- Question
- I am a 55-year-old, obese man with Type 2
diabetes. I have also been treated for
hemochromatosis. My problem is what I describe
as violent yawning attacks. Anywhere from two to
five hours after meals, I yawn forcefully for
5-10 minutes. What could be causing these
yawning episodes, and what can I do to stop

- Answer
- There are a number of possible causes for
your yawning episodes. As an older, obese man
with diabetes, the most likely explanation is
poor sleep due to sleep apnea, resulting in
daytime tiredness.
- Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing
stops for at least 10 seconds five or more times
an hour while a person is asleep, sometimes
happening hundreds of times a night. Research
has shown an association between sleep apnea and
Type 2 diabetes. Excessive yawning, which is
defined as a cluster of 10 to 30 yawns occurring
many times a day, can be the result of sleep
deprivation caused by episodes of apnea.
- One way to determine whether sleepiness may
be causing your yawning attacks is to evaluate
your level of tiredness using a tool known as
the Epworth
Sleepiness Scale.
- If your result is 10 or higher, you should
consult your doctor about having a
polysomnography, or sleep study, done in a sleep
lab to determine whether you do in fact have
sleep apnea. (During a polysomnography, a person
is wired up to various machines while he sleeps
to measure factors such as the level of oxygen
in his blood and the electrical activity in his
- Another possibility to consider is that one
of your medicines may be causing your yawning
episodes. For instance, a class of
antidepressant drugs known as selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) is a
common cause of excessive yawning.
- Yawning caused by these drugs tends to stop
within a few days of reducing the dose or
stopping the medicine. A variety of other drugs
can also cause excessive yawning. If you suspect
that a medicine may be the culprit in your case,
be sure to speak with your doctor before making
any changes in your drug treatment.
- Since you have diabetes, it is also worth
noting that yawning may be a sign of
hypoglycemia, or low blood glucose. If this is
the cause, your yawning attacks will likely also
be accompanied by symptoms such as sweating,
trembling, dizziness, confusion, headache, and
- Lastly, if the yawning occurs for only a
short period , it may indicate anxiety or
hyperventilation, a vasovagal reaction (in which
the involuntary nervous system causes the heart
to slow and blood pressure to drop). One of
various neurological disorders, such as
or a brain
tumor must be also investigated. If a
polysomnography indicates that you do not have
sleep apnea, it might be worth discussing a CT
scan or MRI of the head with your health-care
provider to rule out a neurological
- Olivier Walusinski, M.D., France