mystery of yawning
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Flip-flop switch et bâillements
Prostaglandines, adénosine, sommeil & bâillements
Leptine, ghréline, histamine et bâillements




Mise à jour le
16 mars 2025
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Index des Généralités
Répondre à un questionnaire sur vos bâillements
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Une mise au point en 2024 pour le journal Médecine du sommeil - le pdf
mode d'emploi du site
 La première conférence sur le bâillement Paris juin 2010 médias et photos
qu'est ce qu'un bâillement ?
quand bâillons-nous ?
comprendre le bâillement aujourd'hui
la contagion du bâillement
résumé du site ou abstract of the site in English
essai de vulgarisation
les recherches pour l'avenir
une enquête en médecine générale
le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie O Walusinski
le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique O Walusinski, BL Deputte
Le baillement : un article paru dans le magazine Pour La Science en octobre 2003 pdf
les textes du site à télécharger et imprimer
le bâillement raconté aux enfants d'après une émission téléviséeet son pdf
Interview pour le magazine Technikart mai 2005
Bâillements du foetus: la naissance d'un comportement révélé par l'échographie 4D O.Walusinski
Le bâillement: naissance, vie et sénescence O. Walusinski
Bâillements iatrogènes. Revue Prescrire octobre 2005
Yawning: the inside story Walusinski O
Pourquoi bâille-t-on à s'en décrocher la mâchoire ? O. Walusinski
Le bâillement: son histoire interne O. Walusinski
Echokinésie du Bâillement, théorie de l'esprit et empathie O. Walusinski
Le premier Holter pour les bâillements
Neurofisiología del bostezar y estirarse: su ontogenia y filogenia O. Walusinski
Chauvot de Beauchêne et le syndrome de Kleine Levin 1786
The functional relationship between yawning and vigilance. Guggisberg AG et al.
Yawning in morning and evening types Zilli I, Giganti F, Salzarulo P.
Echokinetic yawning, theory of mind, and empathy O Walusinski
Does yawning increase arousal through mechanical stimulation of the carotid body? Matikainen J et al.
Knowledge, attitude and beliefs of medical residents on yawning R. Meenakshisundaram, P. Thirumalaikolundusubramanian et al.
Le bâillement : étude comparative des connaissances et croyances, populaires et médicales
Oxygène-t-on son cerveau en bâillant ? Walusinski O.
Yawning : comparative study of knowledge and beliefs, popular and medical Meenakshisundaram R et al.
Sur quelques opinions singulières des musulmans: le bâillement. Defrémery Ch 1871
Une video d'échographie d'un bâillement foetal à 12 semaines de grossesse Walusinski O
Vidéo d'un bâillement typique, référence
Dogs catch human yawns Joly-Mascheroni RM, Senju A, Sheperd AJ
Contagious yawning and the frontal lobe: An fMRI study Nahab FB et al.
Neural correlates of self-face recognition Platek S et al.
Le bâillement sur France-Culture "Avec ou sans rendez-vous" avec le Prof O. Lyon Caen
Biographie d'André Trautmann
Pour La Science avril 2009
Le bâillement, une relaxation innée Walusinski O
Le baîllement en question Walusinski O
Yawning in Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams Walusinski O
Yawning, the default-mode network and the cerebrospinal fluid pathways. Walusinski O.
Le bâillement, le mode par défaut et le liquide cérébro-spinal Walusinski O.
Fetal Behavioural Response to Maternal Voice and Touch. Marx V

Le bâillement J Barbizet 1958 et son pdf
le bâillement Aubin HJ, Garma L
Yawning: a vigilance-enhancing factor? Aubin HJ, Garma L
le bâillement, physiopathologie et neuropharmacologie Blin O, Azulay JP
thèse Dr MC Forté, le bâillement 1982
remarques sur la signification physiologique du bâillement Lepp FH
mécanismes et rôles physiologiques du bâillement Chouard, Bigot-Massonil
schémas de neuranatomie des voies du bâillement
l'observation du Dr Quoirin
la thèse du Dr Etienne Quoirin
la thèse de Wolter Seuntjens
L'interview de Wolter Seuntjens dans Courrier International
Annals of Improbable Research (AIR) and pdf
Théorie de l'esprit, empathie et... bâillement C Derouesné
Le réflexe sexuel de l'élévation des bras chez la femme Muhlrad S
Une thérapeutique naturelle: le bâillement. N. Perez-Christiaens
Le bâillement une forme de yoga spontané? N. Bourgne
Pour La Science avril 2009
Bâilleur de fond. E Launet. Libération du 31 mars 2010
L'âge de l'empathie De Wall F
Le bâillement, un symptôme oublié Walusinski O
Tous les articles en latin sur le bâillement
Pourquoi bâillons-nous ? Revue des théories d'Hippocrate à nos jours Walusinski O
Is yawning a tool for wakefulness or for sleep ? Arbuck D PDF
Yawn contagion in humans and bonobos: emotional affinity matters more than species. Palagi E et al.
Experimental evidence of contagious yawning in budgerigars. Gallup et al.
Contagiosité des comportements humains : la réplication du bâillement peut-elle nous éclairer ?

en Anglais
Fetal yawning : a behavior's birth with 4D US revealed
Yawning ; its life, its oeuvre PDF File
Yawning circumstances
How is a yawn triggered?
Neurophysiology of yawning
yearning to yawn: the neural basis of contagious yawning Schurmann, Hari et al
contagious yawning and the brain Platek S, Mohamed F, Gallup G
New Scientist: The Big Yawn 19 Dec 98 (pdf)
the curious phenomenon of contagious yawning  
abstract of the site in English
some psychological aspects of yawning Moore J 1942
why do people yawn ? Simonds AK
yawning P Fleming in french's index of differential diagnosis 1985
yawning Aloe
yawning Daquin et Blin
yawning: an evolutionary perspective Smith EO
yawning Aminoff M
yawning and associated phenomena Heusner A P
yawning ? Schiller F
yawning Provine R 2005
the evolution of yawning : why do we yawn and why is it contagious ? la thèse de E Schniter
why whe yawn Siegal S, Twiest M, Friedell A, Bhangoo K
now you'll start yawning and you won't know why I Izquierdo
yawning : a homeostatic reflexe and its psychological signifance Lehmann H
yawning shows we're just big babies N Boyce
circadian variation of yawning behavior Anias J et al
contagious yawning: the role of self-awareness and mental state attribution Platek SM
contagious yawning in chimpanzees J. Anderson
psychological influences on yawning in children J. Anderson
Archaic behavior and the communicative act Meerloo J1955 et pdf
Das Rekel-Syndrom als Wirkungsfolge eines biologischen Regelsystems Selbach C
yawning, cerebral fluid and the lymphatic pump Nolman B 2006
yawning gaps Jim Horne
The Agoraphobe's Pandiculations C Mesler
Tempted by the truth of another. Moral Minds Hauser MD
The temporal relationship between reduction of early imitative responses and the development of attention mechanisms
Drugs withdrawal
A Mechanical Solution of the Propagation of Yawning Fawkes F 1756
Yawning as a brain cooling mechanism: nasal breathing and forehead cooling diminish the incidence of contagious yawning. Gallup et al.
Yawning, Yielding, and Yearning to Yawn. Cialdini RB, McPeek RW.
Yawning... and why yawns are contagious:a theory on evolution and atavism. Prasad H
Drug induced yawning: a vital protective reflex. Prasad H
Yawning and thermoregulation. Gallup AC, Gallup GG Jr
Yawning : comparative study of knowledge and beliefs, popular and medical Meenakshisundaram R et al.
Yawning, An evolutionary psychology of sleep and dreams McNamara P
The nonverbal basis of attraction: flirtation, courtship and seduction. Givens D
Yawning Mannerism of speech and gestures in evryday life Feldman S 1959
Yawning Surprising facts ans misleading myths about our health Anahad O'Connor
Yawning and thermoregulation in budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus Gallup AC et al
Marcel Proust and Paul Sollier:the involuntary memory connection Bogousslavsky J
A Dictionary of superstitions Yawning-Sneezing. Opie I, Tatem M.
Yawning in diseases : consequences and signifiance Walusinski O.
History of knowledge on yawning Walusinski O.
How God changes your brain: yawn Newberg A, Waldman MR
Why do we yawn ? Guggisberg A et al 
Content and Contagion in Yawning Sarnecki J
Agence Reuters 1 mai 2010
Contagious Yawning and Laughter R. Provine
The dawn of the yawn: is yawning a warning? linking neurological disorders Thompson S
Yawning and thermoregulation Elo H
Excessive yawning and thermoregulation: two case histories of chronic, debilitating bouts of yawning Gallup A
The daily time course of contagious and spontaneous yawning among humans Giganti F, Zilli I
The effects of status on yawning behavior Caswell TA, 1991
Review in the Journal "Primates" by Akiehika Mikami
Neither infants nor toddlers catch yawns from their mothers Millen A, Anderson JR
Efficacy of assessment in fetal behaviour by four dimensional ultrasonography. Kim TH, Lee JJ, et al
Herding in humans Raafat RM, Chater N et al
Yawning and thermoregulation in budgerigars: lack of support from results. de Castro Siqueira L.
The thermoregulatory hypothesis of yawning: Time to reconsider terms such as "impossible" and "cannot" and evaluate theories based on evidence. Gallup AC
Why do we yawn? The importance of evidence for specific yawn-induced effects Guggisberg AG, Mathis J, et al
The tonsillar evacuation hypothesis of yawning behaviour. McKenzie AA
Why do we yawn ? past and current hypotheses Walusinski O
Contagious yawning and seasonal climate variation. Gallup AC, Eldakar OT.
Born to yawn? Cortisol linked to yawning: A new hypothesis. Thompson SBN
Multimodal focus attention and stress detection and feedback in an augmented driver simulator. Benoit A, Bonnard L et al.
Yawning: a new theory by C. Rebbe
Yawn Contagion and Empathy in Homo sapiens Norscia I, Palagi E
Fetal Yawning. Piontelli A
Yawning, sleep and dream. Jakobovits A
Bridging a yawning chasm: EEG investigations into the debate concerning the role of the human mirror neuron system in contagious yawning. Cooper NR, Puzzo I, et al.
Evidence for contagious behaviors in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus): An observational study of yawning and stretching. Miller ML, Gallup AC et al. 
Improving classification rates for use in fatigue countermeasure devices using brain activity. Tran Y, Craig A, et al.
Sonography Ed Kerry Thoirs Fetal Yawning Walusinski O
Changes in Physiology before, during, and after Yawning. Corey TP, et al.
Is Yawning A Warning, Neurologically? Thompson SB.
Yawning: Thompson Cortisol Hypothesis. Thompson SB, Zisa L.
On the functional anatomy of the urge-for-action. Jackson SR
Yawn. Latest research awakens debate over why people can't keep their mouths closed. Sanders L
Moëbius' syndrome and yawning
Mirror neuron activity during contagious yawning-an fMRI study. Haker H et al.
Yawning, or Not Having Enough To Do. Friedman JH.
Review of the new book of Robert Provine
Contagious yawning in domestic dog puppies: the effect of ontogeny and emotional closeness on low-level imitation in dogs. Madsen et al.
Development of Fetal Yawn Compared with Non-Yawn Mouth Openings from 24&endash;36 Weeks Gestation. Reissland N
Developmental trends in a social behaviour: contagious yawning in the elderly. Giganti F et al.
Structural basis of empathy and the domain general region in the anterior insular cortex. Mutschler et al.
Why do we yawn ? past and current hypotheses Walusinski O.
Yawning and its physiological significance. Gupta S et al.
Presence of Contagious Yawning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Usui S et al.
Response facilitation in the four great apes: is there a role for empathy? Amici et al.
Chimpanzees show a developmental increase in susceptibility to contagious yawning: a test of the effect of ontogeny and emotional closeness on yawn contagion. Madsen EA, et al.
Different yawns, different functions? Testing social hypotheses on spontaneous yawning in Theropithecus gelada. Leone A, et al.
Individual Variation in Contagious Yawning Susceptibility Is Highly Stable and Largely Unexplained by Empathy or Other Known Factors. Bartholomew et al.
Emotional stress evoked by classical fear conditioning induces yawning behavior in rats. Kubota N et al.
Chimpanzees empathize with group mates and humans, but not with baboons or unfamiliar chimpanzees. Campbell M et al.
A Thermal Window for Yawning in Humans: Yawning as a Brain Cooling Mechanism. Massen et al.
Contagious behavior: An alternative approach to mirror-like phenomena. Provine RR.
4D ultrasound study of fetal facial expressions at 20-24weeks of gestation. Sato et al.
Abnormal yawning in stroke patients: the role of brain thermoregulation Gallup AC
Clinical significance of yawning in disorders of consciousness and vigilance Guggisberg A
Yawning, acute stressors, and arousal reduction in Nazca booby adults and nestlings. Liang AC et al.
A Complex, Contagious, Evolutionary Habit. Shalini A, Sreedharan S
Repeated Witnessing of Conspecifics in Pain: Effects on Emotional Contagion. Carrillo M et al.
Disinhibition of anti-cultural behavior: A means of adaptation in early hominids? Kozintsev A, Butovskaya M
Auditory Contagious Yawning in Humans: An Investigation into Affiliation and Status Effects. Massen JJ et al.
She more than he: gender bias supports the empathic nature of yawn contagion in Homo sapiens. Norscia I et al.
Yawning, Why and When? Flaskerud JH
Social Presence Diminishes Contagious Yawning in the Laboratory. Gallup A, et al
Presence of contagious yawning in sheep. Yonezawa T et al
Are Yawns really Contagious? A Critique and Quantification of Yawn Contagion. Kapitany R, Nielsen M
A conjecture as to the physiological origins of yawning. Dolkart KM
A Neural Basis for Contagious Yawning Brown et al.
Yawning Detection Sensitivity and Yawning Contagion. Chan et al.
Why do we yawn ? Burke W.
Thermal imaging reveals sizable shifts in facial temperature surrounding yawning in budgerigars. Gallup A et al.
Seemingly Trivial Fetal Motions: Yawning and Hiccups. Piontelli A
Voluntary control of a plegic limb during yawning. Nascimento Alves P, et al.
Philosopher's disease and its antidote: Perspectives from prenatal behavior and contagious yawning and laughing Provine R
Contagious yawning Walusinski O. 
Contagious yawning in virtual reality is affected by actual, but not simulated, social presence. Gallup et al
Contagious Yawning, Empathy, and Their Relation to Prosocial Behavior. Franzen A,et al.
Manipulating neck temperature alters contagious yawning in humans. Ramirez V et al.
A Laboratory Method to Measure Contagious Yawning in Rats. Moyaho A et al.
Infant brain activity in response to yawning using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Tsurumi S et al.
The physiological experiments of Constantin von Economo on the central pathways of mastication and deglutition Petousi VG.
Gilles de la Tourette : a book review by JG. Barabara in JHS
Menin D, Casrabile A, Tenuta F, Dondi M. Identifying Fetal Yawns Based on Temporal Dynamics of Mouth Openings: A Preterm Neonate Model Using Support Vector Machines (SVMs). PloS One 14 (12), e0226921
The neuroethology of spontaneous mimicry and emotional contagion in human and non-human animals. Palagi et al. 
Auditory Contagious Yawning Is Highest Between Friends and Family Members: Support to the Emotional Bias Hypothesis. Norscia I et al.
Contagious yawning is not a signal of empathy: no evidence of familiarity, gender or prosociality biases in dogs. Neilands P et al.
Contagious Yawning in African Elephants (Loxodonta africana): Responses to Other Elephants and Familiar Humans. Rossman ZT, et al.
Brain weight predicts yawn duration across domesticated dog breeds. Gallup et al.
The mystery behind "yawning": a physiological insight. Kumar D et al.
Seeing others yawn selectively enhances vigilance: an eye-tracking study of snake detection. Gallup et al.
Yawn contagion promotes motor synchrony in wild lions, Panthera leo. Caseta G et al.
Factors affecting yawning frequencies in preterm neonates. Menin D et al.
No Evidence for Contagious Yawning in Juvenile Ravens (Corvus corax): An Observational Study. Gallup et al.
Familiarity modulates both intra- and interspecific yawn contagion in red-capped mangabeys Pedruzzi et al.
Interspecific Contagious Yawning in Humans. Gallup et al.
Neural pathways from the central nucleus of the amygdala to the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus are involved in induction of yawning behavior due to emotional stress in rats. Kubota et al.
Contagious yawning in African painted dogs
Yawning and scratching contagion in wild spider monkeys. Valdivieso-Cortadella S et al.
Social Cognitive Correlates of Contagious Yawning and Smiling. Poole et al.
Pedruzzi L, Francescono M, Palagi E, Lemasson. The sound of yawns makes gelada yawn. Sci Rep. Jan 7;14(1):361.
Beware! Different methods lead to divergent results on yawn contagion modulation in bonobos. De Vittoris A et al.
Is it a Match? Yawn Contagion and Smile Mimicry in Toddlers, Norscia I et al.
 en Espagnol
bostezo Muchnik, Finkielman, MI de Aguirre
Neurofisiología del bostezar y estirarse: su ontogenia y filogenia O. Walusinski
El Rotativo (pdf)
en Italien
Considerrazioni neurologiche sullo sbadiglio e sugli stiramenti, con speciale riguardo alle loro relazioni con le variazioni del tono muscolare, unitamente ad osservazioni sulle ipertonie da lesioni extrapiramidali e da lesioni piramidali. Archivio generale di neurologia, psichiatria e psiconalisi Insabato L 1928
en Allemand
Physiologie, Rolle und Neuropharmakologie des Gähnens une copie de ce site en allemand !!!!!
Gähnen in Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Edsman CM
Hanwörterbuch des Deutschen Aberglaubens Stäubli B 1934
interview sur SWR 2 08/12/2010
Tous les articles en allemand

Cas cliniques
page d'accueil cas cliniques
bâillements et troubles neurologiques
bâillements et troubles endocriniens
bâillements et troubles digestifs
l'observation du Dr Quoirin
la thèse du Dr Etienne Quoirin
Mise en ligne d'une enquête sur le bâillement au cours du syndrome de Moëbius

Le bâillement dans la peinture et la littérature
page d'accueil vers les textes littéraires
le conte de Bastien le bâilleur
Tse-Tse : une contine d'éveil pour s'endormir !
Je bâille donc nous sommes A Fischetti
chapitre X du Petit Prince A de St Exupéry
le Rat et l'Huitre Jean de La Fontaine
symptômes de l'agression vampirique M Aveta et M Ferrato
relation de la maladie, de la confession, de la mort, et de l'apparition du jésuite Berthier...Voltaire 1759
Bon conseil aux amants Victor Hugo
diable ermite Emile Zola 1859
l'éternuement et le bâillement dans la magie, l'ethnographie et le folklore médical P Saintyves 1921
le baillement et la vie O Walusinski
les peintres et le bâillement dans la peinture JJ Lequeu, J Ducreux, etc...E DegasE Munch
la bâilleuse d'Alain Teulié
Le bâilleur, Yawning Man or De Gaper Peter Brueghel the Elder
La luxure BL Deputte
Gravure de H Daumier les musiciens
L'art de bâiller Alain 1928
The yawn heard round the world Scott Thomas
Pandiculation et la pub
Boredom and the yawn L Bell
Mouth of the devil
Yawning Petersen
Femme dans sa chaise longue P. Picasso 1929
Venus T. Alef 1925
Répétition d'un ballet sur scène E. Degas 1874
Pandiculation du coq, Picasso, 1938
Lion ailé, vers 523, Chine
Baudelaire et Regina Fernandes : yawn
Jerry Leighton Radio Caroline
Tommy Canning 2000
Yawning glacier E. Noel
Le bâillement par exterio 2005
le bâillement et l'Islam
le bâillement dans la grammaire française de Buffuer en 1754
Prière à l'ennui Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle 1715
La bâilleuse de L. Loiseau 1998
Yawning. M. Santurio
Les lettres persanes Montesquieu 1721
Marguerite de Lussan Anecdotes de la cour de François I 1748
Mémoires pour l'histoire des sciences et des beaux-arts 1754
Etching of a fully disrobed woman leaning against a bathroom sink, yawning Soyer R
Le bâillement De Mac Carthy 1857
The yawn Taylor I
Yawn Thomas John Carlson 2006
Andrex yawning Kathryn Petroff 2006
Gapende Hermafrodiet Gabor Szenteleki 2005
Yawning David James 2002
Yawning. A sculpture from Shamhuyarira
Petites misères de la vie humaine : le bâillement Grandville 1846
Conversation fatiguante Bluhm O1900
trente-cinq têtes d'expression L. Boilly
F.X Messerschmidt - Der Gähner
Yawning by Li Bo
Yawning by Hamlet Hovsepian from Armenia
Stretching and Yawning, Washington, D.C. Johnson FB 1899 
L'éveil et le Lavabo P. Collin
Tu bâille grand. poème
Des dieux qui bâillent et qui font bâiller dans la mythologie épique de l'Inde Couture A
Le bâillement contagieux Luc Leguey Agenda Buvard 1912
Les plaisirs de l'attente Chromo-litho Liebig 19° siècle
Exhibition of the work of the Japanase poetical designer Akira Minagawa  
André Breuillet 1857-1914
Marriage à la mode Hogartth W 1743
Yawning Tirzah Garwood 1929
Les bâilleurs eaux fortes de Agnès Dubart
Darumas Dolls
Yawning and empathy by the Inspector John Luther
After the "Slap Up" Party of Last Night! Alfred J. Miller 1825
A Connoisseur and Tired Boy. Morland H. 1773
Gähnende Männer Montejano L.1850
Risala ou Traité abrégé de droit malékite et morale musulmane Kayrawani 1914
Petit traité de rhétorique et de littérature Jullien B 1853
Boy awakening. Rosenthal E. 1888
Sleepy-headed little Mary Green; A yawning song. 1900
Adolph Menzel. Gähnender Herr im Eisenbahncoupé. 1859
Yawning is infectious. 1926
Yawning Woman by Paul Nocquet (1877-1908)
Une stauette de Paul Philippe
Masque de théâtre ancien , Yawning mask from Bali
Jean Béraud
Yawning: behavior and physiologie - Philately
L'explication de la contagion du bâillement au Moyen-Âge Delaurenti.
Earlier than previously thought: Yawn contagion in preschool children. Cordoni et al.
Peasant Yawning by Lucas Vorsterman

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