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20 décembre 2001
 Journal of neurological sciences
A single report of hemiplegic arm stretching related to yawning: further investigation using apomorphine administration
O Blin, O Rascol , JP. Azulay , G Serratrice
Clinical Pharmacology CHU Timone, Marseille
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All articles about parakinsia brachialis oscitans
Introduction : We observed a stroke patient who stretched his herniplegic arm during spontaneous yawning. The question thus arises of the putative mechanisms by which yawning can induce the hemipandiculation (paradoxical motor response of the plegic arm in the patient), given the large infarct of the internal capsule interrupting the pyramidal tract noted in this patient.
Case report : A 62-year-old man was admitted with acute onset of pure motor hemiplegia of the right side secondary to an infarction in the left posterior limb of the internal capsule. Power in upper and lower limbs was 0/5 and 3/5, respectively. A few days after the stroke, the patient noticed that he involuntarily stretched his hemiplegic arm when yawning. The movement consisted of a slow, progressive abduction, anteroflexion and internal rotation of the shoulder lifting the arm from the bed. It was associated with a mild flexion of the elbow and extension of the three first fingers. There was also a slight extension of the right leg. Six weeks later the patient said that the movement was still noticeable. There was no recovery of the hemiplegia. No arm movement was possible after voluntary effort or in any other condition, except, according to the patient, when yawning. The averall frequency of spontaneous yawning was low and normal. Repeated attempts to induce yawning by imitation were unsuccessful. Voluntary mouth movement mimicking yawning could not induce any movement of the arm.
Since we previously demonstrated that low doses of apomorphine induces yawning in healthy volunteers (Blin et ai. 1990) and patients (Blin et al. 1991) without any discomfort, we used this pharmacological method to further analyse the observed paradoxical motor response in our patient. The patient gave informed consent after the aim and nature of the study had been explained to him. Apomorphine (5 µg/kg) was injected subcutaneously, the patient being in a lying position. No apornorphine-induced erection or other side effects were noticed. Apomorphine induced about fifteen repeated yawns within 20 min. Each yawn induced a stereotyped movement of the hemiplegic arm, as just described. A videotape recording was made to further analyse the apomorphine-induced responses. It showed that the mouth was symmetrical during yawning, that the arm movernent occurred a few seconds after the yawning began and lasted 5-10 sec after cessation. Again, no voluntary control of the movement was possible and no other type of visible movement was detected, particularly on the contralateral side. However, surface electromyogram was not performed and one cannot exclude the hypothesis of bilateral activity, suppressed on the contralateral side by the contraction of antagonist muscles.
Discussion : These data are consistent with a previous report from Wimalaratna and Capildeo (1988), although these authors did not directly observe the involuntary movement because the patient did not yawn in the presence of investigators. Oman (1989) published a similar observation, and Mulley (1982) reported that 31 of the 40 hemiplegic patients he questioned noticed that their plegic arm moved during yawning, Therefore, it is likely that our observation could be rather common although rarely described in the litterature. The release of lower brain structures from the inhibitory influence exerted by the cerebral cortex over subcortical structures is classically suggested to explain some types of abnormal increases in reflex activity occurring in decorticated monkeys and plegic patients. Among these subcortical structures, the basal ganglia play a key rote in controlling motor activity. The internal capsule infarct may thus be considered to suppress inhibitory cortical influences over striatal areas in our patient, leading in tum to a release of the striatal inhibitory tone over somatosensory response effectors.
The functional efficiency of a motor pathway arising from the basal ganglia to lower motor systems in the brainstem must be considered in man. Such pathways projecting to the pontine nuclear or reticular nuclei and spinal motoneurons exist in the cat (Labuzewski and Lidsky 1984). The substantia nigra pars reticulata, which is primarily known to project to the thalamus, also sends descending projections to motor structures such as the superior colliculus (Illing and Graybiel 1985) and the tegmental pedunculo-pontine nucleus (Beckstead et all 79). The superior colliculus sends efferents to the spinal cord and brainstem reticular formation and the pedunculo-pontine nucleus sends a striat projection to the medial medullary reticular formation, which is known ultimately to influence alpha motor neuron firing (Graybiel 1984). Finally the brainstem outflow from the basal ganglia is probably relatively small in man. It exists however and may play a functional rote at least in certain circumstances such as the interruption of the pyramidal tract or extrapyramidal disorders. In the same manner, the interconnection of this reticular brainstem formation, close to the ascendant activatory reticular system, with motor pathways might explain, in locked-in syndrome, the paradoxical activation of facial, lingual, jaw or breathing muscles with either emotional stimuli (through pre-frontal area and limbic system) or yawning (for a review see Askenasy 1990).
It is thus possible to suggest that basal ganglia influence cranial motor centers not only through cortical relays but also through reticular mechanisms. The yawning response to apomorphine is a motor behavior related to the stimulation of the dopaminergic receptors in the basal ganglia. In animals, neuroleptics and experimental lesions of the basal ganglia suppress apomorphine-induced yawning (cf. Blin et al. (1991). Dopaminergic transmission could stimulate yawning mechanisms in the basal ganglia and, secondarily through this relay, increase the excitability of cranial motor nerves. Such an activation of subcortical reflex centers would not only concern bulbar centers (mouth opening, eyes closing) but would also involve more general motor nuclei controlling arm motility. The apomorphine test we used in our observation must be considered only as a pharmacological tool to induce yawning. No direct relationship can be claimed between the stimulation of the dopaminergic receptors and the arm movement, because such a movement occurred also during spontaneous yawning. The arm movement described in our patient may thus be considered to be concomitant of rather than consecutive to yawning.
The arm stretching elicited by yawning in our hemiplegic patient might represent a postural adjustment to changes in neck muscular receptor activity or labyrinthine stimulation induced by slight head movements associated with yawning. Indeed, previous reports have suggested alterations in posture of plegic arms produced by neck reflexes (Walshed 1923). However, in our case, simulating a yawn or passive movements of the head and neck had no effect on plegic arm extension. Nevertheless, the working hypothesis, should be investigated and is of heuristic value for further experimental analysis of phenomenon.
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