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- 2014
- Mises à jour en
ordre chronologique des sites
- baillement.com
- baillement.info
- yawning.info
- lexique
- La
lettre d'information du site

- 8 décemmbre 2014 Involvement
of dopaminergic and cholinergic pathways in the
induction of yawning and genital grooming by the
aqueous extract of Saccharum officinarum L.
(sugarcane) in rats. Gamberini et al.
- 1 décembre 2014 The
''syringe'' technique: a hands-free approach for
the reduction of acute nontraumatic
temporomandibular dislocations in the emergency
department. Gorchynski J et al.
- 1 novembre 2014 Tourette-like
behaviors. Heym N et al.
- 20 octobre 2014 Clinical
significance of yawning in disorders of
consciousness and vigilance Guggisberg
- 20 octobre 2014 Abnormal
yawning in stroke patients: the role of brain
thermoregulation Gallup AC
- 20 octobre 2014 Brachet
(1789-1858), un médecin lyonnais
méconnu à l'aube des
- 20 octibre 2014 Dissertation
sur l'hydropisie aiguë. Bricheteau I.
- 1 octobre 2014 Importance
of yawning in the evaluation of excessive
daytime sleepiness: a prospective clinical
study. Catli T et al.
- 1 octobre 2014 Occurrences
of Yawn and Swallow are Temporally Related.
Abe K et al.
- 1 octobre 2014 Tourette-like
behaviors in the normal population are
associated with hyperactive/impulsive ADHD-like
behaviors but do not relate to deficits in
conditioned inhibition or response
inhibition. Heym N et al.
- 18 septembre 2014 Yawning,
fatigue, and cortisol: Expanding the Thompson
Cortisol Hypothesis. Thompson SB.
- 8 septembre 2014 Animaux
endormis. Le bâillement. Hediger H
- 8 septembre 2014 Temporomandibular
joint dislocation: experiences from Zaria
Nigeria. Agbara R et al.
- 8 septembre 2014 Fracture
of mandible during yawning in a patient with
osteogenesis imperfecta. Ram H et al.
- 1 septembre 2014 Social
modulation of contagious yawning in wolves.
Romero T, et al.
- 1 septembre 2014 Smell
facilitates auditory contagious yawning in
stranger rats. Moyaho A et al.
- 20 août 2014 Air
swallowing as a tic Weil et al.
- 18 août 2014 Yawn
contagion in humans and bonobos: emotional
affinity matters more than species. Palagi E
et al.
- 18 août 2014 Is
yawning a tool for wakefulness or for sleep
? Arbuck D PDF
- 25 juillet 2014 4D
ultrasound study of fetal facial expressions at
20-24weeks of gestation. Sato et al.
- 16 juin 2014 Further
Characterization of Quinpirole-Elicited Yawning
As a Model of Dopamine D3 Receptor Activation in
Male and Female Monkeys. Martelle et
- 9 juin 2014 Pierre
Janet et l'hystérie, biographie
- 8 juin 2014 An
unusual clinical picture of paroxysmal extreme
pain disorder Meglic a et al.
- 8 juin 2014 Yawning
as a behavioral marker of mild motion sickness
and sopite syndrome Matsangas P
- 1 juin 2014 Pourquoi
bâillons-nous ? Revue des théories
d'Hippocrate à nos jours Walusinski
- 12 mai 2014 Yawning
is infectious. 1926
- 11 mai 2014 Serotonin
and yawning: A possible adverse drug reaction
during antidepressant therapy
Béné J et al
- 5 mai 2014 Contagious
behavior: An alternative approach to mirror-like
phenomena. Provine RR.
- 14 avril 2014 Cours
élémentaire de maladies des
femmes. Vigarous JMJ. 1801
- 14 avril 2014 A
Thermal Window for Yawning in Humans: Yawning as
a Brain Cooling Mechanism. Massen et
- 23 mars 2014 Individual
Variation in Contagious Yawning Susceptibility
Is Highly Stable and Largely Unexplained by
Empathy or Other Known Factors. Bartholomew
et al.
- 23 mars 2014 Emotional
stress evoked by classical fear conditioning
induces yawning behavior in rats. Kubota N
et al.
- 23 mars 2014 Chimpanzees
empathize with group mates and humans, but not
with baboons or unfamiliar chimpanzees.
Campbell M et al.
- 2 mars 2014 Claudien
Phlippe (1866-1903), une bographie
- 2 mars 2014 Raymond
Cestan (1872-1933), une biographie
- 10 février 2014 Different
yawns, different functions? Testing social
hypotheses on spontaneous yawning in
Theropithecus gelada. Leone A, et al.
- 2 février 2014 Neurocysticercose
et salves de bâillements
- 13 janvier 2014 Insular
and caudate lesions release abnormal yawning in
stroke patients. Krestel H, Weisstanner C,
Hess CW, Bassetti Cl et al.
- 3 janvier 2014 Penile
erection and yawning induced by paraventricular
NMDA injection in male rats are mediated by
oxytocin. Melis et al.
- 3 janvier 2014 Effects
of apomorphine, physostigmine and vasoactive
intestinal peptide on penile erection and
yawning in diabetic rats. Yamaguchi,
- 3 janvier 2014 Yawning
behavior in male rats is associated with
decreases in in vivo DOPAC efflux from the
caudate nucleus. Laping, Ramirez