- Abstract
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) and Tourette Syndrome (TS) present as distinct
conditions clinically; however, comorbidity and inhibitory control
deficits have been proposed for both. Whilst such deficits have been
studied widely within clinical populations, findings are mixed—partly
due to comorbidity and/or medication effects—and studies have rarely
distinguished between subtypes of the disorders. Studies in the general
population are sparse. Using a continuity approach, the present study
examined (i) the relationships between inattentive and
hyperactive/impulsive aspects of ADHD and TS-like behaviors in the
general population, and (ii) their unique associations with automatic
and executive inhibitory control, as well as (iii) yawning (a proposed
behavioral model of TS). One hundred and thirty-eight participants
completed self-report measures for ADHD and TS-like behaviors as well
as yawning, and a conditioned inhibition task to assess automatic
inhibition. A sub-sample of fifty-four participants completed three
executive inhibition tasks. An exploratory factor analysis of the TS
behavior checklist supported a distinction between phonic and motor
like pure TS behaviors. Whilst hyperactive/impulsive aspects of ADHD
were associated with increased pure and compulsive TS-like behaviors,
inattention in isolation was related to reduced obsessive-compulsive
TS-like behaviors. TS-like behaviors were associated with yawning
during situations of inactivity, and specifically motor TS was related
to yawning during stress. Phonic TS and inattention aspects of ADHD
were associated with yawning during concentration/activity. Whilst
executive interference control deficits were linked to
hyperactive/impulsive ADHD-like behaviors, this was not the case for
inattentive ADHD or TS-like behaviors, which instead related to
increased performance on some measures. No associations were observed
for automatic conditioned inhibition.
Disorder (ADHD) and Tourette Syndrome (TS) present as distinct
conditions clinically; however, there is evidence of comorbidity
between those two disorders and inhibitory control deficits have been
proposed for both (Eddy et al., 2009). ADHD is a neurodevelopmental
disorder characterized by excessive inattention, hyperactivity and
impulsivity, and diagnosis typically comprises three subtypes for
inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, or combined ADHD cases. ADHD has
predominantly been studied using clinical populations of children
and/or adults, and this research suggests that the psychological
symptoms of ADHD derive from deficient inhibitory control (Barkley,
1997; Quay, 1997; Ozonoff et al., 1998). As the symptoms and behaviors
have been suggested to be dimensional with extreme manifestations
leading to diagnosis (Coghill and Sonuga-Barke, 2012), research has
also begun to examine individual differences in ADHD-like behaviors and
their links to response inhibition in the general population (Kuntsi et
al., 2005; Herrmann et al., 2009).
TS is also
a neurodevelopmental hyperkinetic disorder, in this case involving
sudden, repetitive unintentional movement-based tics (motor tics) and
involuntary sounds or utterances produced by moving air through the
nose, mouth, or throat (phonic tics). Phonic and motor tics relate to
separate diagnostic criteria as they involve discrete muscle groups,
and phonic tics are generally more common (Leckman et al., 2006).
Factor analytic studies (Khalifa and Knorring, 2005; Robertson et al.,
2008) have shown that there are pure or uncomplicated (without
comorbidity, prevalent in 10% of patients) and comorbid phenotypic
expressions of TS, mainly associated with ADHD and obsessive-compulsive
disorder (OCD) (Bloch and Leckman, 2009; Cavanna et al., 2009).
Consequently, many clinical studies include patients with symptoms of
ADHD or OCD. Attentional and impulse control problems are thought to
precede the emergence of TS symptoms, and it is the behavioral
disturbances and impaired executive functioning typical of ADHD that
appear to be most closely linked to TS (for review see Robertson,
2000). The obsessive-compulsive behaviors (OCBs) most characteristic of
TS appear to be clinically different from those seen in pure OCD, and
involve repetitive thoughts of aversive content, and compulsions to do
with checking, sorting and arranging (Robertson, 2000). TS has been
linked to cognitive and executive functioning impairment, however, the
specificity of these deficits to pure TS as opposed to comorbid
conditions is less clear (Eddy et al., 2009). Moreover, as TS-like
behaviors involve separate behavioral aspects (phonic and motor), these
may show differential associations with the subtypes of ADHD, OCBs, and
response inhibition deficits. Whilst research has begun to examine
individual differences in ADHD-like behaviors in the general
population, this is not the case for TS. However, it is recognized that
TS lies at the extreme of what can be viewed as a tic disorder spectrum
which includes also “transient,” “chronic,” and “non-specific” tic
disorders (Leckman, 2002). Therefore, the main aim of this study is to
examine individual differences in the general population in the
expression of behaviors similar to those seen in TS and ADHD and their
links to response inhibition.
is a broad but nonetheless useful construct, particularly in relation
to the deficits characteristic of a range of psychopathologies. Based
on an extensive review, Nigg (2000) proposed an integrated taxonomy of
inhibition in which inhibitory control (broadly defined) includes
executive, automatic and motivational inhibitory processes, each
corresponding to separate cognitive, personality and neural
underpinnings. Differentiating amongst these allows more systematic
identification of the specific inhibitory control mechanisms linked to
various psychopathologies (Nigg, 2000). In the case of ADHD and TS, the
most widely studied inhibitory processes fall under the class of
effortful executive inhibition. This includes interference control of
motor or cognitive responses due to resource or stimulus
competition—typically assessed by tasks which require respondents to
suppress (their perception of) a stimulus and competing response in
order to execute the primary response, such as in the standard Stroop
or Flanker tasks. Similarly, behavioral inhibition requires suppressing
a dominant or pre-potent automatic response option—typically assessed
with the Go/No-Go or Stop-Signal tasks. A variety of studies using
these tasks, have demonstrated deficits in executive response
inhibition in children and adults with ADHD (Schachar and Logan, 1990;
Iaboni et al., 1995; Seidman et al., 1997; Konrad et al., 2000;
Schachar et al., 2000; Young et al., 2006). A meta-analysis suggested
slower go and stop reaction times in ADHD children; however, this was
non-specific in that children with conduct disorder showed similar
deficits (Oosterlaan et al., 1998). Importantly, though a number of
studies report executive inhibition deficits in ADHD, comorbidity was
not accounted for in most, and those studies that did, typically found
that deficits are not necessarily specific to ADHD. Indeed, a more
recent meta-analysis of executive dysfunction in clinic-referred and
community ADHD samples (across 83 studies) found only moderate effect
sizes, consistent with the lack of universality of these deficits
(Willcutt et al., 2005).
Similar to
ADHD, it has been argued that TS may be a result of an inhibitory
dysfunction (Sheppard et al., 1999). While some studies have found
inhibitory deficits (Georgiou et al., 1995; Marsh et al., 2004;
Crawford et al., 2005), the overall evidence of inhibitory impairment
in TS is inconsistent, and has similarly been attributed to comorbidity
issues (Pennington and Ozonoff, 1996). Indeed, a number of studies
report no significant difference in cognitive and behavioral executive
response inhibition between TS groups without comorbid ADHD and matched
controls. For example, participants with pure TS showed no performance
deficits on Go/No-Go (Serrien et al., 2005; Roessner et al., 2008),
color-word Stroop or Flanker tasks (Channon et al., 2003, 2006, 2009).
Similarly, Ozonoff et al. (1998) found normal inhibition effects in
children with mild TS but impaired inhibition in children with TS and
comorbid ADHD or OCD. Thus, it has been suggested that ADHD comorbidity
may contribute to, or possibly be responsible for the inhibitory
deficits observed in TS (Ozonoff et al., 1998; Como, 2001; Channon et
al., 2003; Gilbert et al., 2004; Eddy et al., 2009). Indeed, Jackson
and colleagues have shown that, despite their general difficulties with
inhibition, pure TS participants (without comorbidity) show
paradoxically enhanced volitional control in suppressing established
learned associations, in both saccadic and manual switching tasks
(Mueller et al., 2006; Jackson et al., 2007, 2011a; Jung et al., 2014).
Such tasks rely on executive processes to show the required flexibility
when the response requirement is changed. Thus, the above studies of
inhibitory (dys)function have used volitional response measures
involving conscious control, which can be classified as effortful
executive inhibition category (Nigg, 2000). To date, little research
has examined motivational or automatic inhibitory processes in ADHD and
TS, though clinical studies suggest that automatic attentional
inhibition may be of particular importance in the inattentive subtype
of ADHD (Aman et al., 1998). To gain specificity regarding unique
deficits in different psychopathologies, the ideal approach is to
simultaneously examine and distinguish different types of response
inhibition deficits using several response inhibition tasks and in more
than one disorder, whilst controlling for comorbidity (Nigg, 2000).
From a
learning theory perspective, successful performance on such tasks
detailed above requires inhibition of pre-potent stimulus-response
(S-R) associations. The learning of stimulus-stimulus (S-S)
associations follows the general laws of associative learning and may
well rely on similar mechanisms, however, there are differences in the
specific neural circuitries involved depending on the type of S-R (Jog
et al., 1999; Killcross and Coutureau, 2003; Yin and Knowlton, 2006) or
S-S conditioning procedure in use (Daum et al., 1993; Fanselow and
Poulos, 2005; Kim and Jung, 2006). Given that different neural
circuitries are necessary for S-R and S-S associations, we cannot
assume that both types of learning are affected in ADHD or TS. Indeed,
when performance on procedural (S-R) learning tasks was systematically
compared with tasks requiring associative learning (based on S-S as
well as S-R associations) in TS patients, the underlying learning
systems were suggested to be dissociable (Marsh et al., 2005). However,
there have been few reported studies of S-S learning and the role of
automatic inhibition in ADHD or TS. Studies using inhibition of return
have found no evidence for such inhibitory deficits in cases of TS
without comorbidity (Yuen et al., 2005). Similarly, negative priming,
though impaired in OCD, appears to be spared in TS and adult ADHD
(Ozonoff et al., 1998; Nigg et al., 2002). A latent inhibition study—in
which stimulus pre-exposure attenuates later S-S learning—found also no
deficit in TS participants (Swerdlow et al., 1996). However, although
latent inhibition procedures effectively inhibit the acquisition of a
new association, they do not render the pre-exposed stimulus truly
inhibitory (Baker and Mackintosh, 1977). True inhibition is
demonstrated by establishing a stimulus selectively to predict the
occasions on which an otherwise expected outcome will not occur
(Pavlov, 1927; Rescorla, 1969), as seen in conditioned inhibition (CI)
procedures. Thus, the inhibition of S-S associations (termed
conditioned inhibition) has been defined in terms of the learned
ability of a stimulus to inhibit an earlier established association
(Rescorla, 1969). More specifically, the presence (during an excitatory
association) of a stimulus which signals the absence of the otherwise
expected event, establishes the additional stimulus as inhibitory
(Pavlov, 1927). Since CI can be established in both implicit and
explicit learning variants, it should be classified as automatic rather
than effortful inhibition.
CI has only
recently been examined in clinically diagnosed children and adolescents
with ADHD (Kantini et al., 2011a) and TS in the absence of comorbid
ADHD (Kantini et al., 2011b). Although there was no evidence for any
differences in CI between ADHD or TS groups compared to matched
controls, in both disorders performance was dependent on medication. In
ADHD participants, both higher dosage and longer duration of treatment
with methylphenidate were related to improved CI when symptom severity
was taken into account (Kantini et al., 2011a). On the other hand,
medication with clonidine for TS impaired CI (Kantini et al., 2011b).
Thus, differences in CI in ADHD and TS were related to medication
rather than diagnosis. Hence, previous studies conducted in clinically
diagnosed and treated populations may be limited to the extent that
observed performance differences may be confounded by medication status
as well as comorbidity. Moreover, given the difficulties in recuiting
pure cases (without comorbidity), the majority of experimental studies
conducted in clinical populations have looked at ADHD without
differentiating between hyperactive/impulsive and inattentive subtypes
of the disorder.
differential performance deficits based on behavioral subtypes of
either ADHD or TS may be also key to the delineation of their
respective deficits. To date a relatively small number of studies have
addressed the relationship between inhibition deficits and subtypes of
ADHD. Willcutt et al.'s (2005) meta-analysis in clinical samples
supports executive performance deficits in combined and inattentive
ADHD subtypes, whereas impairment in the hyperactive/impulsive subtype
was minimal (though only three studies included the latter). Herrmann
et al. (2009) found executive response inhibition deficits for
inattentive but not hyperactive/impulsive ADHD-like behaviors in a
healthy non-clinical adult sample. Thus, the subtypes of ADHD appear to
be differentially related to response inhibition deficits, but further
evidence is needed. Whilst recent studies began to examine executive
response inhibition deficits linked to subtypes of ADHD-like behaviors
in the clinical and general population, to date there are no studies
that have been applied to TS-like behaviors in a similar way. Moreover,
whilst automatic attentional inhibition has been suggested to be of
particular importance in the inattentive subtype of ADHD (Aman et al.,
1998), there are no studies that have examined the association of the
subtypes of ADHD with automatic inhibition deficits in the general
following a dimensional approach, the main aim of the current study was
to examine (i) the associations between the different behavioral
aspects of both conditions in the general population, and (ii) their
unique roles in inhibitory control deficits, specifically in automatic
inhibition. Few studies have used various tasks of response inhibition
simultaneously to assess disorder and subtype specificity of deficits
(Nigg, 2000), and indeed, none has explicitly compared performance on
standard response inhibition tasks and CI of S-S associations in the
normal population. Therefore, extending the experimental approaches
previously adopted in the ADHD and TS literature, the current study set
out to examine automatic response inhibition deficits related to the
subtypes of TS- and ADHD-like behaviors in the general population and
compare those to executive response deficits in a subsample.
there are established ADHD scales for use in normal populations (ASRS;
Kessler et al., 2005), that differentiate between hyperactive/impulsive
and inattentive behaviors, currently there are no such scales to
measure TS-like behaviors in normal populations. Therefore, we
developed a short behavioral checklist similar in format to the ASRS
tapping into the different behavioral aspects of TS (including pure
motor and phonic tic related behaviors, as well as OCBs) in order to
examine the overlap between TS-like behaviors with ADHD subtypes and
their associations with automatic and effortful response inhibition
deficits. Moreover, tics can be triggered by various situations and are
often preceded by premonitory sensations (Prado et al., 2008), which
may become tic-generating stimuli through S-S associations (Robertson,
2000). For example, whilst tics can be temporarily suppressed using
distraction, they appear to increase during stress and relaxation after
stress (Jankovic, 1997). Yawning is a stereotyped repetitive motor act
occurring during such situations, increasing arousal and
self-awareness, and it has been suggested that excessive yawning is
associated with and triggering TS tics (Dalsgaard et al., 2001;
Walusinski et al., 2010). Both, yawning and TS (like a number of other
bodily sensations) have been conceptualized as “urges for action,” and
based on the overlap in the functional anatomy, yawning has been
proposed as a behavioral model for TS (Jackson et al., 2011b). It has
been suggested that identifying premonitory sensations and subjective
experiences associated with symptom expression may be useful in
identifying more homogenous subgroups of TS (Prado et al., 2008).
Therefore, we also included a scale assessing yawning in different
contexts (Greco and Baenninger, 1993) to examine its associations with
different TS-like behaviors.
hypotheses tested were as follows: (i) based on comorbidity in clinical
groups, ADHD- and TS-like behaviors were predicted to be positively
associated; (ii) in line with the notion of the behavioral yawning
model for TS, TS-like behaviors were predicted to be associated with
excessive yawning also in contexts unrelated to fatigue or boredom;
(iii) automatic attentional inhibition deficits were expected only in
relation to the inattentive ADHD subscale (Aman et al., 1998); (iv)
controlling for “comorbidity,” ADHD-like behaviors were predicted to be
more strongly associated with deficits in tasks measuring executive
inhibitory control; whereas any apparent relationships with TS-like
behaviors are due to ADHD-like behaviors or OCBs known to co-occur with
TS. Go to: Materials and methods
Yawning as a behavioral model of TS
Analysis of the Yawning scale yielded a three factor solution
distinguishing between active, inactive and stress induced yawning. The
Yawning scales were significantly positively correlated with pure (and
overall) TS-like behaviors, and YWN-inactive was also associated with
compulsive TS behaviors. The Yawning scales also showed some
associations with ADHD-like behaviors, whereby YWN-activity (and
overall) was significantly positively associated with all ASRS scales,
and YWN-inactivity with hyperactive/impulsive (and overall) ASRS.
However, YWN-stress was not linked to ASRS. The regression analyses for
the unique contribution of the TS and ASRS scales (thus accounting for
covariation amongst those) showed that only the three TS-like behaviors
remained significantly associated with yawning during inactivity, and
only motor TS-like behaviors with yawning during stressful situations
involving self-presentation/awareness. The ASRS scales were not linked
to these two yawning scales. In contrast, only phonic (but not motor or
OCB) TS-like behaviors and inattentive (but not hyperactive/impulsive)
ASRS were positively associated with yawning during activity involving
concentration. In general, the findings support the notion that
excessive yawning is associated with TS (Dalsgaard et al., 2001;
Walusinski et al., 2010), but suggest that the behavioral yawning model
may be more specific to TS in the context of relaxation (for all TS
behaviors) or during self-awareness and stress (specifically for motor
tics). Secondly, phonic tics, characterized by involuntary sounds
produced by moving air through the nose, mouth, or throat, and
underlying the same muscle groups as yawning itself (Leckman et al.,
2006), are linked to yawning across different everyday situational
contexts (inactive and active). Given the role of premonitory
sensations in tic-generating S-S associations (Robertson, 2000), this
suggests that yawning in those situations may trigger more common
phonic tics. Yawning during stressful situations involving greater
self-awareness, however, may be more likely to trigger motor tics,
which also involve different muscle groups (Leckman et al., 2006).
Thus, taking the situational context of premonitory sensations
associated with different symptom expression into account may be useful
in studying homogenous subgroups of TS (Prado et al., 2008). However,
the finding that ASRS-inattention was associated with yawning during
activity suggests that the behavioral yawning model may also be useful
for ADD, and warrants further investigation in clinical samples. Given
that yawning is thought to increase arousal (Walusinski et al., 2010),
it may well be a functional response to increase attention during
situations where concentration is required.