mystery of yawning
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Flip-flop switch et bâillements
Prostaglandines, adénosine, sommeil & bâillements
Leptine, ghréline, histamine et bâillements
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neurophysiologie en français ; schéma de neurophysiologie ; schéma de la thèse de E Quoirin
Vidéo d'un bâillement typique, référence
schémas de neuranatomie des voies du bâillement
le bâillement en neuropsychopharmacologie clinique 0 Blin
neurophysiologie en anglais, the neuropharmacology of yawning Argiolas A, Melis MR
yawning: neurochemistry, physiology and pathology (1987) Argiolas A, Melis MR, Gessa GL
yawning Daquin G, Micallef, Blin
do men yawn more then women ? Shino G, Aureli F
is yawning an arousal defense reflex ? Askenasy JJ
circadian variation of yawning behavior Anias J et al
neural basis of drug induced yawning Cooper SJ, Dourish CT
yearning to yawn: the neural basis of contagious yawningMD Hesse, R Hari
contagious yawning: the role of self-awareness and mental state attribution Platek SM
remarques sur la signification physiologique du bâillement Lepp FH
EMG study of the anterior, superior and posterior auricular muscles in man. Berzin F, Fortinguerra CR
The functional relationship between yawning and vigilance. Guggisberg AG et al.
Intracerebroventricular administration of corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist attenuates arousal response accompanied by yawning behavior in rats Kita I  
flip-flop switch of sleep and yawning O Walusinski
le bâillement: son histoire interne O. Walusinski
Bâillements et système nerveux végétatif
Yawning and thermoregulation. Gallup AC, Gallup GG Jr
Yawning, an opening into empathy Anderson JR, Matsuzawa T
An investigation of auditory contagious yawning Arnott SR, Singhal A
Mammals exhibit anticipatory activity before mealtime: yawning Walusinski O
Yawning and the reticular formation Askenasy J, Askenasy E
Contagious yawning in autistic and typical development. Helt MS, Eigsti IM, et al.
Why do we yawn ? past and current hypotheses Walusinski O.
How yawning switches the dfait-mode network to the attentional network by activating the CSF flow. Walusinski O.
Electrophysiological association of spontaneous yawning and swallowing. Ertekin C et al.
Central nucleus of the amygdala is involved in induction of yawning response in rats. Kubota N et al.
les travaux de RR Provine (6 articles) et de R Baenninger (6 articles)
on yawning and its functions Baenninger R
field observations of yawning and activity in humans Baenninger R et coll
on the context of yawning: when, where, and why ? Greco M, Baenninger R, Govern J
some antecedents and consequences of yawning R Baenninger, Greco M
Self-report as s valid measure of yawning in the laboratory Greco M, Baenninger R
yawning elicited by reading : is an open mouth sufficient stimulus ? Carskadon MM
yawning elicited by reading : effect of sleepiness Carskadon MMYawning, social homeostasis, emotion van Hooff J Contagious yawning: the mirror neuron system may be a candidate physiological mechanism Cooper N
Yawning behavior for preclinical drug evaluation Furukawa T
Tous les travaux de MR Melis & A Argiolas 
Tous les travaux de M Eguibar & G Holmgren
Tous les travaux de MR Zarrindast
Tous les travaux d'AC. Gallup
induction of yawning by low doses of apomorphine Blin, Danjou, Warot, Fondarai, Puech
evidence that apomorphine induces pende erection and yawning by releasing oxytocin in the central nervous system
apomorphine-induced blinking and yawning in healthy volunteers Blin O et coll
apomorphine-induced penile erection and yawning : site of action in brain Melis Argiolas Gessa
apomorphine: clinical studies on erectile impotence and yawning Lal S, Y Tesfaye
apomorphine in the evaluation of dopaminergic function in man Lal S
cycloheximide prevents apomporphine induced yawning, penile erection and genital grooming in rats Serra G et al
effect of time-of-day on the yawning response to apomorphine in normal subjects Lal S
characteristics of yawning behavior induced by apomorphine, physostigmine and pilocarpine Ushijima I
effects of ageing on the behavioural responses to dopamine agonists: decreased yawning and locomotion, but increased stereotypy Stoessl AJ
apomorphine facilitates male sexual behavior of Rhesus Monkeys SM Pomerantz
video assessment of yawning induced by sublingual apomorphine in migraine Del Bene E, M Poggioni
effects of different periods of lithium pretreatment and aminoglycoside antibiotics on apomorphine-induced yawning in rats Sharifzadeh M et al
sensitization and tolerance to apomorphine in men: yawning, growth hormone, nausea, and hyperthermia Szechtman H
antagonism of the apomorphine-induced yawning by atypical neuroleptics Dubuc I, Protais P et al
yawning elicited by sytemic and intrastriatal injection of piribedil and apomorphine in the rat CT Dourish
behavioural manifestations elicited by apomorphine, influence of the route of administration HMT Barros
the octadecaneuropeptide ODN inhibits apomorphine-induced yawning in rats JG de Mateos-Verchere
prevention by ng-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester of apomorphine- and oxytocin-induced penile erection and yawning: site of action in the brain Melis MR et al
nitric oxide synthase inhibitors prevent N-methyl-D-aspartic acid induced penile erection and ya wning in male rats Melis MR et al
nitroglycerin-induced penile erection and yawning in male rats: mechanisrn of action in the brain Melis MR, et al
oxytocin increases nitric oxide production in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus of male rats: correlation with penile erection and yawning Melis MR et al
nitric oxide donors induce penile erection and yawning when injected in the central nervous system of male rats Melis MR
nitric oxide (NO) and central dopamine (DA) D3 receptor reactivity to quinpirole in rats Brus R
nitric oxide is involved in the ACTH-induced behavioral syndrome R Poggioli
role of calcium in the expression of ACTH-induced stretching, yawning and penile erection A Argiolas et al
dissociation of autorecptor activation and behavioral consequences of low doses apomorphine treatment Lynch MR
yawning and suppresssion of exploration induced by dopamine agonists: no relation to extracellular strital levels of dopamine Stahle L, Ungerstedt U
Modification of apomorphine, physiostigmine and pilocarpine induced yawning after long term treatment with neuroleptic or cholinergic agents Ushijima et al
timing of yawns induced by a small dose of apomorphine and its alteration by naloxone Szechtman H
7-OH-DPAT, unlike quinpirole, does not prime a yawning response in rats Oswiecimska J
antagonism of drug-induced yawning and penile erections in rats Gower AJ
apomorphine produced more yawning in Sprague-Dawley rats than in F344 rats: a pharmacological study Tang AH
metoclopramide decreases apomorphine-induced yawning and penile erection Heaton JPW, Varrin SV
Apomorphine-induced yawning in rats is abolished by bilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the substantia nigra Stoessl AJ, Dourish CT, Iversen SD
Effects of apomorphine, TL-99 and 3-PPP on yawning in rats Mogilnicka E, et al.
Two distinctive apomorphine-induced phenotypes in the Roman high- and low-avoidance rats. Gimenez-Llort L
The angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors captopril and enalapril inhibit apomorphine-induced oral stereotypy in the rat Banks RJ
Effects of Copulation on Apomorphine-Induced Erection in Rats. Sachs B, Akasofu K, et al.
Timing of yawns induced by a small dose of apomorphine and its alteration by naloxone Szechtman H
Nepeta cataria increases penile erection in rats. Bernardi MM et al.
Sensitivity to apomorphine-induced yawning and hypothermia in rats eating standard or high-fat chow. Baladi MG et al.
The apomorphine test: a biological marker for heroin dependence disorder? Guardia J, et al.
dopamine, oxytocine, ACTH, sérotonine, GABA, glutamate etc
Behavioural changes in animals after intracisternal injection with adrenocorticotrophic hormone and melanocytestimulating hormone Ferrari W 1958
stretching activity in dogs intracisternally injected with a synthetic melanocyte-stimulating hexapeptide Ferrari W et al
behavioral effects induced by intracisternally injected ACTH and MSH Ferrari W, Gessa GL
hypophysectomy prevents ACTH-induced yawning and penile erection in rats Serra G
dopamine receptors médiating yawning are they autoreceptors Serra G et al
monosodium glutamate does not alter ACTH- or apomorphine-induced penile erection and yawning Argiolas A
oxytocin-induced penile erection and yawning in male rats: effect of neonatal monosodium glutamate and hypophysectomyArgiolas
oxytocin-induced penile erection and yawning: role of calcium and prostaglandins Argiolas A, MR Melis
bilateral lesions of the striatum induced with 6-hydroxydopamine abolish apomorphine-induced yawning in rats Dourish
dopaminergic stimulation of oxytocin concentrations in the plasma of male and female monkeys by apomorphine and a D2 receptor agonist Cameron JL, et al
effects of intraventricular infusions of ACTH 1-24 and ACTH 4-10 on LH release, ovulation and behavior in the rabbit Baldwin DM
the yawning elicited by alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone involves serotonergic-dopaminergic-cholinergic neuron link in rats K Yamada, T Furukawa
possible involvement of differing classes of dopamine d2 receptors in yawning and stereotypy in rats Yamada K
yawning-penile erection syndrome as a model for putative dopamine autoreceptor activity Gower J, Berendsen H et al
pharmacological characteristics of dopamine agonists on yawning behavior in rats Protais P
yawning produced by dopamine agonists in rhesus monkeys RA Code, AH Tang
a simple method for study of yawning in man induced by the dopamine receptor agonist, apomorphine Lal S
yawning and penile erection: central dopamine-oxytocin-adrenocorticotropin connection Argiolas A
dopamine agonists increase nitric oxide production in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus: correlation with penile erection and yawning Melis MR, S Succu, et al
drugs affecting dopamine neurons ans yawning behavior Mogilnicka E, Klimek V
stretching and yawning movements after intracerebral injection of ACTH GL Gessa 1967
stretchings and yawnings induced by adrenocorticotrophic hormone GL Gessa 1966
effects of acetylcholine agonists and antagonists on yawning and analgesia in the rat AJ Gower
yawning is elicited by D2 dopamine agonists but is blocked by D1 antagonist Serra G et al
hypophysectomy prevents yawning and penile erection but not hypomotility induced by apomorphine Serra G
paraventricular nucleus lesion prevents yawning and penile erection induced by apomorphine and oxytocin but not by ACTH in rats Argiolas A
ACTH and alpha-MSH induced grooming, stretching, yawning and penile erection in male rats: site of action in the brain and role of melanocortin receptors Argiolas A
increase of hippocampal acetylcholine turnover rate and the stretching-yawning syndrome elicited by alpha-MSH and ACTHPL. Wood
do autoreceptors mediate dopamine agonist-induced yawning and suppression of exploration ? Stahle L
antagonism of apomorphine-induced yawning by SCH 23390: Evidence against the autoreceptor hypothesisMorelli M
reduction of drug-induced yawning and penile erection by the activation of GABAa receptors in the paraventricular nucleus: involvement of nitric oxide MR Melis, A Argiolas
a hippocampal oxytocin mediates apomorphine-induced penile erection and yawning Melis MR
role of nitric oxide in penile erection and yawning induced by 5-HT1c receptor agonists in male rats Melis MR
multifocal sites of action involved in dopaminergic-cholinergic neuronal interactions in yawning Ushijima I
serotonergic modulation of yawning Urba-Holmgren R et all
association of spontaneous and dopaminergic-induceed yawning and penile erections in the rat Holmgren
two inbred rat sublines that differ in spontaneous yawning behavior also differ in their responses to cholinergic and dopaminergic drugs Urba-Holmgren R
behavioral differences between selectively bred rats: D1 versus D2 receptors in yawning and grooming Eguibar JR
GABAergic modulation of yawning behavior Doger E and all
induced grooming transitions and open field behaviour differ in high- and low-yawning sublines of Sprague-Dawley rats Moyaho A et al
involvement of septal and striatal dopamine D2 receptors in yawning behavior in rats K Yamada et al
activation of GABA(A) receptors in the PVN of the hypothalamus reduces apomorphine-, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid- and oxytocin-induced penile erection and yawning in male rats Melis MR
GABAergic drugs and socio-sexual behavior Paredes RG
effects of GABAergic drugs on physostigmine-induced yawning in rats Zarrindast MR
role of adrenergic neuronal activity in the yawning induced by tacrine in rats Kimura H et all
the effects of dihydropyridine compounds in behavioural tests of dopaminergic activity A Bourson
stretching and yawning: a role of glutamate Lanthorn TH, Isaacson RL
serotonergic and dopaminergic effects on yawning in the cat Marini JL
potentiation by serotonergic inhibition of yawning induced by dopamine receptor agonists in rats Matsumoto S
does REM sleep deprivation induce subsensitivity of presynaptic dopamine or postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors in the rat brain? Tufik S
effects of a single administration of buspirone on catalepsy, yawning and stereotypy in rats Conceicao IM
post-synaptic 5-HT1A receptor involvmement in yawning and penile erections induced by apomorphine, physostigmine and MCPP, in rats Protais P
effects of single and repeated treatment with antidepressants on apomorphine-induced yawning in the rat: the implication of alpha-1 adrenergic mechanisms in the D-2 receptor function Dellini-Stula A
involvement of beta-adrenoreceptors in regulation of the yawning induced by neuropeptides, oxytocin and alpha-melanocytes stimuling hormone in rats. Fugikawa M, et al
penile erection and yawning induced by 5-HT1c receptor agonists in male rats: relationship with dopaminergic and oxytocinergic transmission Stancampiano R, Melis MR, Argiolas A
5-HT1A receptor agonists prevent in rats the yawning and penile erections induced by direct dopamine agonists Simon P
the yawning elicited by alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone involves serotonergic -dopaminergic - cholinergic neuron link in rats Yamada K, Furukawa T
nitric oxide synthase inhibitors prevent apomorphine and oxytocin-induced penile erection and yawning in male rats Melis MR, Argiolas A
role of central nitric oxide in the control of penile erection and yawning Melis MR, Argiolas A
yawning role of hypothalamic paraventricular nitric oxide Melis MR, Argiolas A
interactions of drugs acting on central dopamine receptors and cholinoceptors on yawning responses in the rat induced by apomorphine, bromocriptine or physostigmine Zarrindast MR
substance P and its transglutaminase-synthesized spermine derivative elicit yawning behavior via nitric oxide in rats Mancuso F, at al
modulation by sudden darkness of apomorphine-induced behavioral responses Nasello AG et al
different effects of ½-conotoxin on penile erection, yawning and paraventricular nitric oxide in male rats
dopamine agonists increase nitric oxide production in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus: correlation with penile erection and yawning MR Melis
prevention by morphine of N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid induced penile erection and yawning: involvement of Nitric Oxide MR Melis
Periaqueductal gray lesions do not affect grooming, induced electrically in the hypothalamic paraventricular area in the rat AM Van Erp
Effects of septal and hippocampal stimuli on paraventricular nucleus neurons D Saphier, S Feldman
the effect of electroconvulsive shock seizures on behaviour induced by dopaminergic agonists and on immobility in the Porsolt test Zarrindast MR et al
adrenalectomy and dexamethasone replacement on yawning Anias-Calderon J et al
assessment of dopamine autoreceptor agonist properties of apomorphine, (+)3ppp and (-)3ppp by recording of yawning behaviour in rats Stahle L, Ungerstedt U
permissive role of D1 receptor stimulation by endogenous dopamine for the expression of postsynaptic D2 mediated behavioural responses Yawning in rats Longoni R et al
oxytocin : an extremely potent inducer of penile erection and yawning in male rats Argiolas A et al
effect of isolation on dopaminergic agonist-induced penile erections and stretching and yawning in male rats Ferrari F
relation between yawning behavior and central serotonergic neuronal system in rats S Okuyama et al
genotype-dependent effect of ACTH 1Ð24 on grooming and yawning in two inbred strains of rats Eguibar JR et al
nicotine blocks quinpirole-induced behavior in rats: psychiatric implications Y Tizab
involvement of 5-HT1c-receptors in drug-induced penile erections in rats H Berendsen
influence of sildenafil on central dopamine-mediated behaviour in male rats F Ferrarii
involvement of dopamine D2 receptors in the effect of cocaine on sexual behaviour and stretching-yawning of male rats F Ferrari, D Giuliani
SKF 38393 potentiates yawning induced by LY 171555: further evidence against the autoreceptor hypothesis of yawning Spina L et al
investigation of stretching behaviour induced by the selective S-HT6 receptor antagonist, Ro 04-6790, in rats Bentley JC et al
occurrence of yawning and decrease of prolactin levels via stimulation of dopamine D2-receptors after administration of SND 919 in rats S Matsumoto
dopamine agonist-induced yawning in rats: a dopamine D3 receptor mediated behavior Collins G et al
le récepteur D3 de la dopamine: une nouvelle cible thérapeutique P Sokoloff
psychomotor activating effects mediated by dopamine D2 and D3 receptors in the nucleus accumbens Canales JJ
locomotor inhibition, yawning and vacuous chewing induced by a novel dopamine D2 post-synaptic receptor agonist Smith HP
yawning and suppression of exploration in amphetamine-treated rats, incompatibility with the autoreceptor hypothesis Stahle L, Ungerstedt U
extra-cellular dopamine increases in the paraventricular nucleus of male rats during sexual activity Melis MR, Succu S
dynamic dopamine receptor interactions in the core and shell of nucleus accumbens differentially coordinate the expression of unconditioned motor behaviors Canales JJ, Iversen SD
S33084, a novel, potent, selective, and competitive antagonist at dopamine D(3)-receptors: II. Functional and behavioral profile compared with GR218,231 and L741,626 Millan MJ, Dekeyne A
Étude des récepteurs dopaminergiques dont la stimulation induit ou inhibe les bâillements chez le rat. Protais P, Dubuc I et al
stimulatory effects of beta-adrenoceptor blockers on the yawning induced by dopaminergic and cholinergic agonists in rats Yamada K et al
the syndrome of sedation and yawning behaviour in the rat is dependent on postsynaptic dopamine d-2 receptors Scheel-Krüger J
sexual excitement and stretching and yawning induced by b-ht 920 Ferrari F
behavioral studies on central dopaminergic neurons. especially jumping, stretching, body shaking and yawning behavior Yamada K, Furukawa T
the role of dopaminergic receptors in the behavioral effects induced by lisuride in male rats Baggio G, Ferrari F
discrepancy in the time course of EMD 23448 induced yawning and reduction of extracellular dopamine Stahle L
potentiation of yawning responses to the dopamine receptor agonists B-HT 920 and SND 919 by pindolol in the rat Yamada K
the NK-3 tachykinin agonist senktide elicits yawning and chewing mouth movements following subcutaneous administration in the rat. Evidence for cholinergic mediation Stoessl AJ, Dourish CT, Iversen S
effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on dopaminergic functioning in the rat: analysis of yawning behavior Heaton JP, Varrin SJ
central effects of nafadotride, a dopamine D3 receptor antagonist, in rats. Comparison with haloperidol and clozapine. Kuballa G, Nowak P, et al.
intraventricular oxytoxin induces yawning and penile erection in rats Argiolas A, Melis MR, Gessa GL
an activation of parvocellular oxytocinergic neurons in the paraventricular nucleus in oxytocin-induced yawning and penile erection. Kita I
corticotropin-releasing factor neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus are involved in arousal/yawning response of rats. Kita I
behavioral effects of quipazine in the cat Trulson ME, et al.
carmoxirole is able to reduce amisulpride-induced hyperprolactinemia without affecting its central effect. Marchese G, et al.
ontogenic homologous supersensitization of quinpirole-induced yawning in rats Kostrzewa RM, Brus R.
Low-dose quinpirole ontogenically sensitizes to quinpirole-induced yawning in rats. Kostrzewa RM, Brus R
DSP-4 prevents dopamine receptor priming by quinpirole. Nowak P, Labus L, Kostrzewa RM.
Effects of age on behavioral responses to dopamine agonists in the rat. Ushijima I, Mizuki Y, et al
Effects of alpha-MSH on sleep, behavior, and brain temperature: interactions with IL1 Opp M
Insulin replacement restores the behavioral effects of quinpirole and raclopride in streptozotocin-treated rats Sevak RJ
Yawning and hypothermia in rats: effects of dopamine D3 and D2 agonists and antagonists Collins GT et al.
The effects of adulthood olanzapine treatment on cognitive performance and neurotrophic factor content in male and female rats neonatally treated with quinpirole. Thacker SK, et al.
Intra-accumbens infusion of D(3) receptor agonists reduces spontaneous and dopamine-induced locomotion. Ouagazzal AM, Creese
Food restriction alters pramipexole-induced yawning, hypothermia, and locomotor activity in rats: Evidence for sensitization of dopamine D2 receptor-mediated effects. Collins GT. et al.
Induction of tolerance of dopaminergic responses in man. Lal S, Thavundayil JX et al.
Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Potent and Selective Ligands for the Dopamine 3 (D3) Receptor with a Novel in Vivo Behavioral Profile  Chen J, Collins GT et al
Narrowing in on compulsions: dopamine receptor functions Collins GT et al.
Pro-erectile Effects of Dopamine D2-like Agonists are Mediated by the D3 Receptor in Rats and Mice Collins G
Alterations of physostigmine-induced yawning by chronic lithium administration in rats Sharifzadeh M
Some central pharmacological effects of the calcium channel antagonist flunarizine Czyrak A et al.
Neonatal co-lesion by DSP-4 and 5,7-DHT produces adulthood behavioral sensitization to dopamine D(2) receptor agonists Nowak et al. 
Effects of ACTH(1-24) and ACTH/MSH(4-10) on isolation-induced distress vocalization in domestic chicks. Panksepp J
Amphetamine sensitization and D2 priming. Cope ZA, Huggins KN, et al
Limbic-midebrain lesions and acth-induced excessive grooming Colbern D. et al.
Stimulatory effects of quinelorane on yawning and penile erection in the rat Doherty P et al.
Behavioral and biochemical responses of mice to the intraventricular administration of acth analogs and lysine vasopressin Bees HD et al.
Evidence to suggest that agonist modulation of hyperlocomotion is via post-synaptic dopamine D2 or D3 receptors. Thorn L
Characterization of the dopamine receptor system in adult rhesus monkeys exposed to cocaine throughout gestation Hamilton LR et al.
Effects of Carbaryl on some Dopaminergic Behaviors in Rats. Rigon A, Reis M
Penile erection and yawning induced by dopamine D2-like receptor agonists in rats Depoortere R et al.
Comparative analysis of maternal care in the high-yawning (HY) and low-yawning (LY) sublines from sprague-dawley rats. Ugarte A, Eguibar JR, et al.
Behavioral sensitization to cocaine in rats: evidence for temporal differences in dopamine D(3) and D (2) receptor sensitivity. Collins GT, Truong YN, et al.
Sexual behavior in male rats after radiofrequency or dopamine-depleting lesions in nucleus accumbens. Liu YC, et al.
Differential effects of quinelorane and pergolide on behaviour, blood pressure, and body temperature of spontaneously hypertensive rats and Wistar-Kyoto rats. van den Buuse M.
Influence of body weight and type of chow on the sensitivity of rats to the behavioral effects of the direct-acting dopamine-receptor agonist quinpirole. Baladi MG et al.
5-HT6 pharmacology inconsistencies. Borsini F et al.  
The mode of action of bromocriptine following pretreatment with reserpine and alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine in rats. Ushijima I
Yawning Induced by the Selective Dopamine D2 Agonist N-0437 is Blocked by the Selective Dopamine Autoreceptor Antagonist (+)-UH 232. Cooper SJ et al.
Yawning and locomotor behavior induced by dopamine receptor agonists in mice and rats. Li SM, Collins GT et al.
Dopamine D1/5 and D2/3 agonists differentially attenuate somatic signs of nicotine withdrawal in rats. Ohmura Y. et al.
Corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist reduces activation of noradrenalin and serotonin neurons in the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe in the arousal response accompanied by yawning behavior in rats. Kubota N, Amemiya S, et al
Effects of two novel D3-selective compounds, NGB 2904 and CJB 090, on the reinforcing and discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine in rhesus monkeys Martelle JL et al.
Dopamine agonist-induced penile erection and yawning: Differential role of D(2)-like receptor subtypes and correlation with nitric oxide production in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus of male rats. Sanna F, MR, Argiolas A
Dopamine D3 receptors mediate the discriminative stimulus effects of quinpirole in free-feeding rats. Baladi MG et al.
Dopaminergic D2-like agonists produce yawning in the myelin mutant taiep and Sprague-Dawley rats. Eguibar JR, et al.
Oxytocin-induced yawning: Sites of action in the brain and interaction with mesolimbic/mesocortical and incertohypothalamic dopaminergic neurons in male rats. Sanna F et al.
Clavulanic acid induces penile erection and yawning in male rats: Comparison with apomorphine. Sanna F et al.
Dopamine agonist-induced penile erection and yawning: A comparative study in outbred Roman high- and low-avoidance rats. Sanna F et al.
Medication discovery for addiction: translating the dopamine D3 receptor hypothesis. Newman et al.
Further Characterization of Quinpirole-Elicited Yawning As a Model of Dopamine D3 Receptor Activation in Male and Female Monkeys. Martelle et al.
Involvement of dopaminergic and cholinergic pathways in the induction of yawning and genital grooming by the aqueous extract of Saccharum officinarum L. (sugarcane) in rats. Gamberini et al.
Central administration of oxytocin differentially increases yawning, penile erections and scratching in high- (HY) and low-yawning (LY) sublines of Sprague-Dawley rats. Eguibar JR et al.
Drinking sucrose or saccharin enhances sensitivity of rats to quinpirole-induced yawning. Serafine KM
Oxytocin induces penile erection and yawning when injected into the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Bratzu J et al.
acétylcholine, scopolamine, physostigmine, hormones sexuelles
direct evidence for involvement of dopaminergic inhibition and cholinergic activation in yawning Yamada K
is yawning a cholinergic response? Urba-Holmgren R et coll
septohippocampal cholinergic pathway and penile erections induced by dopaminergic and cholinergic stimulants Maeda N
interaction of cholinergic and dopaminergic inflences en yawning behavior Holmgren B
the effects of pre and post-operative procedures on physiostigmine and apomorphine induced yawing in rats Bourson A
central and peripheral activity of cholinesterase inhibitors as revealed by yawning and fasciculation in rats.Ogura H
effect of scopolamine on spontaneous yawning in men Skorzewska A, Tesfaye Y, Lal S
influence of different adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists on physostigmine-induced yawning in rats Zarrindast
inhibition of grooming by pilocarparpine differs in high-and low yawning sublines of Sprague-Dawley rats Eguibar JR
grooming and yawning trace adjustment to unfamiliar environments in laboratory Sprague-Dawley rats-Moyaho A
treatment with dexamethasone alters yawning behavior induced by cholinergic but not dopaminergic agonist.Hipolide DC
sex hormone influences on yawning behavior Holmgren R
bombesin decreases yawning in high-and low yawning sublines of Sprague-Dawley Diaz-Romero M
threshold for behavioral response to testosterone in old castrated male rhesus macaques Phoenix C
prolactin-induced yawning behavior requires an intact nigro-striatal dopamine system Laping NJ
prolactin induces yawning and the stretching yawning syndrome in young adulte male rats Laping NJ, Ramirez VD
androgenic influences on apomorphine-induced yawning in rats HG Berendsen
testosterone potentiation of the effectiveness of ACTH on the induction of the strech-yawning syndrome J Rodriguez
brain and sexual behavior K Larsson S Ahlenius
genomic and non-genomic effects of steroïds on neuronal activity McEwen BS
sexual behavior in adult gonadectomized female pseudohermaphrodite, female, and male Rhesus Macaques treated with estradiol benzoate and testosterone propionate CH Phoenix, KC Chambers
gonadal hormones and behavior of normal and pseudohermaphroditic nonhuman female primates Goy, Resko
involvement of catecholamine receptor activities in modulating the incidence of yawning in rats Kimura H
chronic stimulation of the cat vagus nerve Effect on sleep and behavior Valdés-Cruz all
effects of lead exposure on licking and yawning behaviour in rats Zarrindast MR, M Ghazi-Khansari et al
effects of adenosine agents on apomorphine-induced yawning in rats Zarrindast MR et al
effects of adenosine receptor agonists and antagonists on physostigmine-induced yawning Zarrindast MR et al
involvement of beta-adrenoceptors in regulation of the yawning induced by neuropeptides, oxytocin and a-Melanocyte-stimulating Fujikawa M, K Yamada
muscarinic and nicotinic effects on yawning and tongue protruding in the rat Ushijima I et al
suppressive effects of chronic hyperprolactinemia on penile erection and yawning following administration of apomorphine to pituitary-transplanted rats Sato F
yawning and stretching in rats induced by intraventricularly administered zincIzumi K et al
cholinergic mediated yawning and analgesia in rats: differential effects of muscarinic agonists and antagonists Gower AJ
atropine increases pilocarpine-induced yawning behavior in paradoxical sleep deprived rats Lobo LL et al.
behavioral effects of dilazep on cholinergic, dopaminergic, and purinergic systems in the rat. Ushijima I
The effects of adulthood nicotine treatment on D2-mediated behavior and neurotrophins of rats neonatally treated with quinpirole Brown RW et al.
 The mode of action of bromocriptine following pretreatment with reserpine in rats. Ushijima I. et al.
Estrogens antagonize apomorphine-induced yawning in rats Serra G et al.
EP 60761 and EP 50885, two hexarelin analogues, induce penile erection in rats. Melis MR, Succu S
Different effects of omega-conotoxin on penile erection, yawning and paraventricular nitric oxide in male rats. Succu S, et al
Central interaction between physostigmine and histamine during yawning in rats Tamaddonfard E et al.
Evaluation of melanotan-II, a superpotent cyclic melanotropic peptide in a pilot phase-1 clinical study Dorr RT
The new muscarinic M1-receptor agonist YM796 evokes yawningand increases oxytocin secretion from the posterior pituitary gland in rats Fujikawa  et al
Decreased muscarinic receptor binding in rat brain after paradoxical sleep deprivation: an autoradiographic study Nunes et Chronic nimodipine and yawning behavior in grouped or individually housed rats Fundaro A.
Biochemical and behavioral effects of boldine and glaucine on dopamine systems Asencio M et al.
Atypical neuroleptic-like behavioral effects of neurotensin Jolicoeur F
Donepezil Inhibits Diisopropylfluorophosphate-Induced Seizures and Up-regulation of Synaptotagmin 4 mRNA. Saghafi MM
Behavioural and pharmacological characterization of the mouth movements induced by muscarinic agonists in the rat. Salamone JD et al
Born to Yawn? Understanding Yawning as a Warning of the Rise in Cortisol Levels: Randomized Trial
The modulatory role of M2 muscarinic receptor on apomorphine-induced yawning and genital grooming. Gamberini MT
Penile erection and yawning induced by paraventricular NMDA injection in male rats are mediated by oxytocin. Melis et al.
Effects of apomorphine, physostigmine and vasoactive intestinal peptide on penile erection and yawning in diabetic rats. Yamaguchi, Kobayashi
Yawning behavior in male rats is associated with decreases in in vivo DOPAC efflux from the caudate nucleus. Laping, Ramirez
Differential organization of male copulatory patterns in high- and low-yawning-frequency sublines versus outbred Sprague-Dawley rats. Eguibar JR,et al
morphine, opioïdes, cannabidoïdes
prevention by morphine of apomorphine- and oxytocin-induced penile erection and yawning: involvement of nitric oxide Melis MR et al.
acute or chronic effects of cannabinoids on spontaneous or pharmacologically induced yawning in rats Nakamura-Palacios E et al.
Inhibitory effect of morphine on yawning induced by cholinoceptor and dopamine D2 receptor activation in rats Zarrindast MR
the molecular logic of endocannabinoïd signalling D Piomelli
the apomorphine test: a biological marker for heroin dependence disorder? Guardia J
reversal of dopamine D2 receptor responses by an anandamide transport inhibitor Beltramo
potentiation of penile erection and yawning responses to apomorphine by cannabinoid receptor antagonist in rats da Silva GE
serotonin reuptake inhibitors attenuate morphine withdrawal syndrome in neonatal rats passively exposed to morphine. Wu CC, Chen JY, Tao PL, Chen YA, Yeh GC
Influence of modified casomorphins on yawning behavior of rats. Rüthrich HL et al.
Influence of clonidine on the acth-induced behavioral syndrome Poggiol R et al.
Acute and chronic effects of opiates and dopamine on yawning, penile erection and genital grooming behaviors in male Wistar rats. Noughab MT, et al.

médicaments et thérapeutiques
desipramine induces yawning behaviour in rats Mogilnicka E et all
effects of stress on drug induced yawning Tufik S et coll
yawning : intermittent evacuation of the palatine tonsillar fossae ? McKenzy
the neuropharmacology of upper airway motor control in the awake and asleep states: implications for obstructive sleep apnoea
Directly observable behavioral effects of lorcaserin in rats. Serafine KM et al.
sommeil et vigilance
sleep-wakefulness, EEG and behavioral studies of chronic cats without neocortex and striatum: the "diencephalic" cat Villablanca J, Marcus R
light induces cortical activation and yawning in rat Seki Y, Y Nakatani, et al
yawning and penile erection induced in rats by cortical spreading depression Houston J
effects of REM sleep deprivation of ACTH-induced yawning Lobo LL, Tufik S
modifications on dopaminergic and cholinergic systems induced by the water tank technique: analysis through yawning behavior
is dopamine-agonist induced yawning behavior a D3 mediated event? Kostrzewa M, Brus R
food anticipatory tawning rhythm in the rat. Holmgren B, Budelli R et coll
inhibition of muscle sympathetic nerve activity during yawning Askenazy JJ Askenazy N
why do we sleep ? Sejnowski, T. J. and Destexhe, A
the neurobiology of sleep: genetics, cellular physiology and subcortical networks Pace-Schott, Hobson
hypothalamic integration of central and peripheral clocks Buijs RM
sommeil et respiration Influence des états de vigilance sur la respiration Guilleminault 1986
role of the lateral preoptic area in sleep-related erectile mechanisms and sleep generation in the rathypothalamic regulation of sleep Salin-Pascual R, D Gerashchenko
schematic model of neurotransmitter circuits that are involved in the three states of vigilance
l'hypocretine : sa place dans la neurophysiologie du sommeil, du bâillement et de l'appétit (et la bibiographie)
hypocrétine (orexine) et narcolepsie : dormir ou dîner E Mignot
cortical arousal induced by injection of orexins into the paraventricular nucleus of the rat Sato-Suzuki I
yawning responses induced by local hypoxia in the paraventricular nucleus of the rat Kita I, Sato-Suzuki
Stereotyped yawning responses induced by electrical and chemical stimulation of paraventricular nucleus of the rat. Sato-Suzuki
yawning/cortical activation induced by microinjection of histamine into the PVN of the rat
a brief history of hypocretin/orexin and narcolepsy JM. Siegel
phylogenetic data bearing on the REM sleep learning connection JM Siegel
the REM sleep memory consolidation hypothesis JM Siegel (PDF)
the upper airway in sleep: physiology of the pharynx Ayappa I, Rapaport D
effect on airway caliber of stimulation of the hypothalamic locomotor region Beyaert
a scoring system for states of sleep and wakefulness in term and preterm infants M Stefanski et al
classification and quantitative aspects of fetal movements during the second half of normal pregnancy PJ Roodenburg
Paradoxical sleep deprivation in female rats alters drug-induced behaviors Hipolide DC, Tufik S
REM sleep related increase in brain temperature: a physiologic problem P.L. Parmegianni
Sleep-inducing factors. García-García F et al
émotions, reconnaissance du visage, cognition sociale, imitation, contagion
cortical systems for the recognition of emotion in facial expressions
human facial expressions as adaptations: evolutionary questions in facial expression research
the neurobiology of attachment TR Insel, LJ Young
how do you feel ? Interoception: the sense of the physiological condition of the body AD Craig
imiter pour découvrir J Decety et J Nadel
resonance behaviors and mirror neurons G Rizzolatti, V Gallese
cortical mechanisms of human imitation M Iacoboni, G Rizzotatti
reafferent copies of imitated actions in the right superior temporal cortexM Iacoboni
how do we represent the minds of others ? in Social cognition and the human brain R Adolphs
imitation and the definition of a meme S Blackmore
rational imitation in preverbal infants G Gergely
imitation of facial and manual gestures by human neonates Meltzoff AN, Moore MK
naturaliser l'empathie J Decéty
the perception-behavior expressway: automatic effects of social perception on social behavior Dijksterhuis
Response properties of neurons in temporal cortical visual areas of infant monkeys Rodman HR
Yoon JMD, Tennie C Contagious yawning: a reflection of empathy, mimicry, or contagion.Neural pathways from the central nucleus of the amygdala to the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus are involved in induction of yawning behavior due to emotional stress in rats. Kubota et al.
physiologic variations of the internal jugular vein surface, role of the omohyoid muscle, a preliminary echographic study Patra P
experimental detection of a cervical arousal mechanism of yawning, enhancing intracerebral (CSF) fluid pressure Bouyssou M, Tricoire J
influence of dying gasps, yawns and sighs on blood pressure and blood flow R Woodbury, B Abretj
the role of the Eusatchius tube and the tympanal muscles in yawning Laskiewicz A
cerebrospinal fluid flow; physiology of respiration-related pulsations.Schroth G
the formation and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid inside the cat brain ventricles : a fact or an illusion ? Oreskovic D
la voie dento-olivaire : mise en évidence, trajet et signification ; myoclonie du voile J Lapresle
la myoclonie du voile du palais J Lapresle
Protée anguillard, l'Axolotl et la myoclonie du voile du palais
hormonal and genetic influences on arousal Ð sexual and otherwise D Pfaff, J Frohlich
cyclic variation in the amplitude of a brainstem reflex during sleep and wakefulness
yawning with regard to the respiratoty organs and the ear Laskiewicz A
Genetic and littermate influences on yawning in two selectively bred strains of rats Moyaho A et al.
Yawning and thermoregulation in budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus Gallup AC et al
Vasovagal syncope in the Canon of Avicenna: The first mention of carotid artery hypersensitivity Shoja MM et al.
Drinking induced by injections of angiotensin into forebrain and mid-brain sites of the monkey. Sharpe
New evidence for a locus coeruleus norepinephrine connection with anxiety. Redmond DE, Wang Y
Limbic-midbrain lesions and acth-induced excessive grooming Colbern D et al
Examining the hypothesized role of the human mirror neuron system in contagious yawning: EEG investigations. Cooper
Brain Temperature & Autonomic Nervous System for the study of relaxation Dittmar A et al
Why do we yawn? Primitive versus derived features. Gallup AC.
Changes in Ambient Temperature Trigger Yawning But Not Stretching in Rats. Gallup AC et al.
Human paranasal sinuses and selective brain cooling: A ventilation system activated by yawning? Gallup AC, Hack GD.
Changes in Physiology before, during, and after Yawning. Corey TP, et al.
Yawning, fatigue, and cortisol: Expanding the Thompson Cortisol Hypothesis. Thompson SB
Yawning induced by focal electrical stimulation in the human brain. Joshi S et al.
Blood oxytocin concentration positively predicts contagious yawning behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder. Mariscal MG, et al.

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