

- Flip-flop
switch et bâillements
- Prostaglandines,
adénosine, sommeil &
- Leptine,
ghréline, histamine et

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d'emploi du site
- Sémiologie
et complications
- sémiologie
du bâillement
- l'examen
clinique du consultant pour excès de
- yawning : en
early manifestation of vasovagal reflex
Cronin TG
- complications
du bâillement : luxation de la machoire
et son traitement et mise
au point des désordres ATM
- dislocation
of the temporomandibular joint due to
forceful yawning during induction with
propofol Avidan A
- hazard
of yawning Tesfaye Y, Lal S
- comprendre
la prosopagnosie
- comprendre
le syndrome frontal
- comprendre
l'empathie S Preston et F de Waal
- imagerie
fonctionnelle cérébrale et
imitation J Decety
- neural
mechanisms of empathy in humans: A relay from
neural systems for imitation to limbic areas
Laurie Carr
- physiology
of yawning and its application to
postoperative care Rh Bartlett and
- EEG correlats of
yawning during sleep onset JV Laing & RD
- a critical
view of the yawn-sigh as a voice therapy
technique Boone DR, McFarlane SC
- water-soluble
antioxidants in human tears: effect of the
collection method Choy CK
- clinical
neurologic assessment tool: development and
testing of an instrument to index neurologic
status Crosby L
- neurological
assessment of coma (pdf)
- does
yawning represent a transient arousal-shift
during intravenous induction of general
anesthesia? Kasuya Y, et al.
- bâillements
iatrogènes. Revue Prescrire octobre
- examining
the connection between yawning and
depression SR.
- A
method of graphic registration of the act of
yawning and others form of mouth
- Hypovigilance
analysis: blinking or yawning frequency
Benoit A, Caplier A
- Yawning
in morning and evening types Zilli I, Giganti
F, Salzarulo P
- Le
premier Holter pour les
- Vidéo
d'un bâillement typique,
- Le
bâillement, un symptôme
oublié Walusinski O
- inventaire
des pathologies avec bâillements
- Yawning
in diseases : consequences and
signifiance Walusinski O.
- l'excès
de bâillements : un équivalent
de tics et /ou de troubles obsessionels et
compulsifs (tocs)
- tics,
maladie de Gilles de da Tourette, troubles
obsessionnels et compulsifs
- adult
onset tic disorders Chouinard S
- a
functional neuroanatomy of tics in Tourette
Syndrome Stern E
- une
observation originale exceptionnelle
d'épilepsie diencéphalique
: Excessive yawning and
sleepy attacks
- bâillements
- trois
cas de parakinésie brachiale: la
thèse du Dr E
- physiopathologie
- Une
observaton originale : parakinésie
brachiale oscitante bilatérale
développée lors d'une
quadriplégie de sclérose en
- le
schéma explicatif de la paralysie
brachiale oscitante
- yawning:
a possible confounding variable in EMG
biofeedback Oman RE
- respiratory
and locomotor patterns
- messages
convey by spino-cerebellar pathways during
scratching in the cat Arshavsky YI. et
- analysis
of coordination between breathing and
exercise rhythms in man Bernasconi P, Kohl
- central
control of breathing in mammals : neuronal
circuitry, membrane properties, and
neurotransmitters Bianchi AL et al
- control
of respiration by the hypothalamus and
feedback from contracting muscles in cats
Waldrop TG. et al
- the
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
influences respiratory timing and activity in
the rat E Yeh
- cardiorespiratory
components of defense reaction elicited from
paraventricular nucleus Y Duan
- involuntary
stretching during yawning in patients with
pyramidal tract lesions: further evidence for
the existence of an independent emotional
motor systemR.Topper et al.
- on certain tonic
or postural reflexes in hemiplegia with
special reference to the so called
"associated movements" 1923
- the
yawning and stretching sign in hemiplegics
Medicina Lanari A, Delbono O
- provocation
spinale d'un réflexe de
bâillement D Furtado
- associated
reactions in the hemiplegic arm Mulley
- associated
movements in hemiplegia : their origin and
physiological significance Thomson HC
- a single
report of hemiplegic arm stretching related
to yawning: further investigation using
apomorphine administration O Blin
- excessive
yawning and progressive supranuclear palsy R
- pathological
yawning as a symptom of multiple sclerosis T.
- yawning as
an aura for an L-Dopa induced "on" in
Parkinson's disease JL Goren
- a
trial of subcutaneously injected apomorphine
for parkinsonian off-state events Dewey
- pathological
yawning (chasm) associated with periodic leg
movements in sleep: cure by levodopa M
- compulsive
yawning as migraine premonitory symptom DE
- primary yawning
headache DE Jacome
- extracephalic
yawning pain Jacome D
- apomorphine-induced
yawning in migraine patients: enhanced
responsiveness Blin O
- migraine
postdromes: symptoms after attacks Blau
- dopamine
and migraine Peroutka SJ
- dopamine
hypersensitivity in migraine: role in
apomorphine Del Zompo M
- association
between dopamine receptor genes and migraine
without aura in a Sardinian sampleDel Zompo M
et al
- dopamine
hypersensitivity in migraine: role of the
apomorphine test Cerbo R and all
- video
assessment of yawning induced by sublingual
apomorphine in migraine Del Bene E, M
- dopamine
involvement in the migraine attack
Fanciullacci M
- what
is the evolutionary advantage of migraine ?
Loder A
- migraine
attacks induced by subcutaneous apomorphine
in two migrainous parkinsonian patients U
Sabatini et al
- hypothalamic
involvement in chronic migraine Peres
- hypersensibilité
dopaminergique dans la migraine: un test
diagnostique ? Bès A et al
- yawning as a
paroxysmal sign of diencephalic seizures S
- yawning
and temporal lobe epilepsy Muchnik,
Finkielman, et al
- excessive yawning
and SSRI therapy D Beale
- injured
temporomandibular joint associated with
fluoxetine-monotherapy-induced repeated
yawning Pae CU
- fluoxetine-induced
yawning and anorgasmia reversed by
cyproheptadine treatment Cohen AJ
- repeated
observations of yawning, clitoral
engorgement, and orgasm associated with
fluoxetine administration.Modell
- repeated
observations of yawning, clitoral
engorgement, and orgasm associated with
fluoxetine administration. Klein DF
- unusual
side effects of clomipramine associated with
yawning D McLean
- unusual
side effects of clomipramine associated with
yawning Harrison W and all
- bâillements
et excitation sexuelle sous clomipramine G
- sustained
yawning as a side effect of imipramine RL
- yawning
as a complication of electroconvulsive
therapy and concurrent neuroleptic withdrawal
- yawning
in Parkinson's disease Colosimo C, Francesco
E Pontieri, V GH Evidente
- yawning in a
case with transsecting glioma of the pons
Gschwend J
- post-lesion
yawning and thalamotomy site Jurko and
- sphenoidal sinus
mucocele and yawning after radiation
treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- glossopharyngeal
neuralgia and multipl sclerosis, Minagar A,
Sheremata WA
- headphone
neuralgia Skelton A
- Short-lasting
unilateral neuralgiform headache with
conjunctival injection and tearing syndrome
treated with microvascular decompression of
the trigeminal nerve A Lagares
- is yawning
a brainstem phenomenon ? Wimalaratana HS,
Capildeo R
- excessive
yawning Van Sweden B, Vanderhoven L, van Erp
- the yawning reflex:
an upper motor neuron sign in amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis DR Williams
- yawning
in pharyngeal obstruction Evans EB
- progressive
dysautonomia in hemangioblastoma in the
region of the fourth ventricle Arai K, Kita
- yawning
and stretching induced by transcranial
application of AC pulsed electromagnetic
fields in Parkinson's disease.Sandyk
- the
biological significance of yawning elicited
by application of electromagnetic fields in
multiple sclerosis.Sandyk R
- the role of the
thalamus in the persistent vegetative State
Kinney, Korein
- pathological
laughter and crying: a link to the cerebellum
J. Parviz
- transient
cerebral ischemia evoked by yawning Handa
- unusual
variants of infantile spasms Donat JF, Wright
- paroxysmal
kinesigenic dystonia associated with a
medullary lesion Riley DE
- syndrome
de Foix Chavany Marie d'origine traumatique A
- the
opercular syndrome - diagnostic trap in
facial paralysis RL Crumley
- le
syndrome operculaire unilatéral avec
atteinte controlatérale du territoire
des nerfs craniens.Alajouanine
- la
diplegie faciale cérébraIe
(forme corticale de la paralysie
pseudo-bulbaire) Alajouanine
- le
syndrome operculaire unilatéral
d'origine vasculaire B Pertuiset
- le
syndrome operculaire unilatéral
d'origine vasculaire G Boudini
- nvoluntary motor
phenomena in the locked-in syndrome G.
- stimulus
evoked oral automatismsin the Locked-in
syndromeG. Bauer et al
- dissociated
preservation of automatic-voluntary jaw
movements in a patient with biopercular and
unilateral pontine infarcts Ghika J et
- traitement
par crâniectomie des infarctus
cérébraux sylviens
étendus démateux G
- caffeine
withdrawal symptoms following brief caffeine
deprivation Phillips-Bute BG, Lane
- acute
abstinence syndrome following abrupt
cessation of long-term use of tramadol : a
case studyFreye E
- blepharospasm-oromandibular
dystonia syndrom CD Marsden
- very young
infants yawn or cry after watching animated
programs Mizukami K
- primary
disorder of vigilance: a novel explanation of
inattentiveness, daydreaming, boredom,
restlessness, and
- Weinberg's
syndrome: a disorder of attention and
behavior problems needing further research.
- localization of
the "sneeze center" Fink JN
- ocular
complications of acoustic neuroma surgery MG
- a lethal
hypervitaminosis A syndrome in young monkeys
(Macacus fascicularis) following a single
intramuscular dose of a water-miscible
preparation containing vitamins A, D2 and E
Macapinlac MP
- drug-induced
yawning successfully treated with pimozide
Rollinson RD et al
- postanoxic
action myoclonus (Lance-Adams syndrome)
responding to valproate Rollinson RD,
Gilligan BS
- long-term
results of olfaction rehabilitation using the
nasal airflow inducing maneuver after total
laryngectomy - Polite yawning F Hilgers, H
Jansen et al
- a
Review of 20 Cases of Spastic Dysphonia Whyte
S, P Darveniza
- bio-feedback
and the yawning breath pattern in voice
therapy: a clinical trial Xu JH et
- the
neuropharmacology of upper airway motor
control in the awake and asleep states:
implications for obstructive sleep apnoea
Horner LH
- regulating
glottal airflow in phonation: application of
the maximum power transfer theorem to a low
dimensional phonation model Titze I
- fetal mouth
movements during behavioral states 1F and 2F
Van Woerden EE et al
- development
of behaviors in preterm infants: relation to
sleeping and waking Holditch-Davis D
- behavioral
pattern continuity from prenatal to postnatal
life a study by four dimensional (4D)
ultrasonography A Kurjak et al
- Four-dimensional
sonographic assessment of fetal facial
expression early in the third
- encephalitis
lethargica syndrome: 20 new cases and
evidence of basal ganglia autoimmunity RC
- yawning
despite trismus in a patient with locked-in
syndrome caused by a thrombosed
megadolichobasilar artery.Krasnianski M, et
- marijuana
withdrawal in humans: effects of oral THC or
divalproex M. Haney et al
- yawning
and epilepsyGoldie L
- fractures
of the styloid process and stylohyoid
ligament: an uncommon injury
- fracture
of an ossified stylohyoïd boneJ
- calcified
stylohyoid ligament:unusual pressure symptoms
Fanibunda K
- clinical
TMD, pain related disability and
psychological status of TMD patients Yap A,
Cha E, Hoe K
- integrated
jaw and neck function in man. Studies of
mandibular and head-neck movements during jaw
opening-closing tasks Zafar H
- delayed
cerebellar disease and death after accidental
exposure to dimethylmercuryNierenberg DW et
- the
yawn maneuver: prevention and treatment of
postoperative pulmonary complications
Bartlett RH et al
- yawn
maneuver to prevent atelectasis CA
- forced
yawning as a pseudobulbar sign in amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis E Louwerse
- repetitive
yawning associated with cardiac tamponade M.
- bilateral
chylothorax , a case report following
episodes of stretching Reilly K, Tsou
- hyperventilation-induced
high-amplitude rhythmic slowing with altered
awareness: a video-eeg comparison with
absence seizures Lum L
- cocaine-induced
brainstem seizures and behavior Qian XB et
- symptoms
of neonatal ethanol
withdrawal Robe LB et
- electrophysiological
correlates of yawning KL Regehr
- Bostezo
y epilepsia del lobulo temporal Medrano V,
Selles-Galiana MF, et alPenfield
W, Jasper H
- Diencephalic
autonomic seizures1954
- Diencephalic
Seizure Andy OJ, M Jurko
- A case
of parkinsonism with yawning seizure Y
- Pathological
yawning as a presenting symptom of brainstem
ischemia in two patients Cattaneo L
- Ondine's
curse during pregnancy Ochoa-Sepulveda JJ,
Ochoa-Amor JJ
- Effect
of posture on levels of arousal and awareness
in vegetative and minimally conscious state
patients: a preliminary investigation Elliott
L, Coleman et al.
- can neck
injury disturb eating behaviour? Per-Olof
- A
case of familial inverse Marcus Gunn
phenomenon Oh JY
- Behavioural
responses following tooth injury in rats
Chudler EH, Byers MR
- Superior
laryngeal neuralgia: carotidynia or just
another pain in the neck? O'Neill B
- Lithium-triggered
chronic cluster headache Brainin M
- post-ictal
forceful yawning: an autonomic symptom in a
patient with nondominant hemisphere epilepsia
- locked-in
syndrome with rapid recovery: a manifestation
of basilar artery migraine? Sulkava
- complex
demodulation of cardiorespiratory dynamics
preceding vasovagal syncope Lipsitz
- behaviors
associated with onset of gastroesophageal
reflux episodes in infants Feranchak
- false
suffocation alarms, spontaneous panics, and
related conditions. an integrative
hypothesis. Klein DF
- lymphomatoid
granulomatosis Moertel C
- the
myth of carotidynia Biousse V, Bousser
- carotidynia:
a pain syndrome Hill L, Hastings G
- post-ictal
forceful yawning in a patient with
nondominant hemisphere epilepsy Yankovsky
- paroxetine-induced
excessive yawning Harada KI
- effects
of brief caffeinated-beverage deprivation on
mood, symptoms, and psychomotor performance.
Lane JD
- caffeine
deprivation affects vigilance performance and
mood. Lane JD, Phillips-Bute BG
- yawning
during thiopentone induction Morton
- Hemodynamic
and metabolic effects of hemorrhage in man,
with particular reference to the splanchnic
- Premonitory
and resolution symptoms in migraine: a
prospective study in 100 unselected patients.
Quintela E
- The
prevalence of premonitory symptoms in
migraine: a questionnaire study in 461
patients. Schoonman GG
- Evaluation
of Eustachian tube function by sonotubometry:
results and reliability of 8 kHz signals in
normal subjects
- The
relationship between the 'superior
constrictor swallow', clicking of the ears
and ear disease Gray LP
- Caffeine
withdrawal: a parametric analysis of caffeine
dosing conditions Evans SM, Griffiths
- Self-monitoring
and mimicry of positive and negative social
behaviors Estow S, Jamieson JP, Yates
- Transient
hiccups after posteroventral pallidotomy for
Parkinson's disease
- A survey
of temporomandibular joint dislocation:
aetiology, demographics, risk factors and
management in 96 Nigerian cases. Ugboko VI et
- Drugs
- Crises
de bâillements iatrogènes sous
- Do
your patients suffer from excessive yawning?
Gutierrez-Alvarez AM
- Duloxetine-induced
excessive yawning. De Las Cuevas et
- Drug-induced
yawning: A review of the french
pharmacovigilance database Sommet A et
- Yawning
frequency and distribution in preterm and
near term infants assessed throughout 24-h
- Effect
of cortical spreading depression on synaptic
transmission of rat hippocampal tissues.
Wernsmann B, et al.
- Wicks
P Excessive yawning is common in the
bulbar-onset form of ALS
- Retropharyngeal
tendinitis: a rare differential diagnosis of
severe headaches and neck pain. Harnier S et
- Paralysies
faciales périphériques
d'origine dysbarique d'Andréa C,
Méliet JL, Staikowski F
- Amelioration
of pathological yawning after tracheostomy in
a patient with locked-in syndrome Changa
- Clinical
assessment of propofol-induced yawning with
heart rate variability: a pilot study. Tsou
CH et al
- Pathological
yawning in a patient with anxiety and chronic
disease anaemia Taskapilioglu O, et
- Pseudo-abscences
Lafleur J, Reiher J
- Questionnaire
hyperventilation enfant Bidat E et
- Amelioration
of pathological yawning after tracheostomy in
a patient with locked-in syndrome Prasad
- Contagious
and spontaneous yawning in autistic and
typically developing children Giganti F,
Ziello ME
- Venlafaxine-induced
excessive yawning. Chen CH, Lu ML.
- A
report of post-traumatic Eagle's syndrome
Klecha A et al.
- Panic,
suffocation false alarms, separation anxiety
and endogenous opioids Preter M, Klein
- Neural
correlates of self-face recognition
Platek S et al.
- Air
swallowing as a tic Weila RS et al.
- Venlafaxine-induced
excessive yawning: a thermoregulatory
connection Gallup AC, Gallup Jr GG
- Empathy
in schizophrenia: impaired resonance
Haker H, Rössler W
- Excessive
yawning induced by stimulation of myofascial
trigger point Chang CC
- Does
eye contact induce contagious yawning ?
Senju A. et al.
- A
case of excessive yaawning with
citalopram Pal S, Padala PR.
- Absence
congénital de bâillements au
cours d'un syndrome de Kallmann de Morsier
avec prosopagnosie
- Resolution
of migraine attacks: sleep and the recovery
phase Blau JN
- The
prevalence of premonitory symptoms in
paediatric migraine Cuvellier JC et
- Sustained
manual loading of the fascial system can
evoke tonic reactions: preliminary
results Bertolucci LF
- Synthetic
melanotropic peptide initiates erections in
men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction:
double-blind, placebo controlled crossover
study. Wessells H et al.
- Neuroethological
approach to frontolimbic epileptic seizures
and parasomnias: The same central pattern
generators for the same behaviours
Tassinari CA et al.
- Inhibitory
effects of landiolol and nicardipine on
thiopental-induced yawning in humans
Oshima T et al
- Treatment
of persistent yawning with acupuncture
Wong R, Sagar S
- Myoclonies
propriospinales et bâillements
répétitifs: une
- Peri-ictal
yawning lateralizes the seizure onset zone to
the nondominant hemisphere in patients with
temporal lobe epilepsy. Kuba R et al
- Sleepiness
is not always perceived before falling asleep
in healthy, sleep-deprived subjects.
Herrmann US, et al
- Yawning
and the Thyroid Gland. Pellatt A, Wright
PG, Levine LS
- Yawning
cannot cause significant temperature
decreases in humans Elo H
- Fear
of the yawning mother: a case of
misophonia Collins N
- Involuntary
arm elevation during yawning in a hemiplegic
patient Na-Yeon Jung ,Bo-Young Ahn et
- Treatment
of a Patient with Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia
by the Anterior Tonsillar Pillar Method.Case
Rep Neurol. Isbir CA.
- Venlafaxine
and excessive yawning: is there any link?
Nayak R
- Is
high frequency yawning: A behavioural event
of ethanol withdrawal. Chakradhara Rao
US, Suresh Kumar S.
- Ictal
yawning in a patient with drug-resistant
focal epilepsy: Video/EEG documentation and
review of literature reports. Specchio N,
Carotenuto A et al.
- Parakinesia
Brachialis Oscitans. Report of three
cases. de Lima et al.
- Medical
implications of excessive yawning in relation
to thermoregulatory dysfunction. Gallup
- A
case of parakinesia brachialis oscitans.
Na-Yeon Jung, Bo-Young Ahn et al.
- Le
bâillement: de la physiologie à
la iatrogénie. Philibert C et
- Mandibular
dislocation from yawning during induction of
anesthesia.Unnikrishnan KP
- Subjective
and objective symptoms in relation to plasma
methadone concentration in methadone
patients Hiltunen AJ, et al.
- Drug-induced
yawning: a review.
Patatanian E, Williams NT.
- Propranolol
in yawning prophylaxis: a case
Ghanizadeh A.
- Recurrent
partial seizures with ictal yawning as
atypical presentation of Hashimoto's
Casciato S,et al.
- A
child with mutism after bilateral thalamic
infarction. Pluchon C, et al.
- Juvenile
First Rib Fracture Caused by Morning
Stretching. Lee SJ et al
- Moëbius'
syndrome and yawning
- Yawning
associated with anterior chest pain in a
patient with asthma Mitsunobu F et
- Yawning
as a dose-dependent side effect of treatment
with escitalopram Roncero C, et al.
- A
new model for the apomorphine test as a
biological marker for cocaine-dependent
patients Roncero et al.
- Park
JJ, Luedeke I, Luecke K. et al.
Eustachian tube function in patients with
inner ear disorders
- Pathological
yawning as an ictal seizure manifestation in
the elderly Nicotra et al.
- Excessive
Yawning Is Not a Characteristic of Daytime
Sleepiness Due to Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
Kosma et al.
- Parakinesia
brachialis oscitans during thrombolytic
therapy. Zorzetto et al.
- 4D
ultrasound evaluation of fetal facial
expressions during the latter stages of the
second trimester. Kanenishi K et al.
- Yawning:
A behavioural marker of sleepiness in de novo
PD patients. Giganti F. et al.
- Medication
discovery for addiction: translating the
dopamine D3 receptor hypothesis. Newman
et al.
- Neural
basis of contagious itch and why some people
are more prone to it. Holle et al.
- Frequent
yawning as an initial signal of fever
relief. Gallup AC, Gallup JA.
- Concurrence
of Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis and
Parakinesia Brachialis Oscitans in a Patient
with Hemorrhagic Stroke. Wu et al.
- Insular
and caudate lesions release abnormal yawning
in stroke patients. Krestel H,
Weisstanner C, Hess CW, Bassetti Cl et
- Neurocysticercose
et salves de bâillements
- Serotonin
and yawning: A possible adverse drug reaction
during antidepressant therapy
Béné J et al
- Yawning
as a behavioral marker of mild motion
sickness and sopite syndrome Matsangas P
et al.
- An
unusual clinical picture of paroxysmal
extreme pain disorder Meglic a et
- Air
swallowing as a tic Weil et al.
- Temporomandibular
joint dislocation: experiences from Zaria
Nigeria. Agbara R et al.
- Fracture
of mandible during yawning in a patient with
osteogenesis imperfecta. Ram H et
- Occurrences
of Yawn and Swallow are Temporally
Related. Abe K et al.
- Tourette-like
behaviors in the normal population are
associated with hyperactive/impulsive
ADHD-like behaviors but do not relate to
deficits in conditioned inhibition or
response inhibition. Heym N et al.
- Importance
of yawning in the evaluation of excessive
daytime sleepiness: a prospective clinical
study. Catli T et al.
- Clinical
significance of yawning in disorders of
consciousness and vigilance Guggisberg
- Tourette-like
behaviors. Heym N et al.
- The
''syringe'' technique: a hands-free approach
for the reduction of acute nontraumatic
temporomandibular dislocations in the
emergency department. Gorchynski J et
- Intractable
yawning caused by foramen magnum meningioma
in a patient with neurofibromatosis type
2. Bayri Y, et al.
- Intractable
yawning associated with mature teratoma of
the supramedial cerebellum. Saura H, et
- Yawning
in Depression: Worth Looking Into. Hensch
T et al.
- Yawning
as a presenting symptom of Chiari
malformation Type I: report of 2 cases.
Zebian B et al.
- Movement
of a paralyzed arm with yawning. Kang P,
Dhand A
- Pathologic
yawning in neuromyelitis optica spectrum
disorders. Lana-Peixoto MA et al.
- Temperature-Dependent
in Self-Reported Contagious Yawning.
Eldakar OT et al.
- Premonitory
symptoms in migraine. Laurell K, Artto
Vet al.
- Ambient
temperature modulates yawning. Gallup
- Controllable
yawning expressed as focal seizures of
frontal lobe epilepsy. Vibhangini S et
- Use
of Alleviating Maneuvers for Periocular
Facial Dystonias. Kilduff CL et al.
- Yawning
induced by focal electrical stimulation in
the human brain. Joshi S et al.
- Migraine
and Yawning. Güven et al.
- Yawning,
a thermoregulatory mechanism during fever? A
study of yawning frequency and its predictors
during experimentally induced sickness.
Marraffa A et al.
- Spontaneous
yawning in patients with multiple sclerosis:
A polygraphic study. Erkoyun HU et
- Voluntary
control of a plegic limb during yawning.
Nascimento Alves P, et al.
- Intractable
Yawning as a Predominant Symptom of Temporal
Lobe Ganglioglioma: Case Report and Review of
Literature. Kutty RK, et al.
- Sensory
Trick in a Patient with Cervical Dystonia:
Insights from Magnetoencephalography.
Mahajan A et al.
- Surgical
treatment of bilateral glossopharyngeal
neuralgia. Ganaha S,et al.
- Pathological
Yawning as a Symptom of Neuromyelitis Optica
Spectrum Disorders. Spahlinger s et
- Emotional
contagion in children with autism spectrum
disorder varies with stimulus familiarity and
task instructions Helt MS, et al.
- Parakinesia
Brachialis Oscitans due to Brain Stem
Infarct. Aaron S, Al Hashmi A.
- An
unusual case of bilateral anterior opercular
syndrome from a neuro-rehabilitation
perspective. Eventide C et al.
- Premonitory
Symptoms in Episodic and Chronic Migraine
From a Pediatric Headache Clinic. Jacobs
H et al.
- Pathological
Yawning in Patients with Acute Middle
Cerebral Artery Infarction: Prognostic
Significance and Association with the Infarct
Location. Gündo et al.
- Dopamine-Mediated
Yawning-Fatigue Syndrome With Specific
Recurrent Initiation and Responsiveness to
Opioids. Dibaj P et al.
- Caffeine
and Primary (Migraine) Headaches.
Alstadhaug et al.
- A
sign of brainstem involvement in acute
disseminated encephalomyelitis? Birca V
et al.
- On
the Emergence of Tremor in Prodromal
Parkinson's Disease. Fearon et al.
- Schwannoma
of the Base of the Tongue. Haider MY et
- Contagious
itching is heightened in children with autism
spectrum disorders. Helt et al.
- Parakinesia
Brachialis Oscitans in a Patient With a First
Manifestation of Multiple Sclerosis.
Salavisa et al.
- Ergologie
- drowsiness,
counter-measures to drowsiness, and the risk
of a motor vehicle crash Cummings P
- driving
and subsidiary behavior of taxi drivers
working alternate-day shifts Sakai K
- temporal
change of subsidiary behavior in monotonous
work.Kishida K
- variation of
behavioral and physiological variables in
children attending kindergarten and primary
school Koch P
- yawning
and anxiety modulation R Shader
- A
newly proposed disease condition produced by
light exposure during night:
Asynchronization Kohyama J
- Gabor-based
dynamic representation for human fatigue
monitoring in facial image sequences Xiao
Fan et al
- Awareness
of sleepiness and ability to predict sleep
onset: can drivers avoid falling asleep at
the wheel? Kaplan KA
- Examining
signs of driver sleepiness, usage of
sleepiness countermeasures and the
associations with sleepy driving behaviours
and individual factors. Watling CN et
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- l'observation
du Dr Quoirin
- la
thèse du Dr Etienne Quoirin
- une
enquête sur les bâillements au
cours de la narcolepsie
- A
clinical case: yawning attacks
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sommeil, le cas
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chants et relaxation
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