- La contagion du bâillement est-elle
une simulation ? Goldman en 1992 a
conceptualisé la simulation : "processus
mental qui est, ou vise à être,
isomorphe avec le processus cible qu'il vise
à imiter". Reste à
déterminer les mécanismes
neurophysiologiques sous jacents à ce qui
peut se définir en un mécanisme
mimétique non cognitif.
- Découverts dans le cortex
prémoteur ventral du macaque, dans les
aires F4 et F5, les «
neurones miroirs » répondent
aussi bien en situation d'observation que
d'exécution d'une action (Rizzolatti
1988; Rizzalotti et Gallese 1997). En d'autres
termes, ils peuvent être activés
soit parce que le sujet effectue une action d'un
certain type vers un certain objet, soit parce
qu'il observe la même action en train
d'être effectuée par un
congénère ou par un humain. Ces
neurones miroirs semblent être
également présents dans le cerveau
humain. Des travaux de stimulation
magnétique transcrânienne
effectués sur l'homme par Fadiga (1995)
montrent que lorsqu'un sujet observe une action
particulière, les potentiels
évoqués moteurs relatifs aux
muscles correspondants sont sélectivement
amplifiés chez le sujet qui observe,
comme s'il se préparait à
accomplir lui-même l'action
observée, relativement à un sujet
qui contemple des objets.
- Aucun travail de neurophysiologie n'a
actuellement concerné le bâillement
et sa contagion. Il ne s'agit là qu'une
d'un hypothèse hardie que je formule.
Tiré d'un travail de Ralphs Adolphs :
Social Cognition and the human brain, cette page
du site participe à cette
réflexion : " Comment peut-on
attribuer des états mentaux à
autrui ? ".....
- Primates appear to be highly skilled at
predicting other individuals'behavior, but there
is vigorous debate about how to interpret such
an ability. The mechanisms by which we represent
and predict other people's behavior have been
viewed from two different theoretical
perspectives. The two main camps argue either
for a 'theory of mind', or for a set of
processes that permits 'simulation' of
other minds. The 'theory'-theory has been
floated for some time in philosophy of mind as a
possible explanation of what is commonly called
'folk psychology': our commonsense understanding
of other people's behavior in terms of
intervening mental states, such as beliefs,
desires and intentions, on the basis of which
people act.
- The other camp, however, views our ability
to recognize and reason about other people's
states of mind as an example of experience
projection; in essence, we know other minds by
empathy, or by simulation. It is likely that
both these views have some truth to them,
depending on the circumstances (see Ref. a for
examples of both sides of the debate). The
theory view might afford greater economy and
generalizability of prediction, or might be
particularly suited to information that can be
lexically encoded; but simulation may be the
only option in cases that are sufficiently
idiosyncratic, or in cases where the information
is not easily encoded into language. In the
latter situation, it could be that the only way
to predict what another person will do is to run
in one's own brain the processes that the other
person is running in theirs. If this possibility
is taken seriously, it suggests a role for
conscious experience in social cognition: to
obtain information about another person's
internal mental state, it may be necessary to
imagine what it would be like to be the other
person via direct simulation. Simulation might
find its developmental origins in
infants'ability to mimic facial expressions
spontaneously, and it has found some recent
neurophysiological support from the finding
ofso-called'mirror neurons', which appear to
participate in simulating the actions of other
- Research into how we represent other minds
began with a question about whether or net
chimpanzees might possess a theory ofmind (Ref.
d), a question that is still unanswered (Ref e).
In humans, the theory-of-mind question was posed
concretely in terms of the ability to attribute
beliefs, specifically false beliefs, to other
individuals. It has been shown that this ability
begins to emerge around age four or possibly
earlier (Refs f g). The abilities that
constitute a theory of mind have been
fractionated into several distinct components,
such as the ability to attribute desires, to
recognize objects of shared attention, and to
monitor others' direction of gaze. All these
different components appear at distinct
developmental stages in humans, and there is
evidence that some of them may be selectively
impaired in subjects with autism, a disorder
that exhibits marked difficulties in social
behavior (Ref. h).
- Several lesion and functional imaging
studies have investigated the neural structures
by which subjects generate knowledge about other
people's mental states. In addition to a large
literature demonstrating the involvement of
amygdala, orbitofrontal cortices, and right
hemisphere cortices in more general processing
of emotion, including recognition of emotion in
others, some studies have explicitly
investigated attribution of higher-order mental
states, such as beliefs and intentions. A recent
study by Stone et al. found that subjects with
bilateral damage to the orbitofrontal cortex
were specifically impaired in their ability to
attribute higher-order mental states to other
people from stories (Ref i). In particular, they
were unable to detect a faux pas, something that
subjects with high-functioning autism (Asperger
syndrome) also fail. A functional imaging study
that compared brain activation during
theory-of-mind tasks between normal and
high-functioning autistic subjects found
evidence that secrets of left medial prefrontal
cortex were also important to reason about other
people's mental states (Ref j), a finding
consistent with earlier studies that showed that
processing words for mental states (Ref k), or
reasoning about the beliefs and intentions of
others (Ref. 1), normally activates regions in
media] prefrontal cortex.
- In regard to the amygdala, an fMRI study
demonstrated amygdala activation when normal
subjects had to attribute mental states and
intentions to other people from looking at
pictures of their eyes (Ref. m). Interestingly,
this is a task that high-functioning subjects
with autism fail behaviorally (Ref n), and also
in which, unlike normal individuals, the
amygdala does net appear to be activated (Ref
m). As fat as right hemisphere
somatosensory-related cortex is concerned, in
addition to a large literature implirating this
region in more general emotional processing, a
recent lesion study showed that damage to this
area can impair the ability to attribute mental
states, such as false beliefs, to other
individuals (Ref. o).
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