mystery of yawning
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mise à jour du
29 janvier 2012
J Comp Psychol.
Auditory disturbances promote temporal clustering of yawning and stretching in small groups of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus)
Miller ML, Gallup AC, Vogel AR, Clark AB
Department of Biological Sciences, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY
and Department of Psychology, University at Albany, NY, USA


Tous les articles d'Andrew Gallup
Yawning may serve both social and nonsocial functions. When budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) are briefly held, simulating capture by a predator, the temporal pattern of yawning changes. When this species is observed in a naturalistic setting (undisturbed flock), yawning and also stretching, a related behavior, are mildly contagious. On the basis of these findings, we hypothesized that a stressful event would be followed by the clustering of these behaviors in a group of birds, which may be facilitated both by a standard pattern of responding to a startling stressor and also contagion. In this study, we measured yawning and stretching in 4-bird groups following a nonspecific stressor (loud white noise) for a period of 1 hr, determining whether auditory disturbances alter the timing and frequency of these behaviors. Our results show that stretching, and to a lesser degree yawning, were nonrandomly clumped in time following the auditory disturbances, indicating that the temporal clustering is sensitive to, and enhanced by, environmental stressors while in small groups. No decrease in yawning such as found after handling stress was observed immediately after the loud noise but a similar increase in yawning 20 min after was observed. Future research is required to tease apart the roles of behavioral contagion and a time-setting effect following a startle in this species. This research is of interest because of the potential role that temporal clumping of yawning and stretching could play in both the collective detection of, and response to, local disturbances or predation threats.

Yawning is a ubiquitous vertebrate behavior that has been hard to characterize functionally, primarily because there are numerous eliciting stimuli, including general stress. The relationship between social stress and yawning is documented in humans and nonhuman primates (Greco, Baenninger, & Govern, 1993; Troisi, Aurelli, Schino, Rinaldi, & De Angelis, 1990) and may occur in other mammals. The effect of physiological stress on yawning in rodents was also studied, indicating that when exposed to footshock, yawning is initially low but then gradually increases (Moyaho & Valencia, 2002). Related to hypotheses generated by these studies, much comparative research supports the view that yawning is involved in the maintenance of arousal (for review, see Baenninger, 1997) and is also related to changes in state or activity (Provine, 1996, 2005). Although studies have failed to identify yawn-associated increases in cortical arousal as measured by EEG (reviewed by Guggisberg, Mathis, Schnider, & Hess, 2010), recent research shows that distinct brain temperature reductions occur following yawning in rats (Shoup-Knox, Gallup, Gallup, & Mc- Nay, 2010), and this cooling effect has been hypothesized to promote arousal. In addition, research on humans, chimpanzees, and rats shows that yawning is associated with behavioral arousal, as measured by modified activity or increased locomotion (Baenninger, Binkley, & Baenninger, 1996; Gallup, Miller, & Clark, 2011; Giganti, Hayes, Akilesh, & Salzarulo, 2002; Vick & Paukner, 2009). Therefore, it seems likely that the association between stress and yawning is connected to a general state of arousal and activity.
To date, only in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) is there experimental evidence that yawning is related to stress in a nonmammalian vertebrate (Miller, Gallup, Vogel, & Clark, 2010). In that study, handling of a bird simulated capture by a predator, and, after release, behavioral responses were measured over three 20- min time blocks (Miller et al., 2010). In comparison to control periods, yawning was delayed and infrequent in the first 20 min following release but then significantly increased in frequency during the next 20 min&emdash;a temporal pattern similar to that described in rodents (see Moyaho & Valencia, 2002). A follow-up experiment showed that a bird's underwing temperature after handling was negatively related to its latency to yawn (accounting for over 38% of variance in this response). These results suggest that stress-induced yawning may be associated with hyperthermia. At the same time, the delay in yawning may be an adaptive suppression when a predator is still near. Thus, observed patterns of yawning may represent compromises between conflicting adaptive responses, namely a need to thermoregulate versus a need to freeze in face of a potential threat.
Recent observational research provides evidence that both yawning and stretching are socially contagious in these birds (Miller, Gallup, Vogel, Vicario, & Clark, in preparation), showing tight temporal clustering and even matching of these behaviors in unmanipulated flocks ( 20 individuals). It is hypothesized that contagion may function to coordinate arousal and collective movement within groups, and therefore we expect it to be enhanced by the presence of an environmental threat or disturbance.
Discussion Our findings show that stretches, and yawns to a lesser degree, were nonrandomly clumped in time following the auditory disturbances, indicating that the degree of temporal clustering is sensitive to environmental stimuli. Two potential explanations emerge from the increased temporal clustering following a loud noise. First, the behaviors themselves may have become more contagious among flockmates following the auditory stressor. Alternatively, clumping may have been a result of individuals having a similar behavioral response to this stimulus, thus promoting synchronization that was not socially influenced. Given the interaction between time and group, the latter explanation is unlikely, because if nonsocial synchronization was responsible for all results, one would expect the time courses of all groups to be similar. Furthermore, the lack of any difference in latency measures between conditions and the extension of temporal clustering into the later two time blocks provides support that this pattern resulted largely from behavioral contagion, and not result of an initial, nonsocial coordination.
We did not find any temporal clumping under control conditions like that documented in our observational study of larger flocks ( 20 individuals; Miller et al., in review), but this could be due to a number of factors including differences in group size and separation, disruptions in rest-activity cycle associated with experimental testing, and the limited time frame in which recordings occurred. Although observational studies of contagious yawning have also been presented in other species, such as gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada; Palagi, Leone, Mancini, & Ferrari, 2009), unequivocal experimental evidence of this effect is limited to humans (Platek, Critton, Myers, & Gallup, 2003; Provine, 1989) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes; Anderson, Myowa- Yamakoshi, & Matsuzawa, 2004; Campbell, Carter, Proctor, Eisenberg, & de Waal, 2009). Further research is needed to determine whether yawning and stretching can be contagiously triggered among budgerigars in a controlled experiment, as well as identify the various factors associated with the temporal clustering of these behaviors in this and other species.
The proximate function of stretching is not well understood, but, like yawning, is probably a homeostatic behavior, possibly involved in behavioral arousal. In fact, when mildly disturbed (e.g., person entering a room without close approach) or motivated by external events including food, budgerigars commonly stretch and then initiate flight (A. B. Clark, A. C. Gallup, M. L. Miller, & A. R. Vogel, personal observation), suggesting that stretching is involved in preparation for movement. This makes it a possible signal of activity, and similar to yawning, the temporal clustering of stretching could coordinate changes in a group's activity level or state.
When comparing the results from this study to those of Miller et al. (2010), one obvious difference is that the latency to yawn in this study did not differ between white noise and control conditions. This suggests that, unlike handling restraint, the auditory disturbance did not suppress yawning. Because handling stress simulates an encounter with a predator, release is essentially "escape" and the subsequent inhibition in yawning may be an adaptive response to decrease detection by remaining very still. The white noise disturbance was presumably a nonspecific stressor that was less threatening, producing mild vigilance without prolonged stillness. In fact, there was no difference in the latency to move after the white noise compared to the control trials: noise, 185 89 s; control, 106 86 s, F(1, 12) 3.653, p .080. In contrast, we did observe an increase in yawning frequency 20 min following the stressor, which is comparable to that shown with handling (Miller et al., 2010).
Taken together with the previous report on handling stress (Miller et al., 2010), these findings suggest that yawning is adaptively suppressed or elicited, both socially or nonsocially, depending on factors such as the immediacy of the threat and the degree of physiological stress experienced, although more precise measures of stress response are needed for confirmation. Furthermore, the tight social clumping of stretching after an auditory disturbance may be a collective response preparing the group for flight in the event that a more salient threat was presented. Because flight synchronization is believed to function in antipredator avoidance (Monus & Barta, 2011), we propose that future studies of group vigilance should consider yawning and stretching as potential variables of interest. Consistent with the view that contagious yawning evolved to coordinate arousal, which in turn may improve vigilance within the group (Gallup & Gallup, 2007), the temporal clumping of yawning and stretching witnessed after the auditory disturbance may serve to enhance both the collective detection of, and response to, local disturbances or predation threats.
 Andrew C. Gallup. Yawning and the thermoregulatory hypothesis