- Here a gaping mouth of the Devil represents
a sphere of a different and more terrifying
kind. An enthusiastic Devil welcomes King,
Bishop, and merchant alike to the flames.
- Where precisely Hell was located was, of
course, the subject of debate: Marlowe's Doctor
Faustus urges Mephistophilis to tell him where
it is, and Mephistophilis replies that it is
within the lower elements of earth itself -- but
at the same time is everywhere that is not
- Faustus: Tell me, where is that place that
men call hell?
- Mephistophilis: Under the heavens.
- Faustus:
Ay, but
- Mephistophilis: Within the bowels of these
- Where we are tortured and remain
- Hell hath no limits, nor is
- In one self place, for where we are is
- And where hell is there must we ever
- And, to be short, when all the world
- And every creature shall be purified,
- All places shall be hell that is not
- Faustus: I think hell's a fable.
- Mephistophilis: Aye, think so still, till
experience change thy mind.
- (2.1.117-28)
: toujours mettre la main devant sa bouche.
Réprimer son bâillement quand l'on
vous parle. C'est par ailleurs une façon
pratique de ne pas imposer son haleine douteuse
aux autres. Il est sans doute de très
mauvais goût d'exposer au regard
extérieur sa cavité buccale (tout
comme d'autres cavités d'ailleurs).