Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mystery of yawning 





mise à jour du
15 octobre 2017
Physiol Behav
Yawning, a thermoregulatory mechanism during fever? A study of yawning frequency and its predictors during experimentally induced sickness
Alexandre Marraffa, Mats Lekander, Peter Solsjö, Mats J. Olsson,
Julie Lasselin, John Axelsson 
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division for Psychology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University, Netherlands


Andrew C. Gallup. Yawning and the thermoregulatory hypothesis
Yawning has been proposed to serve both physiological and social functions, the latter likely to have developed later in its evolution. A central hypothesis is that yawning cools the brain but whether yawning is a thermoregulatory mechanism that is activated during hyperthermia (i.e., thermoregulatory failure) or is activated in any instance of brain temperature increase (e.g., also during fever) is unclear and experimental assessments of yawning during fever are lacking. In this study, we determined the effect of experimentally induced fever on yawning frequency.
We also explored alternative predictors of yawning during sickness (sleepiness, autonomic nervous system indexes and sickness symptoms). Twenty-two healthy human subjects participated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study, where the subjects received an injection of the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at a dose of 2 ng/kg body weight in one condition and placebo in the other. Yawning was scored from video recordings from 30 minutes before to 4h after the injection.
Body temperature was measured frequently, alongside with heart rate, blood pressure, nausea and overall sickness symptoms. Yawning frequency was found to significantly increase over time during experimentally induced sickness, but not in the placebo condition. In particular, yawning frequency was increased during the rising phase of body temperature induced by LPS administration, although no significant correlation was found between body temperature increase and yawning frequency.
In addition, exploratory analyses showed that a higher yawning frequency was associated with less increase in sickness symptoms and nausea intensity. While the current study adds to previous research showing significant increase in yawning frequency during hyperthermia, further studies are needed if we are to properly characterize the brain cooling role of yawning in humans. The investigation of other functions, such as being a vasovagal inhibitory, may shed stronger light on the functions of yawning.
Le bâillement pourait avoir à la fois les fonctions physiologiques et sociales, cette dernière susceptible d'être apparue plus tard au cours de l'évolution. Une hypothèse propose que le bâillement réduirait la température du cerveau, mais les études des mécanismes du déclenchement de cette activité thermorégulatrice pendant l'hyperthermie (c.-à-d. l'échec de la thermorégulation), ou ceux qui seraient activés dans tous les cas d'augmentation de la température du cerveau, font défaut.
Dans cette étude, les auteurs ont déterminé l'effet d'une fièvre expérimentalement induite sur la fréquence des bâillements.
Ils ont également exploré d'autres prédicteurs du bâillement pendant la maladie (somnolence, index du système nerveux autonome, nausées/vomissements). Vingt-deux sujets en bonne santé ont participé à une étude croisée randomisée, contrôlée par placebo, où les sujets ont reçu une injection de lipopolysaccharide (LPS) d'endotoxine bactérienne à une dose de 2 ng / kg de poids corporel dans un cas et un placebo dans l'autre.
Le bâillement a été identifié à partir d'enregistrements vidéo de 30 minutes avant et 4 heures après l'injection. La température corporelle a été mesurée fréquemment, ainsi que la fréquence cardiaque, la tension artérielle, la sensation nauséeuse et ses symptômes généraux de maladie.
La fréquence des bâillements s'est révélée augmenter significativement avec le temps au cours de lapathologie expérimentale, mais pas en condition de placebo. En particulier, la fréquence des bâillements a été augmentée pendant la phase ascendante de la température corporelle induite par l'administration de LPS, bien qu'aucune corrélation significative n'ait été trouvée entre l'augmentation de la température corporelle et la fréquence des bâillements.
De plus, les études ont montré qu'une fréquence plus élevée des bâillements était associée à une augmentation moindre des symptômes de maladie et de l'intensité des nausées. Bien que l'étude actuelle ajoute à la recherche précédente montrant une augmentation significative de la fréquence du bâillement au cours de l'hyperthermie, d'autres études seront nécessaires afin de déterminer le rôle de refroidissement du cerveau par le bâillement chez l'homme. L'étude d'autres fonctions, comme une inhibition vasovagale, pourrait aider à comprendre les fonctions du bâillement.

1. Introduction
Yawning is a common phenomenon, which can be observed in humans as early as the 11th gestational week and carries on throughout the entire life span [1]. Striking similarities across species indicate that yawning is an evolutionary conserved behavior, with strongly preserved features [2&endash;4].
While contagious yawning can be triggered in humans by seeing, reading about or hearing someone yawn [5,6], spontaneous yawns have often been associated with sleepiness and boredom [7&endash;9], without any clear consensus on its exact role. It seems reasonable that yawning originated as a physiological behavior and later evolved to also function as a social signal, synchronizing behaviors such as sleeping and hunting [10]. While it has been suggested that yawning could help increase arousal [11], another theory explaining its physiological function proposes that it would serve to cool the brain [12&endash;15]. The two theories are complementary as cooling the brain would also favor arousal [4]. More specifically, yawning has been proposed to cool the brain by increasing the blood flow to the brain [11,16], which is one mechanism to reduce brain temperature [17,18]. This increased circulation is caused by stretching the jaw muscles and the contraction of the lateral pterygoid muscles, which were suggested to function as a pump squeezing blood from the associated capillary plexus to the brain [11,16,19]. The deep inspiration is also believed to cause the cerebrospinal fluid to descend and the blood flow in the internal jugular vein to increase [20] as well as to simulate heat exchange between venous blood and cooler ambient air [21].
There are several experiments supporting the brain cooling hypothesis of yawning. It has been shown that people yawn less in a cold environment (1.4°C) than in a warmer environment (19.4°C) [13,22]. In addition, putting a cold towel on the forehead significantly decreased the frequency of yawning of healthy participants in room temperature [12]. Furthermore, rodent studies have shown that intracranial temperature is increased just before and is decreased just after a yawn [23,24]. Altogether, there is strong support for the braincooling hypothesis of yawning [14,25,26]]. This thermoregulatory hypothesis of yawning proposes that yawning is triggered during hyperthermia (i.e., when body temperature exceeds the body temperature set point) to diminish brain temperature [25,26]. This notion is supported by studies indicating a reduced yawning frequency when ambient temperature approaches or exceeds 37°C, for instance during summer in humans [22,27], when braincooling mechanisms of yawning would become less efficient. Accordingly, it has been suggested that yawning would be suppressed during fever as fever represents an increase in the body temperature set point and is associated with activation of heating thermoregulatory mechanisms (e.g., shivering) while cooling mechanisms are inhibited [14,28]. However, another function of yawning might be to specifically protect the brain from excessive temperature elevation [29]. This would be particularly important during fever, when the increase in body temperature is essential to fight off pathogenic invaders, but when a simultaneous increase in brain temperature could jeopardize proper brain functioning [30&endash;33]. For example, brain hyperthermia can cause heat stroke and damage brain cells [34&endash;36]. While it remains unclear whether yawning is triggered or suppressed during fever, we suggest that, if the brain cooling role of yawning would be to protect the brain from excessive temperature elevation, increased yawning frequency in any instance of increased body temperature, i.e., hyperthermia and fever, would be a significant argument in favor of its brain cooling role. The main aim of the present study was to determine whether an experimental rise in body temperature, induced by utilizing an acute human sickness-model, would relate to an increase in yawning frequency. Experimentally induced sickness was obtained by intravenous injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an endotoxin that activates the immune system and induces an acute sickness response, including fever [37&endash;39]. Yawning was scored from video recordings of the subjects from 30 minutes before to 4h after LPS administration, in comparison to placebo administration. A secondary and exploratory aim was to assess other potential predictors of the increase in yawning frequency during sickness, such as sleepiness [8,9,11,38,40], changes in autonomic nervous function and vagal activity (i.e., blood pressure, heart rate, nausea) [41&endash;43] and overall sickness symptoms [43&endash;45]. In particular, we hypothesized that sleepiness increases during sickness would be associated with increased yawning frequency, according to the suggested role of yawning in increasing arousal [11]. No specific hypothesis was defined a priori regarding autonomic nervous function, vagal activity and sickness symptoms, but these variables were selected for their central role in the sickness response.
4. Discussion
In the current study, yawning frequency increased during the rising phase of temperature in a protocol of experimentally induced sickness. This is in line with the theory that yawning acts as a thermoregulatory mechanism to cool the brain [12]. According to this theory, yawning is increased during hyperthermia to diminish brain temperature [25,26]. In addition, while it was previously suggested that yawning would be suppressed during fever, which represents an adaptive elevation of the body temperature set point rather than a thermoregulatory failure [14,28], we postulated that a specific blood cooling effect of yawning might rather have a crucial role during fever, when body temperature is essential to fight off pathogens but when brain hyperthermia could be detrimental for the infected individual [34&endash;36]. The current study is the first to use an experimental model to induce fever and assess related yawning frequency. Importantly, the substantial increase in body/tympanic temperature (average increase: 2°C) occurred simultaneously with high yawning frequency (average: 4 yawns/30min, maximum: 11), which suggests that the increase in body/brain temperature could serve as a triggering signal for yawns. Although the data did not confirm the hypothesized correlation between an increase in body temperature and higher yawning frequency, this may be due to the fact that a tympanic thermometer does not necessarily reflect brain temperature [54], and that the sample size was limited. The design of the current study allowed the testing of the hypothesized differences in yawning frequency during experimental fever in comparison to a placebo condition, something that the data supported.
However, contrary to our hypothesis, yawning frequency was not increased during the peak phase of body temperature (between three and four hours after the LPS injection). This could be due to increased sleep in sick participants as we did not prevent the subjects from falling asleep and there was a lot of free time and possibility to sleep during this period. During the second and third hours of the study day, frequent questionnaires and tests were administered, which prevented the subjects from falling asleep.
Nevertheless, the presence of specific brain cooling mechanisms in humans remains highly debated [55&endash;57] and it is possible that yawning may have served important brain cooling properties at earlier stages in evolution, but that its physiological role is limited in modern humans. The human brain has evolved with a number of effective mechanisms to modulate arterial blood temperature, which likely participates in the homeostasis of brain temperature [58].
While yawning is a stereotypic behavior enhancing blood flow to the skull, it could have evolved into a social signal in humans [15,59,60]. While the current study adds to previous research showing significant increase in yawning frequency during hyperthermia in humans [13,61], including social forms of yawning (i.e., contagious yawning) [12,22], further studies are welcomed to properly characterize the brain cooling role of yawning in humans, notably by voluntarily modulating yawning frequency during experimentally induced fever. In addition, besides yawning frequency, yawning duration should be assessed in further investigations as it may provide additional information [62].
The second and exploratory aim of the current study was to assess other potential indices associated with yawning frequency during sickness. The fact that the increase in yawning occurred during the peak of sickness symptoms (see [46]) suggests that yawning could have a role in sickness and would have an adaptive component. Nausea intensity and sickness symptoms were found to predict yawning frequency after LPS administration. In particular, more intense nausea and even more so stronger sickness symptoms were associated with lower yawning frequency after LPS administration. This result was somewhat unexpected, given that previous studies have shown that nausea (e.g., during motion sickness) usually leads to an increase in yawning frequency [42]. Since nausea is indicative of vagal nerve activation [63], and that one major pathway for the development of sickness symptoms during immune activation is through activation of the vagal nerve [64], our results may be explained by the fact that yawning serves as an inhibitory mechanism of the sickness-induced vagal activation, possibly through deep and held lung inflations. During inspiration, lung inflations activate the slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors (SARs), which serve as a feedback mechanism to start the expiration: the SARs project in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), to the GABAergic inhibitory neurons, which inhibit the respiratory afferent signal [65,66]. These inhibitory neurons may possibly spread to other afferent branches of the vagal nerve in the NTS as well, and thus decrease nausea. This could explain the fact that deep breaths decrease nausea [67,68]. This may also be the reason for which increased yawning is observed before a vasovagal syncope [69], or why yawning is seen to increase in subjects suffering from motion sickness [42], as yawning would serve as an inhibitory feedback mechanism. However, the vasovagal inhibitory function of yawning is only a speculative assumption here and the study design used here does not allow to conclude for a causative relationship. Studies assessing specifically this mechanism should therefore be performed. Comparison between yawning and deep breaths in their vago-inhibitory potential should also be assessed, as yawning may induce larger and longer lung inflations that may have more benefits than deep breaths [70]. In addition, other specific yawning-induced mechanisms, such as increased cerebral blood flow, could also improve sickness symptoms/nausea [71]. Nevertheless, the current study highlights a potential new role of yawning during sickness, which should be further investigated. Interestingly, a previous study already documented a potential role of yawning in relieving some malaise feeling in multiple sclerosis [72].
One prevailing hypothesis of yawning is its role to stimulate arousal when individuals become sleepy [11]. We had therefore hypothesized that higher yawning frequency could be associated with stronger sleep drives. Surprisingly, however, no association was found between yawning frequency and sleepiness. This result does not necessarily contradict the arousal hypothesis of yawning but may merely result from the fact that sleepiness might not have been recorded with sufficient frequency, as it was only recorded once and three hours after the LPS injection. A higher frequency would be needed to analyze whether yawning influence the development of sleepiness across time during sickness.
A number of other factors that could have impacted the results were not measured in the current study. For instance, some subjects were exposed to more arousing situations than others, such as pain during the drawing of blood, which could have altered their yawning behavior. Moreover, the behavior of the subject can be influenced by the caregiver's behavior, for example through contagious yawning [5,73,74]. However, social presence appears to instead reduce yawn frequency [75], suggesting that the effects observed in the current study are robust. In addition, a relative small number of subjects was included in the current study, which reduces statistical power for the analyses based on between subjects variation. However, this experiment was performed in a within-subject crossover design, using a high dose of LPS, which allowed a reasonable power to draw conclusions about the main effects of sickness and body temperature.
In conclusion, we were able to show a clear increase in yawning frequency during experimentally induced sickness, which indicate for a potential role of yawning during sickness. The increase in yawning frequency occurred during the rising phase of body temperature, which adds to previous research showing significant increase in yawning frequency during hyperthermia. Our findings also bring preliminary support for the hypothesis that yawning serves to decrease sickness symptoms and nausea through vagal inhibition. Studies utilizing frequent samplings of sleep and sleepiness are likely needed if we are to draw conclusions about the role of yawning in alertness in humans.