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- baillement.com.
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chapitres du site
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- mode
d'emploi du site
- Phylogenèse
- phylogenèse
- tableau de
l'évolution des différentes
espèces de primates
- photos dues
à B Deputte de différents type
de bâillements de Macaques
- revue sur le
comportement de bâillement chez les
vertébrés Deputte BL
- la
communication chez les primates
- photos de
bâillements de félins
- photos de bâillements d'une grande
variété d'animaux planche
1 & planche
- photos de
baillements du Gorille
- photos
dues à B Deputte : différencier
bâillements et menace
- photos de singes
et bâillement de bonobo ?
- some
comparative aspects of yawning in Betta
splendens, Homos sapiens, Panthera leo, Papio
sphinx R Baenninger
- ethological
study of yawning in primates Deputte
- behavioral
effects of an antiandrogen in adult male
rhesus Macaques B Deputte
- the
influence of age, sex, rank on yawning
behavior in two species of macaques Troisi A,
Aureli F
- frequencies
and contexts of gape yawn displays of
free-ranging Patas Monkeys EL Zucker
- yawning serves
as a visual signal in primates Napier JR,
Napier PH
- displacement
activities and arousal J Delius
- yawning in old
world monkey, Macaca nigra Hadidian
- yawning,
scratching, and protruded lips : differential
conditionability of natural acts in Pigtail
Monkeys Louboungou M
- food-reinforced
yawning in Macaca tonkeana Anderson JR,
Wunderlich D
- storage
and display of odour by male Chiroptera C.C.
Voigt - 0. von Helversen
- les rats qui
- the problem of
yawning in reptiles Luttenberger F
- yawning
and other maintenance activities in the South
African Ostrich Sauer and Sauer
- grooming
and yawning trace adjustment to unfamiliar
environments in laboratory Sprague-Dawley
rats Moyaho A
- suction
feeding by a tiny predatory tadpole L
Atkinson et al
- a
comparative study of facial expressions of
two species of pinnipeds E Miller
- some
aspects of the behavior of the blennioid fish
Chaenopsis ocellata Poey C Robins et
- stimulation,
control and phylogenetic projection of the
teleostean yawn reflex McCutcheon FH
- ethology
of the Asian Teleost Badis badis Barlow
- ethology
of the bicolor damselfish Eupomacentrus
partitus Myrberg A
- on
the ethology of the mediterranean fish
Blennius rouxi Cocco Von Armin Heymer et
- das
Riech-Gähnen bei Rindern (Bovinae)
Halder U, R Schenkel
- Räkelsyndrom
et bâillement dans Vocabulaire
éthologique Armin Heymer PUF 1977
- behaviour
of monkeys towards mirror-images Hall KL
- contagious
yawning in chimpanzees J. Anderson
- psychological
influences on yawning in children J.
- video-induced
yawning in stumptail macaques (Macaca
arctoides) Paukner A, Anderson JR
- yawning in
the Greenfinch JO Harrison
- pandiculation:
the comparative phenomenon of systematic
stretching AF Fraser
- extinction
deficits in male rhesus macaques with a
history of self-injurious behavior Lutz C
et al
- Effects
of Outdoor Housing on Self-Injurious and
Stereotypic Behavior in Adult Male Rhesus
Macaques Fontenot et al
- The
phenomenon of pandiculation in the kinetic
behaviour of the sheep fetus Fraser
- The
effects of fluoxetine and buspirone on
self-injurious and stereotypic behavior in
adult male rhesus macaques. Fontenot MB,
Padgett EE et al
- Lamarckian
mechanisms in Darwinian evolution Jablonka
- Aging,
dominance history, and social behavior in
Java-monkey. Veenema HC, Spruijt BM, et
- L'écureuil
- Puppy
behaviours when left home alone: a pilot
study Frank D et al
- Stretching
and yawning as
stress's symptom by animals
- Ethology
of the bicolor damselfish Eupomacentrus
partitus Myrberg A
- A
modest proposal: displacement activities as
an indicator of emotions in primates
Maestopieri D et al.
- Head
scratching and yawning in Black Skimmers
Robinson SR
- Bioelectric-mediated
predation by Swell Sharks, Cephaloscyllium
Ventriosum. Tricas T
- Displacement
activities as a behavioral measure of stress
in nonhuman primates and human subjects
Troisi A
- An
interpretation of the "displacement
phenomenon" Bindra B
- Uber
das Gähnen bei Vögeln Bergmann
- Zur
Frage des Gähnens bei der Vögel
Löhrl H
- Maintenance
activities Dilger W
- Zum
geruchlichen Beutefinden und Gähnen der
Kreuzkröte Heuser H
- Yawning,
social homeostasis, emotion van Hooff J,
Aureli F
- Le
bâillement de l'hippotame. Verheyen
- Dogs
catch human yawns Joly-Mascheroni RM,
Senju A, Sheperd AJ
- Streching.
The experimental animal in biomedical
research Rollin BE, Kesel ML
- Do
chimpanzees yawn contagiously
in response to 3d computer
animations? Campbell MW et al
- Les
relations sociales chez le cobaye domestique
mâle Coulon J
- Teaching
dogs to yawn J. Perkins
- Coping
with fear and stress: licking and yawning
S. Lindsay
- Genetic
and littermate influences on yawning in two
selectively bred strains of rats Moyaho A
et al.
- Yawning,
an opening into empathy Anderson JR,
Matsuzawa T
- The
influence of dissolved oxygen on winter
habitat selection by largemouth bass
Hasler CT
- Yawning
and thermoregulation in budgerigars,
Melopsittacus undulatus Gallup AC et al
- Xenopus
Skin Mucus Induces Oral Dyskinesias
Barthamus GT, SZielinski W
- Social
communication among primates Altmann
- Do
dogs show contagious yawning ? Harr AL,
Gilbert VR
- Bâille-bec
ou syngamose aviaire
- Computer
animations stimulate contagious
yawning in
chimpanzees Campbell M
- animal's
- Contagious
yawning in gelada baboons as a possible
expression of empathy. Palagi et al.
- The
anxiogenic drug FG7142 increases
self-injurious behavior in male rhesus
monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Major et
- Le
bâillement chez le chien. Tomczyk
- Variation
and Context of Yawns in Captive
Chimpanzees SJ. Vick, A. Paukner
- Perameles
gunnii Seebeck JH
- Heterosexual,
autosexual and social behavior of adult male
rhesus monkeys with medial preoptic-anterior
hypothalamic lesions. Slimp JC, Hart BL,
Goy RW.
- Limbic-midbrain
lesions and acth-induced excessive
grooming Colbern D et al
- Mammals
exhibit anticipatory activity before
mealtime: yawning Walusinski O
- Grooming
induced by intrahypothalamic injection of
ACTH in the rat. Van Erp AM et al.
- Coliques
du cheval. Equine colic
- Dihydrotestosterone
Propionate Effects on Dominance and Sexual
Behaviors in Gonadectomized Male and Female
Rhesus Monkeys Cochran CA, Perachio
- Testosterone
Propionate Treatment of an XY Gonadal
Dysgenetic Chacma Baboon.Bielert C
- Behavioral
characterization of non-copulating male rats
with high spontaneous yawning frequency
rate. Portillo W, Camacho F, Eguibar JR
et al.
- Handling
stress initially inhibits, but then
potentiates yawning in budgerigars
(Melopsittacus undulatus). Millera ML,
Gallup AC et al.
- Yawning
and stretching predict brain temperature
changes in rats: support for the
thermoregulatory hypothesis. ShoupKnox
ML, Gallup ac and al.
- Mouths
wide open: yawning as a communicative
behavior in dogs. Hoff AE
- A
test of the yawning contagion and emotional
connectedness hypothesis in dogs, Canis
familiaris O'Hara SJ, Reeve AR
- Heterosexual,
autosexual and social behavior of adult male
rhesus monkeys with medial preoptic-anterior
hypothalamic lesions. Slimp JC et al
- Ingroup-Outgroup
Bias in Contagious Yawning by Chimpanzees
Supports Link to Empathy. Campbell MW, de
Waal FB.
- No
evidence of contagious yawning in the
red-footed tortoise Wilkinson A et
- Co-occurrence
of yawning and stereotypic behaviour in
horses Fureix C et al.
- Correlates
of self-directed and stereotypic behaviours
in captive red-capped mangabeys (Cercocebus
torquatus torquatus) Reamer L
- Irrelevant
behaviour, information processing and arousal
homeostasis. Delius JD
- It
costs to be clean and fit: energetics of
comfort behavior in breeding-fasting
penguins Viblanc VA
- Interactions
Between Third Parties and Consortship
Partners in Tonkean Macaques. De Marco A,
Cozzolino R et al.
- The
impact of tourists on lion Panthera leo
behaviour, stress and energetics.Hayward
MW, Hayward GJ
- Evidence
for contagious behaviors in budgerigars
(Melopsittacus undulatus): An observational
study of yawning and stretching. Miller
ML, Gallup AC et al.
- Auditory
disturbances promote temporal clustering of
yawning and stretching in small groups of
budgerigars. Miller ML, Gallup AC et
- Auditory
contagious yawning in domestic dogs (Canis
familiaris): first evidence for social
modulation. Silva K, et al.
- Assessment
of Stress in Laboratory Beagle Dogs
Constrained by a Pavlov Sling. Stracke J
et al.
- Male
Yawning Is More Contagious than Female
Yawning among Chimpanzees. Massen JJ et
- Mouth
gaping behavior in Caribbean reef sharks.
Ritter EK
- Contagious
yawning in domestic dog puppies: the effect
of ontogeny and emotional closeness on
low-level imitation in dogs. Madsen et
- In
Bonobos Yawn Contagion Is Higher among Kin
and Friends. Demuru E, Palagi E.
- Contagious
yawning, social cognition, and arousal: an
investigation of the processes underlying
shelter dogs' responses to human yawns.
Buttner et al.
- Familiarity
Bias and Physiological Responses in
Contagious Yawning by Dogs Support Link to
Empathy. Romero et al.
- Chimpanzees
show a developmental increase in
susceptibility to contagious yawning: a test
of the effect of ontogeny and emotional
closeness on yawn contagion. Madsen EA,
et al.
- Different
yawns, different functions? Testing social
hypotheses on spontaneous yawning in
Theropithecus gelada. Leone A, et
- Social
modulation of contagious yawning in
wolves. Romero T, et al.
- Smell
facilitates auditory contagious yawning in
stranger rats. Moyaho A et al.
- Yawning,
acute stressors, and arousal reduction in
Nazca booby adults and nestlings. Liang
AC et al.
- Perception
of Available Space During Chimpanzee
Introductions: Number of Accessible Areas Is
More Important Than Enclosure Size.
Herrelko ES et al.
- Testing
Yawning Hypotheses in Wild Populations of Two
Strepsirrhine Species: Propithecus Verreauxi
and Lemur. Catta. Zannell A et al.
- She
more than he: gender bias supports the
empathic nature of yawn contagion in Homo
sapiens. Norscia I et al.
- No
evidence for contagious yawning in
lemurs. Reddy RB at al.
- Yawning
Occurs in Elephants. Rossman ZT , Hart
BL, et al
- Yawning
and Social Styles: Different Functions in
Tolerant and Despotic Macaques (Macaca
tonkeana and Macaca fuscata). Zannella A,
Stanyon R, Palagi E.
- Bonobos
respond prosocially toward members of other
groups. Tan J, et al.
- Yawning:
a cue and a signal. Moyaho, A. et
- Influence
of Maternal Care on Behavioural Development
of Domestic Dogs (Canis Familiaris) Living in
a Home Environment. Guardini G et
- Relative
response to digital tablet devices and
painting as sensory enrichment in captive
chimpanzees. Grunauer PP, Walguarnery
- Lowland
gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) failed to
respond to others' yawn. Palagi E, et
- Observational
data reveal evidence and parameters of
contagious yawning in the behavioral
repertoire of captive-reared chimpanzees.
Campbell MW, Cox CR.
- Spontaneous
Yawning and its Potential Functions in South
American Sea Lions. Palagi E et al.
- Intraspecific
Motor and Emotional Alignment in Dogs and
Wolves: The Basic Building Blocks of
Dog&endash;Human Affective Connectedness.
Palagi et al.
- Indicators
of Horse Welfare: State-of-the-Art.
Lesimple C.`
- The
effect of oxytocin on yawning by dogs (Canis
familiaris) exposed to human yawns. Kis A
et al.
- Experimental
evidence for yawn contagion in orangutans
(Pongo pygmaeus). van Berlo et al.
- Facial
displays in red-capped mangabeys (Cercocebus
torquatus): Repertoire, social context, and
potential intentionality. Aychet J et
- Yawn
contagion promotes motor synchrony in wild
lions, Panthera leo. Caseta G et al.
- First
evidence of yawn contagion in a wild monkey
Gallo A et al.
- Pedruzzi
L, Francescono M, Palagi E, Lemasson. The
sound of yawns makes gelada yawn. Sci Rep.
Jan 7;14(1):361.
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- bâillements
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