Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mystery of yawning 



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mise à jour du
1 avril 2021
Animal Behaviour
Yawn contagion promotes motor synchrony
in wild lions, Panthera leo
Grazia Casetta, Andrea Paolo Nolfo, Elisabetta Palagi 


 Tous les articles sur la contagion du bâillement
All articles about contagious yawning
Yawning, a fixed action pattern, is widespread in almost all vertebrate taxa. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the functions of yawning. These hypotheses, not mutually exclusive, can be conventionally arranged according to both physiological (e.g. drowsiness hypothesis: yawning when switching between sleep and being awake; arousal hypothesis: yawning in contexts of high social tension) and social communicative domains (e.g. contagion hypothesis, activity synchronization hypothesis). Owing to their high social cohesion and synchronized group activity, wild lions are a good model to investigate both spontaneous yawning from the physiological domain and, possibly, contagious yawning, from the social communicative domain.
The authors videorecorded two groups of lions in the Makalali Reserve (Limpopo region, South Africa) and analysed their yawning behaviour. Spontaneous yawning was particularly frequent when the lions were relaxed and, in agreement with the 24 h activity cycle typical of the species, was similarly distributed over the night and day. These findings support the drowsiness hypothesis predicting that yawning is linked to the transition between sleeping and waking (and vice versa). Lions did not show high levels of yawning during competition over clumped food such as carcasses; hence, the arousal hypothesis was not supported. They found that yawn contagion was present, supporting the contagion hypothesis and the activity synchronization hypothesis. Their findings suggest that the convergence of motor behaviour triggered by yawn contagion (to our knowledge never explored in any other species) could represent an important tool to shed light on the adaptive and immediate benefits that underlie the evolution of the yawn contagion phenomenon in human and nonhuman animals.
Le bâillement, un modèle de comportement, est répandu dans presque tous les taxons de vertébrés. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été proposées pour expliquer les fonctions du bâillement. Ces hypothèses, non exclusives l'une de l'autre, peuvent être classiquement classées en physiologiques (ex: hypothèse de somnolence: bâillement lors du passage du sommeil à l'éveil; hypothèse de relaxation: bâillements dans des contextes de forte tension sociale) et des domaines de communication sociale (ex: hypothèse de contagion, activité de synchronisation).
En raison de leur forte cohésion sociale et de leur activité de groupe synchronisée, les lions sauvages sont un bon modèle pour étudier à la fois le bâillement spontané d'un point de vue physiologique et, aussi la contagion du bâillement dasn le domaine de la communication sociale. Les auteurs ont observé deux groupes de lions dans la réserve de Makalali (région du Limpopo, Afrique du Sud) et analysé leurs bâillements.
Les bâillements spontanés étaient particulièrement fréquents lorsque les lions étaient détendus et correspondant avec le cycle d'activité de 24 h typique de l'espèce. Ils étaient répartis de manière similaire pendant la nuit et le jour. Ces résultats confirment l'hypothèse de la somnolence prédisant que le bâillement est lié à la transition entre le sommeil et l'éveil (et vice versa). Les Lions n'ont pas montré des niveaux élevés de bâillement lors de la compétition pour des aliments tels que des carcasses d'animaux ; par conséquent, l'hypothèse d'effet stimulant n'a pas été démontrée. Ils ont constaté que la contagion du bâillement était présente, confirmant cette hypothèse et l'hypothèse d'un effet de synchronisation d'activité. Leurs résultats suggèrent que la convergence du comportement moteur déclenché par la contagion du bâillement (à notre connaissance, jamais explorée dans aucune autre espèce) pourrait représenter un outil important pour faire la lumière sur les avantages adaptatifs et immédiats qui sous-tendent l'évolution du phénomène de contagion du bâillement chez l'homme et animaux non humains.
Yawning is a ubiquitous behaviour which is present in many taxa including fish, reptiles, birds and mammals (Baenninger, 1997). It is described as a fixed action pattern which is stereotyped and often repetitive. It is characterized by mouth gaping that is accompanied by a long breath inspiration followed by a brief apnoea and then by a quick expiration (Walusinski & Deputte, 2004). Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the prox- imate and ultimate factors involved in spontaneous yawning. These hypotheses conventionally fall into two domains: physiological (nondirected yawns, sensu Moyaho, Flores Urbina, Monjaraz Guzma n, & Walusinski, 2017) and social communicative (directed yawn, sensu Moyaho et al., 2017).
The physiological hypotheses predict that internal factors, such as drowsiness, arousal, thermoregulation or brain oxygenation modulate the occurrence and frequency of yawning (Gallup, 2010, 2011, 2014; Giganti & Zilli, 2011; Guggisberg, Mathis, Schnider, & Hess, 2010; Krestel, Bassetti, & Walusinski, 2018; Walusinski, 2014). According to the drowsiness hypothesis, spontaneous yawning often occurs during resting periods (Provine & Hamernik, 1986; Provine, Hamernik, & Curchack, 1987) and is performed when animals switch from being awake to sleeping and vice versa (ostrich, Struthio camelus australis, Sauer & Sauer, 1967; African elephant, Loxodonta africana, Rossman et al., 2017; South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens, Palagi, Guille n-Salazar, & Llamazares- Marti_n, 2019; humans, Giganti, Zilli, Aboudan, & Salzarulo, 2010, Greco, Baenninger, & Govern, 1993, Provine, 2005). In these behavioural transitions, the role of yawning is to increase alertness, thus making human and nonhuman animals able to adjust their behaviour in response to sudden and unexpected situations (Provine, 2005).
Spontaneous yawning can also vary as a function of the stimuli an animal receives from its social environment (Baenninger, 1997;
Deputte, 1994; Greco et al., 1993; Guggisberg et al., 2010; Provine 1997). The arousal hypothesis predicts that anxiogenic events (e.g. competition over food, agonistic contacts, predation attacks) can lead to an increase in yawning. This has been reported in many different taxa such as birds (Nazca booby, Sula granti, Liang, Grace, Tompkins, & Anderson, 2015; budgerigar, Melopsittacus undulatus, Miller, Gallup, Vogel, & Clark, 2010), rats, Rattus norvegicus (Moyaho & Valencia, 2002), South American sea lions (Palagi, et al., 2019) and primates (ringtailed lemur, Lemur catta, Verreaux's sifaka, Propithecus verreauxi, Zannella, Norscia, Stanyon & Palagi, 2015; gelada baboon, Theropithecus gelada, Leone, Ferrari, & Palagi, 2014; longtailed macaque, Macaca fascicularis, Schino, Maestripieri, Scucchi, & Turillazzi, 1990; Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata, Tonkean macaque, Macaca tonkeana, Zannella, Stanyon & Palagi, 2017). In accordance with the arousal hypothesis, Baker and Aureli (1997) showed that chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, yawned more frequently after periods of high social tension that induced arousal in the subjects, and in South American sea lions, yawning peaked immediately after an aggressive conflict in both aggressors and victims (Palagi, et al., 2019). Several studies indicate that, under such circumstances, yawning can function as a stress-releaser mechanism by facilitating physiological/emotional homeostasis (Eldakar et al., 2017; Liang et al., 2015; Miller et al., 2010; Miller, Gallup, Vogel & Clark, 2012; Moyaho et al., 2017; Walusinski, 2006, 2010).
The social communicative hypothesis claims that yawns, a physiological response, can nevertheless convey information about the internal/affective state (e.g. threat yawns) of the yawner that can be used by group members to modify their behavioural response according to specific contexts (Deputte, 1994; Guggisberg et al., 2010; Leone et al., 2014; Zannella et al., 2015). One phe- nomenon that seems to support this hypothesis of yawning is its contagious nature (Provine, 1986). Contagious yawning, a behav- ioural response provoked automatically by viewing or listening to others' yawns (Provine, 2005), has been demonstrated in humans and several nonhuman species (humans, Anderson, 2020; Chan & Tseng, 2017; Cooper et al., 2012; Franzen, Mader, & Winter, 2018; Giganti & Esposito Ziello, 2009; Giganti & Zilli, 2011; Norscia & Palagi, 2011; Platek, Critton, Myers, & Gallup, 2003; Provine, 1986, 1989; chimpanzees, Amici, Aureli, & Call, 2014; Anderson, Myowa-Yamakoshi, & Matsuzawa, 2004; Campbell, Carter, Proctor, Eisenberg, & de Waal, 2009; Campbell & de Waal, 2011, 2014; Madsen, Persson, Sayehli, Lenninger, & Sonesson, 2013; Massen Vermunt & Sterck, 2012; bonobos, Pan paniscus, Demuru & Palagi, 2012; Tan, Ariely, & Hare, 2017; geladas, Palagi, Leone, Mancini & Ferrari, 2009; wolves, Canis lupus lupus, Romero, Ito, Saito & Hasegawa, 2014; domestic dogs, Canis lupus familiaris, Neilands et al., 2020, Romero, Konno, & Hasegawa, 2013; domestic pigs, Sus scrofa, Norscia, Coco, Robino, Chierto & Cordoni, 2021; sheep, Ovis aries, Yonezawa, Sato, Uchida, Matsuki, & Yamazaki, 2016; budgerigars, Miller et al., 2012; African elephants, Rossman, Padfield, Young, Hart & Hart, 2020). Although the issue is still un- der debate (Adriaense, Koski, Huber, & Lamm, 2020; Gallup & Massen, 2020; Kis, To th, Kanizsa r, & Topa l, 2020; Massen & Gallup, 2017; Neilands et al., 2020), yawn contagion is considered a proxy of emotional contagion since the phenomenon has been found to be modulated by the level of social attachment between the interacting partners (Campbell & de Waal, 2011; Norscia, Zanoli, Gamba, & Palagi, 2020; Palagi, Celeghin, Tamietto, Winkielman, & Norscia, 2020; Romero et al., 2014, 2013; Tan et al., 2017).
One of the most parsimonious explanations for yawn contagion is the so-called 'chameleon effect' (Chartrand & Bargh, 1999). This predicts that the perception of a behaviour leads to unconscious imitation by the observer that in turn provokes an alignment, or convergence, of behaviours (Arnott, Singhal & Goodale, 2009; Lakin & Chartrand, 2003; Palagi & Cordoni, 2020). This convergence is highly adaptive because it can foster social cohesion, coordination and synchrony between subjects that do not necessarily share strong affiliation (Clay & de Waal, 2013; Lakin, Jefferis, Cheng, & Chartrand, 2003; Palagi et al., 2020; Preston & de Waal, 2002; Prochazkova & Kret, 2017). For example, the synchronization of movements and vigilance activities in a group can increase the effectiveness of resource exploitation (e.g. hunting) and defence from predators (Duranton & Gaunet, 2016).
Lions are a good model to explore the yawning phenomenon. Among felids, lions are the most social species (Bertram, 1975) whose social structure is characterized by fission-fusion dynamics (Mosser & Packer, 2009; Packer, Pusey, & Eberly, 2001). Moreover, a recent social network analysis revealed that cohesion and conver- gent activities are fundamental for the success of a group (Dunston et al., 2016). Here, we tried to identify the contexts in which spontaneous yawning occurs and whether yawn contagion is pre- sent in a wild population of lions. To do this, we tested the drowsiness, arousal and social communicative hypotheses, which, owing to the versatile nature of yawning, are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Rudnai (2012) observed that most yawning in wild lions occurred during the resting periods and, particularly, during the transition from sleeping to being awake. This finding suggests that in lions yawning can be linked to changes in mood/state (e.g. from sleep to being awake or vice versa; from lying down to licking a groupmate). If yawning, as in other mammals (Guggisberg et al., 2010; Guggisberg, Mathis, Herrmann, & Hess, 2007; Leone et al., 2014; Palagi et al., 2019; Zannella et al., 2015), is a mechanism signalling a switch between different moods/states, we predicted it to be significantly more frequent during relaxed contexts, charac- terized by a fluctuation in resting/sleeping/affiliative behavioural patterns, than during contexts characterized by motor activity such as moving or hunting (Prediction 1a).
In Japanese macaques and grey-cheeked mangabeys, Lophoce- bus albigena, Deputte (1994, p. 238) found that 'yawn duration was influenced by the activity or emotional level of the yawner'; yawns with a long duration were significantly more frequent during pe- riods of relaxation than during periods of locomotor activity or other physiologically arousing contexts (e.g. agonistic context). If relaxation is one of the main proximate factors (sensu Tinbergen, 1963) determining the duration of yawning, we predicted animals would perform long-lasting yawns when relaxed (Prediction 1b).
Since lions are active throughout the 24 h daily cycle and engage in relaxing activities both during the night and during the day (Hayward & Hayward, 2006; Schaller, 1972), we predicted no dif- ference in the frequency and duration of spontaneous yawning between night and day (Prediction 2).
In a study on a captive group of lions, Baenninger (1987, p. 351) reported that subjects increased their level of yawning just before food provisioning and that the yawning frequency tended to decrease in the postfeeding period 'During the morning there were relatively few yawns (0.8/lion-hour), but there was a progressive increase before feeding time (to 1.8 yawns/lion hour between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m.). During and after feeding there was a sharp decline in the frequency of yawns (0.35 yawn/lion-hour)'. In agreement with Deputte's (1994) findings, in Sulawesi macaques, Macaca nigra, short yawns were observed in aroused individuals during situations of high social tension such as immediately after object shaking or stamping, two behavioural patterns characterized by high levels of locomotor/arousal activity (Thierry, Bynum, Baker, Kinnaird, Matsumura, & et al, 2000). If yawning is a behavioural response linked to the arousal state of the subjects, we predicted that spontaneous yawning would increase during contexts with
high social tension, for example when animals are competing for access to a clumped food resource such as a carcass (Prediction 3a). Moreover, we predicted that yawning events would be shorter under arousing than under relaxed circumstances (Prediction 3b).
Compared to other carnivore taxa, felids tend to yawn at a higher frequency (Leyhausen, 1956). Rudnai (2012) observed that wild lions tend to yawn in chorus with two or more individuals yawning within 14 min after viewing others' yawns. In agreement with Rudnai's anecdotal observations and due to the social cohe- sion characterizing the groups of wild lions, we predicted that yawn contagion would be present (Prediction 4). If yawn contagion has a role in the social alignment of animals' activities (Vick & Paukner, 2010), we predicted that those subjects that respond with a yawn to the first yawner will also show behavioural convergence by replicating the exact motor pattern the first yawner performs immediately after yawning (Prediction 5).
This is the first systematic study on the yawning activity in wild lions. Yawning tended to be frequent during relaxing and moving, two activities that often involved all group members at the same time (Prediction 1a drowsiness hypothesis partially supported; Fig. 3). Moreover, we found that the frequency of the yawns and their duration did not differ between the day and night in agree- ment with the 24 h resting cycle of lions (Hayward & Hayward, 2006; Schaller, 1972; Prediction 2 drowsiness hypothesis supported).
In wild lions, spontaneous yawning punctuated the switch be- tween sleeping and being awake, between lying and sitting and between sitting and standing and vice versa, being particularly frequent during the relaxing contexts which involved many of these switches. Since relaxing contexts occurred during both the day and the night, the similar distribution of yawning in these periods supports the drowsiness hypothesis (Guggisberg et al., 2007, 2010). This is in line with previous descriptions provided by Rudnai (2012, p. 45) on the presence of yawning in this species: 'All yawning observed (ninety-five individual observations) occurred between 1530 and 1830 hours, indicating that lions [...], do not usually yawn before sleeping but only after resting'. In our case, it was not possible to determine whether the animals were sleeping; however, the lions alternated periods of total inactivity (lying down) with periods of low activity (moving slightly, changing po- sition, sometimes sitting and engaging in affiliative interactions). Moreover, Baenninger (1987) observed that lions often yawned when they were lying down, thus suggesting that the behaviour was linked to a relaxed state. The link between yawning and pe- riods of relaxation has been found in several mammalian species, including humans (Zilli, Giganti, & Salzarulo, 2007). In geladas, yawning is context dependent: during periods of relaxation and affiliative interactions, geladas yawn with the teeth and gums covered (Leone et al., 2014). In Verreaux's sifakas and ringtailed lemurs, Zannella et al. (2015) demonstrated that yawning was particularly frequent during the behavioural switches during relaxed contexts (e.g. sleep/awake, sitting/lying). Our results show that in wild lions, yawning was also linked to moving, another activity that mostly involves all members of the group which frequently alternate walking and standing. Since our observations were not uniformly distributed over the 24 h cycle, it would be interesting to expand the data collection to additional time windows (e.g. 2200e0500) to describe more precisely the daily fluctuation in spontaneous yawning across the different contexts.
We did not find any empirical evidence in support of the arousal hypothesis. Indeed, yawning frequency did not peak during competition over clumped food (Prediction 3a arousal hypothesis not supported; Fig. 3). The high frequency of agonistic contacts we recorded in wild lions indicates that feeding was characterized by a high level of social tension. The low frequency of yawning we recorded in this context cannot be because the lions were using their mouths to feed, as not all group members could feed at the same time. If yawning is a sign of arousal/frustration, we would expect to find a peak frequency in lions that had to wait or fight to have access to the carcass. Our finding is not in agreement with the data obtained by Baenninger (1987) who reported that captive lions increased their level of yawning just before food provisioning (at 1500) and that the yawning frequency tended to decrease after feeding. It is possible that the distribution of food in a confined space with few escape opportunities could increase levels of anxiety in animals, thus stimulating their yawning activity. Owing to the polyfunctional nature of yawning, additional data, in both wild and captive conditions, would help us understand whether it can be an indicator of anxiety in lions as it is in other species (Tonkean macaques, Zannella et al., 2017; budgerigars, Miller et al., 2010; South American sea lions, Palagi et al., 2019; rats, Kubota, Amemiya, Yanagita, Nishijima, & Kita, 2014; Nazca boobies, Liang et al., 2015).
Unlike some primate species, which engage in shorter yawns during periods of high social tension and arousal (longtailed ma- caque, grey-cheeked mangabey, Deputte, 1994; Sulawesi macaque, Thierry et al., 2000), in wild lions we did not find any difference in the mean duration of yawning events across the three contexts considered (relaxing, feeding, moving). This basic uniformity in the duration and execution of the behaviour (Fig. 1) makes the inter- pretation of yawning even more difficult in this species.
Yawning seems to have an important social communicative role in wild lions (social communicative hypothesis, Guggisberg et al., 2010). We found that contagious yawning was present in this species (Prediction 4 contagious yawning hypothesis supported; Figs. 2 and 4) and that, after being infected by others' yawns, both juveniles and adults tended to align their subsequent motor actions (Figs. 2 and 5) thus suggesting that yawn contagion can have a role in promoting synchrony in group activity (Prediction 5 effect of yawn contagion on motor convergence supported). This supports the hypothesis proposed by Vick and Paukner (2010) predicting that yawning can be a reliable indicator of change in activity state and may help synchronize group behaviours.
The yawning response mostly occurred within the first minute (75.47%) after the yawning stimulus was seen. The short latency in the response would be particularly adaptive if animals need to coordinate their movements in the minutes immediately following the yawn contagion event. This response latency is similar to that observed in human (Norscia & Palagi, 2011) and nonhuman pri- mates (bonobo, Demuru & Palagi, 2012; chimpanzee, Campbell & Cox, 2019; gelada, Palagi et al., 2009), in which yawn contagion typically peaks within the second minute after the triggering stimulus.
In lions, most maintenance activities are collectively performed by engaging in cooperative behaviours (Borrego, 2019; Packer & Ruttan, 1988; Rudnai, 2012; Schaller, 1972). Lions cooperate in hunting (Packer & Pusey, 1997), territory defence (Grinnell, 2002; Heinsohn, & Packer, 1995; Heinsohn, Packer, & Pusey, 1996; McComb, Packer, & Pusey, 1994; Mosser & Packer, 2009) and rearing their offspring (Packer & Pusey, 1994). Since lion society is free from the tolerance constraints imposed by rigid dominance hierarchies, the species has been defined as egalitarian (Borrego, 2019; Packer et al., 2001). Rudnai (2012) proposed that utilitarian interactions, which are strongly adaptive, can also serve to strengthen the bond between group members. Through social network analysis, Dunston et al. (2016) demonstrated that social cohesion and stability are central to the success of a lion group. The presence of yawn contagion and its effect on subsequent behav- iours of interacting subjects can foster the synchronization of motor activity, thus leading to group coordination, stability and cohesion.
Yawn contagion and its short response latency have often been interpreted in the light of emotional contagion, a basic building block of empathy (Palagi et al., 2009, 2020; Preston & de Waal, 2002; Romero et al., 2013, 2014). However, this issue is still under strong debate not only in nonhuman animals (canids, monkeys, great apes), but also in humans (Adriaense et al., 2020; Gallup, 2021; Massen & Gallup, 2017; Neilands et al., 2020). To our knowledge, motor convergence following episodes of contagious yawning has never been explored in other species. Yet, focusing on the immediate effects of yawn contagion could represent an important step in shedding light on the short-term benefits that underlie the evolution of yawn contagion and, possibly, emotional contagion.