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1 avril 2004
Brain Res
Messages convey by spino-cerebellar pathways during scratching in the cat
Arshavsky YI. et al

Belozersky Interfaculty Laboratory Moscow State University, and Institute of Problems of Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences, Moscow (USSR)

La parakinésie brachiale oscitante Walusinski, Quoirin, Neau
Hand up! Yawn and Raise Your Arm
Walusinski O, Neau JP, Bogousslavsky J.
Involuntary arm elevation during yawning in a hemiplegic patient
Na-Yeon Jung ,Bo-Young Ahn et al.


(1) Signals transmitted to the cerebellum by the spino-reticulocerebellar pathway (SRCP) during scratching were studied. For this purpose, the activity of neurons of the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), which are the last-order neurons of the SRCP, was recorded during scratching in thalamic cats. Scratching was evoked by stimulation of the pinna. LRN neurons were identified antidromically by stimulation of the hindlimb area in the cerebellar anterior lobe. In most experiments, animals were immobilized with Flaxedil, and stimulation of the pinna resulted in fictitious scratching, i.e., in periodical reciprocal activity of flexor and extensor motoneurons typical of actual scratching.
(2) During both actual and fictitious scratching, the discharge frequency of LRN neurons was rhythmically modulated in relation with the scratch cycle. Most LRN neurons fired in short high-frequency bursts of spikes which coincided (completely or partly) with the extensor phase of the cycle. In this respect the SRCP differs from the ventral spinocerebellar tract (VSCT) which is maximally active in the flexor phase of the cycle.
(3) The firing pattern of LRN neurons during fictitious scratching was similar to that during actual scratching. Therefore, the rhythmical burst firing of LRN neurons is determined mainly by the central mechanisms and not by the rhythmical sensory input.
(4) Rhythmical modulation of LRN neurons disappeared after transection of the ipsilateral lateral funiculus of the spinal cord in which spinoreticular libers are located. On the other hand, considerable reduction of rhythmical activity in descending brainstem-spinal pathways after contralateral hemisection of the spinal cord did not affect the discharge pattern of LRN neurons. These two facts indicate that the SRCP conveys mainly messages about activity of the central spinal mechanisms, and that influences of supraspinal motor centers on LRN neurons and on spinoreticular neurons are of minor importance.
(5) Axonal terminations of LRN neurons are distributed rather evenly over the hindlimb area in the anterior lobe of the cerebellum. Therefore, messages about the events, which happen within the spinal cord in the vicinity of the extensor phase of the cycle, arrive at every point of the hindlimb area.
(1) The activity of neurons of the ventral spinocerebellar tract (VSCT) during scratching was studied in thalamic and decapitate cats. The neurons were identified antidromically either by stimulation of the hindlimb area in the anterior lobe of the cerebellurn (in thalamic cats) or by stimulation of the contralateral ventrolateral funiculus of the spinal cord (in decapitate cats). The scratch reflex was elicited by stimulation of either the pinna (in thalamic cats) or the cervical spinal cord (in decapitate cats). In most experiments, animals were immobilized and the activity of VSCT neurons was recorded during fictitious scratching.
(2) During both actual and fictitious scratching, the discharge of VSCT neurons was rhythmically modulated in relation with the scratch cycle: neurons fired in bursts separated with periods of silence. Phases of activity of different neurons were unevenly distributed over the scratch cycle: most neurons fired within the limits of the flexor phase of the cycle.
(3) The firing pattern of VSCT neurons during fictitious scratching was similar to that during actual scratching. Therefore, rhythmical burst firing of VSCT neurons is determined mainly by central mechanisms and not by a rhythmical sensory input.
(4) The firing pattern of VSCT neurons in decapitate cats was similar to that in thalamic cats. Therefore, rhythmical burst firing of VSCT neurons is determined mainly by the central spinal mechanism and not by supraspinal motor centers.
(5) The VSCT neurons which fired in long bursts during the greater part of the flexor phase were usually activated during the latent period of scratching, while those firing later in the cycle were usually either inhibited or not affected during this period.
(6) The antidromic response in most VSCT neurons could be evoked from a large number of points in the hindlimb area of the cerebellar anterior lobe, both in the vermis and in the pars intermedia. Due to such extensive branching of axons, each point of the cortex receives signals from neurons firing in different phases of the cycle. But axons of VSCT neurons firing in long bursts during the greater part of the flexor phase terminate more extensively in the pars intermedia, while axons of neurons firing later in the cycle terminate more extensively in the vermis.

(7) The functioning of the VSCT is essentially similar to that of the spinoreticulocerebellar pathway (SRCP)5. Both pathways convey messages about activity of the central spinal mechanism generating the motor output pattern of scratching, but the VSCT is active mainly in the flexor phase of the scratch cycle and the SRCP in the extensor one. A hypothesis is advanced that these pathways monitor activity of different groups of spinal interneurons.

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