kinesigenic dystonia associated with a medullary
David E Riley
Movement Disorders
Center, Mt. Sinai Medical Center and Department
of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University
School of Medicine, Cleveland,
Paroxysmal kinesigenic dystonia (PKD),
or choreoathetosis (PKC), is a transient
movement disorder characterized by its
precipitation by initiation or acceleration of
movement, a duration of usually <1 min and
always <5 min, a high frequency of 100 or
more episodes per day and a striking benefit
from anticonvulsants (1-3). The most common
precipitating movement is rising quickly from a
seated position (1). Most paroxysms are preceded
by sensory prodromata and followed by a
refractory period (3). In the majority of cases,
the movements affect the limbs in a unilateral
fashion (1,3). Following is a description of a
case conforming to the clinical criteria of PKD
outlined above, but with a unique distribution
limited to the territory of lower cranial nerves
and associated with a lesion in the medulla.
CASE REPORT : A 69-year-old man
complained of spasms of his throat, which had
hegun abruptly 2 years earlier. These episodes
consisted of tightening of the throat muscles
which felt like golf balls on either side of his
throat. This was accompanied by elevation of the
tongue to the palate. The net results were
dysphonia and dysarthria. During 25% of episodes
he simultaneously felt a burning sensation
around the eye, radiating down over the check
and the side of the neck; he estimated that the
right side was involved four times as often as
the left, but never both sides at once. The
episodes occurred six to 20 times per day and
lasted 10-30 s each, resolving rapidly.
Spasms were provoked by a number of
activities, most notably speech, especially at
initiation. At times, anticipation of speech by
picking up the receiver or just hearing the
telephone ring could provoke a spasm. Other
mouth actions could cause an episode to occur,
including chewing food (particularly the first
bite), swallowing, brushing teeth, and
yawning. Occasionally, whole body motions
such as arising from a chair or lifting a heavy
weight would also result in a spasm. Immediate
repetition of the provocative action after a
spasm would never result in a second episode,
and he could resurne speaking, chewing, or
lifting without further incident. He had been
treated with clonazepam up to 2.5 mg/day,
producing only disequilibrium.
His medical history was notable for
hypercholesterolemia, ischemic heart discase,
and a coronary artery bypass graft 10 years
previously. He had also undergone a
prostatectomy for benign prostatic hypertrophy
and a lumbar diskectomy. His daily medications
were bethanccol, simvastatin, and aspirin. The
family history disclosed no neurologie
Results of the general neurologie examination
were unremarkable. His speech at rest was
normal. Two episodes of throat spasms were
produced by sitting up from a supine position,
and one by drinking (videotape). Objectively,
these consisted of a strained dysphonia and
palpable hardening of supralaryngeal muscles
bilaterally, lasting -15 s. Speaking, eating, or
answering the telephone produced no
A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of
the brain demonstrated a medullary lesion
consistent with a remote hemorrhage. No abnormal
blood vessels were seen. On two subsequent
office visits, he developed throat spasms upon
arising from his chair in the waiting room. The
only other episode was provoked by drinking
water. He began treatment with phenytoin 300 mg
every morning. He stopped having attacks the
following day. When he reduced his daily dosage
to 200 mg, he felt a rare sensation of tightness
in his jaw "almost like it was trying to do it
again." However, he has had no throat spasms
since starting phenytoin 3 years ago.
DISCUSSION : This patient's story is
typical of PKD in every respect save for the
distribution of the muscles affected. PKD almost
always involves the limbs, usually in a
unilateral fashion; no prior case of PKD of the
pharynx larynx and tongue has been reported. The
anatomic location of the lesion shown suggests
strongly that it is responsible for the unique
clinical presentation because the cranial nerve
nuclei (ambiguus, hypoglossal) predominantly
responsible for motor innervation of the
pharynx, larynx and tongue are located at the
medullary level.
The mechanism for production of PKD is
unknown. Most investigators speculating on this
topic have chosen to regard PKD as either a
disorder originating in the basal ganglia (1,4)
or a form of reflex epilepsy (5,6). The evidence
in favor of a basal ganglia lesion includes the
dystonic (or choreic or athetotic) character of
the involuntary movement, the coexistence in a
minority of patients of other dyskinesias
suggesting basal ganglia disease, and a lone
report of a patient responding to levodopa (7).
Kertesz reasoned that PKD, at least in
idiopathic or familial cases, could represent "a
paroxysmal release phenomenon from striatal
control- caused by "i nsufficient maturation of
some of these control pathways, leading to
pathological oscillation in the circuits of the
hasal gangli due to a disordered feedback
mechanism (1).
Support for the notion of PKD as an epileptic
phenomenon comes from its episodic, stereotyped
occurrence, analogous to that of seizures, and
its response to anticonvulsants. Features
inconsistent with epilepsy are the preservation
of consciousness, even during bilateral
episodes, and the conspicuous absence of
paroxysmal epileptiform activity from
electroencephalograph recordings during attacks.
Franssen et al found an enhanced cortical
potential (the "slow negative wave") in an
electrophysiologic study of the contingent
negative variation after a signal warning of
anticipated tasks in a patient with PKC (8).
However, they were careful to conclude that the
electrical abnormality could have arisen from a
disturbance in an unknown part of the
reticularis thalami system," and its
relationship to PKC was not established.
Most cases of secondary or symptomatic PKD
are due to multiple sclerosis or brain trauma
(9) and cannot be correlated with a specific
focal lesion of the central nervous system. The
small number that can be assigned a localization
show a diversity of clinical-pathological
correlation. PKD is associated with focal
lesions at all levels of the neuraxis, not just
within the cerebral cortex or basal ganglia but
also in the thalamus, brainstem, and spinal
cord. This suggests that PKD is not a
manifestation of dysfunction within a specific
region or pathway of the nervous system, but
rather a shared expression of disorders of
varying etiology and location, whose
distribution depends on the site of the lesion.
Details of the pathophysiology remain obscure,
but fundamentally there appears to be a
disordered response to movement or anticipation
of movement. The occurrence of dyskinesias with
anticipation, and preceding actual movement,
indicates that the aberrance occurs in the
planning stage of actions rather than as a
result of the influx of sensory information from
the movement itself, such as proprioceptive
changes. At the very least, patients such as the
one described here compel us to broaden our
consideration of the pathophysiology of PKD
beyond the scope of epilepsy and basal ganglia
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