast and accurate recognition results, this article designed a set of early warning systems based on IoT technology to extend the early warning information from a single vehicle to the Internet of Vehicles. When the driver is in a fatigue state, the system can not only send a warning signal to the driver but also notify other nearby vehicles using this system and manage the operation background through IoT technology. Regarding the identification of fatigue status, the next step of this research will be to improve the accuracy of identification, and more modal data can be introduced for comprehensive decision-making. In an early warning system, when the vehicle speed is too high and the distance is too large, the signal between the vehicle and other vehicles is likely to be weak, and it is impossible to guarantee the successful warning of other vehicles. LoRa has the characteristics of long communication distance, low power consumption, and low cost, which may be able to solve the above problems. This is also the content of this study, which needs further research in the future.