- Anomalies and
Curiosities of Medicine
- Gould GM. Pyle
WL. 1896

- A girl, 15 years,
healthy, cheerful, one of her double teeth
(premolar) removed without difficulty or
anaesthesia. Half an hour after the operation,
she began to yawn.
- She yawned for 5 weeks.
Yawning except in her quiet sleep, which was
normal. No pains, no illness, no derangement of
menstrual cycle or other sexual derangements, no
hysteric paroxysms.
- Treatment: bromide of
potassium and belladonna. No effect.
- The Medical Press and
Circular, 1839-1939.
- A Hundred Years in the Life of a Medical
Journal. By Robert J. Rowlette.
- 128 pp. Quarto. London: The Journal,
- Beginning as the Dublin Medical Press on
January 9, 1839, later as the Dublin Medical
Press and Circular and finally as the Medical
Press and Circular, this periodical has led a
useful continuous life of a hundred years. In
1839, there were only two medical periodicals in
the British Isles, the London Lancet (1823) and
the London Medical Gazette (1827), and in
Ireland, only the Dublin Journal of Medical and
Chemical Science (1832), a purely scientific
- The founders of the Medical Press were
interested particularly in having a vehicle for
medico-political purposes but not to the
exclusion of the purely scientific. The question
of women in the medical profession is featured
in the issue of March 27, 1850, when there was
reprinted from the Boston Medical and Surgical
Journal an account by Miss Elizabeth Blackwell,
M.D., an American lady, of a medical tour to
London and Paris.
- The work is well written, the author having
a style which seems to make the dullest facts
interesting reading. It is well printed with a
good type on good paper and well illustrated. It
contains much material relating to medical
history in Great Britain during the past
century, which, unfortunately, is unavailable
because of the lack of an index of any